Jesus brought me back to life from Lava

Archived Dreams from 2014

Jesus brought me back to life from Lava

Post by Joshua »

i don't think i've ever died in a dream...came close but not fully

it started with me being a part of something, something that had me leave my parents and travel far away

there was this school building where and i another guy were

then i don't remember how but an Avalanche of rocks came barreling down towards the school to where me and the guy could see it...either through some windows or on a tv screen playing in the school

he and got separated, now i was on my own and avoiding collision but i eventually became trapped

i saw a pull of LAVA and felt like i had to jump in because i was trapped and sooner or later i was going to succumb anyway
Last edited by Joshua on Mon Jun 16, 2014 7:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Post by Joshua »

i then remember waking up in the pool of lava but didn't feel it anymore

there was also all this pool of water around it with like 20 something other people all looking at me...they were smiling

i KNEW i had died but JESUS brought me back to life...i didn't see Him though

it was an incredible feeling

we swam for a few minutes...singing...celebrating...then i knew it was time for me to go back home

this wasn't even the end, but the beginning as far as the dream goes

me and that guy i was with earlier and a few others were ushered out of the building and onto a Helicopter waiting for us to transfer us back to some MILITARY base where my parents were either waiting for me or i'd then be further transferred
Last edited by Joshua on Mon Jun 16, 2014 3:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Joshua »

as i got on the helicopter i wondered if my parents were worried that i would die or not worried at all

oddly, the Helicopter pilot was a RUSSIAN man with a Russian woman co-pilot

i had a feeling were might crash though on the way to our destination

and we DID

we were flying fast through this canyon and the pilot took his eyes off for something as we screamed toward the side of this mountain

the pilot then had to quickly yank us toward the side where we hit the opposite rock/mountain

the pilot was the only one seriously injured and somehow ended up being picked up, yet the rest of us were left

the guy i was with earlier, he then tried to fly us

none of us were pilots though and neither was he so we ended up crashing AGAIN

it was almost funny

the chopper was finally totally damaged and the dream ended with us walking through some Woods/Wilderness the rest of the way
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Re: Jesus brought me back to life from Lava

Post by Carterman »

Joshua wrote:i don't think i've ever died in a dream...came close but not fully

it started with me being a part of something, something that had me leave my parents and travel far away

there was this school building where and i another guy were

then i don't remember how but an Avalanche of rocks came barreling down towards the school to where me and the guy could see it...either through some windows or on a tv screen playing in the school

he and got separated, now i was on my own and avoiding collision but i eventually became trapped

i saw a pull of LAVA and felt like i had to jump in because i was trapped and sooner or later i was going to succumb anyway
A day will come in the future when it feels like everything is crashing down on you.
In Spanish the word lava means "to clean", it illustrates refining fire which u will finally stop fighting and submit to God and HE will make all things new for you when u finally stop fighting HIM and submit

Post by Joshua »

i've been TRYING to submit

if it's about Food Addiction and Porn Addiction...what else is there?
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Post by LarrytheDreamer »

This is the best dream you've ever posted! I love this one!

Die to self for the sake of the Kingdom and you will find that your life has meaning and tens of thousands of lives can be touched by the anointing that destroys the yokes of bondage!

I've already seen it!

In Christ, Larry

Post by Joshua »


what about the individual days/nights that i didn't give in?

why does it feel like those don't count for anything?

Lord apparently feels they aren't enough

that's why i always bring up the 30-40 day in a row idea

the urges only get stronger the more i resist

it feels hopeless

i've tried and tried
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Post by LarrytheDreamer »

That's the silliest thing I've ever heard. If you don't give in and die to self then you will never make it.
I thought reminding you of the strong anointing God wants you to work in would be enough to give you some momentum to fight the fight but you talk like a baby.....I don't get it.

Post by Joshua »

Larry, no what i was saying is i've had Victories before

i just wish the Lord would act like He's aware of these victories

nothing significant has happened even when i did say no on individual nights

it just reinforces my belief that the amount of days one "doesn't sin" IN A ROW is important to the Lord as far as deciding whether to bless someone or not
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Post by LarrytheDreamer »

Let me get this straight...You need the Lord to act a certain way to please you.hmmmm

I don't know what foundational teachings you've had but the number of days one can go in a row without sinning is absurd

Now don't go back and edit your last post so my comments look silly

Post by Joshua »

it appears we're having a communication problem, the internet makes it hard for me to make my points

if by "Dying To Self" you mean 100 % quitting Porn and Food Addiction...i understand...if it's something else more complicated...i don't

thanks for the response Larry
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Post by Carterman »

Joshua wrote:Larry, no what i was saying is i've had Victories before

i just wish the Lord would act like He's aware of these victories

nothing significant has happened even when i did say no on individual nights
You seem to think you deserve some sort of reward for NOT sinning..?
That is wrong thinking which stems from an enormous amount of pride.

Have you ever considered the many men & women of God who lived RIGHTEOUSLY and were slaughtered thru the ages?
They were not beset with sin. So you must think God hated them and that's why they died?

James 1:2-4 "My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing"

1 Pet 5:10 - And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you

If you are fighting in the FLESH to defeat sin you won't succeed and your words indicate you are fighting in the flesh. Give up on the flesh. Even the days you have gone for months without giving in are of no consequence if you are 'trying' in the flesh. The best way to stop sexual sin is to ignore the thoughts when they show up - don't "fight" them, just ignore them.. change your thinking to something else. If you're giving in it's because you want to by focusing on the thoughts & images instead of going to do something else.

Give it up. Till you stop fighting in the flesh there will be no victory. The dream depicts that a day will come (only God knows the time) when you will finally "get it" and you will give up and allow God to do the cleansing & purging required in your life.

In the meantime you need to ask God to MATURE you. You are very immature for a grown man which makes me think something must have happened in your younger years to cause you to stop maturing. You must stop blaming everyone else around you for your own behaviour and attitudes. Most of all, you need to stop blaming God. You have a deep rooted anger at Him for some reason which seems to be hidden. He understands what the reasons are even when we are not aware of them fully - And according to this dream, He is going to set you free at some point but it may be a long haul for you to get there
Joshua wrote: it just reinforces my belief that the amount of days one "doesn't sin" IN A ROW is important to the Lord as far as deciding whether to bless someone or not
Not sinning is *expected* of the saints
But you can gain favour with God by drawing near to Him in intimacy and close relationship.
James 4:8 - Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded
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Post by Carterman »

Joshua wrote:if by "Dying To Self" you mean 100 % quitting Porn and Food Addiction...i understand...if it's something else more complicated...i don't
Dying to self means you STOP with your selfish thinking about "me me me me" all the time.... when you are dead to self you will no longer think of YOU - you will think of GOD FIRST
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Post by discerning »

Been following along, my friend. Sit up straight, Josh, and takes notes. Lots of wisdom here..
it appears we're having a communication problem, the internet makes it hard for me to make my points
Absolutely there's a communication problem here but it's not between you and Larry, or between you and any other human here for that matter.

Your points are clear and concise, all your friends here understand them quite clearly...they just don't hold water. Excuses all.

Listen and hear what the Spirit is saying.

The very first Word I shared with you when you came here years ago was Matthew 6:33. You didn't hear it then and you have not heard it the dozens and dozens of times since when others have offered it.

Now might be an opportune time to revisit that Word. 'Opportune' being the key word here. Maybe begin with The Message version and go from there.

Way past time for you to wake up and smell the coffee, my friend. You are your own worst enemy. Seriously, the devil is laughing himself silly because you are doing his grunt work FOR him....he'll keep feeding you 'excuses' as long as you keep eating them up.

THAT is the *junk food* you're addicted to. The graphics you cannot resist are just entertainment to keep you coming back. It's the enemy's version of 'dinner and a movie'.

Papa's got BIG PLANS for you. Do you want to be 80 when you realize them? No? Didn't think so. Get over yourself, bro, and get with the Program.

See, Papa's got this crazy idea that it's all about Him (as opposed to me, me, me). Reference the scripture above.

You're wasting time, Josh. Precious time.

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17

Post by Joshua »


No, I DON'T think "I should get rewarded for not sinning."

What I'm saying is I made REAL effort to flee/fight those times that I didn't give in and yet STILL no deliverance has occured...because the urge just keeps coming back time after time.

I feel good when I don't give in.

Isn't that a good thing?


thank you and blessings

that's all i can say without dragging this thread on