I saw Jesus and 2 angels...smiling and waving

Archived Dreams from 2014
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I saw Jesus and 2 angels...smiling and waving

Post by LarrytheDreamer »

I dreamed I was sitting in a car in a parking lot. I kept starting the car and it would run a little bit and then stall. I would start it again and it would stall. The driver's door had crank windows and I was working on the crank on the window.
I looked up in the sky and saw what I thought were clouds. I saw Jesus on the cross. I realized that I wasn't seeing clouds, I was seeing Jesus on the cross. Suddenly Jesus leaned forward and he had large beautiful wings and he flew away from the cross and was flying in the sky from my left to my right. In the scene, Jesus was all white like in glorified form.
As Jesus flew away from the cross, I saw the words "Babe 3" appear in the sky. I saw 2 other angels meet Jesus and one was carrying a girl or woman. Then I saw like a veil be removed and the whole scene was in color. The 3 flew past me from right to left and they were waving and smiling at me. When Jesus looked at me, in my whole being I just knew by the way He was looking at me that He wasn't mad or angry at me at all. I reached for my cell phone to take a pic, but I kept pushing the wrong apps and I woke up amazed from the scene.
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Post by kbasmommy »

Hi Larry!

God bless you! I was reading your dream and thinking "wow! Beautiful!" I think this dream speaks of staying focused on The Lord rather than circumstances or distractions. Sitting in the parking lot and the car starting and stopping can be frustrating as sometimes in real life things may not move as fast as we would like but we must focus on Christ. Wanting to take a picture but unable to get the app to work.The Lord knows our deepest desires. Usually we share pictures with others and we keep pictures so that we don't forget the moment. Remember The Lord loves you. He's not mad at you, that is correct. Stay focused on Jesus and not circumstances. In life things stall, don't work the way we would like and it may seem like we're not moving the way we would want to. We can focus on The Lord and His promises and truths. I think the veil being Removed is about wisdom. Also, just want to mention "Cast your burden upon The Lord and He will sustain you: He will never allow the righteous to be shaken" Psalm 55:22

What a beautiful dream! Please disregard if doesn't sit well with you.
"May God be merciful and bless us. May his face smile with favor on us."-Psalm 67:1

Your dream Reminds me of an old hymn.
Well, woke up this mo'ning with my mind, stayin' on Jesus
Woke up this mo'ning with my mind stayin' on The Lord.

God bless!
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Post by LarrytheDreamer »

Thank you, That was such a well-needed and thoughtful reply.
I appreciate it and thanks!

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Post by kbasmommy »

Praise The Lord! Be encouraged! God bless😄