Lana Lang...

Archived Dreams from 2014

Lana Lang...

Post by Joshua »

in a dream a few mornings ago

some Jewish chick kept showing up in my dream so i finally had her prove to me she was Jewish, she said or wrote that she's from the tribe of Judah

then my dream changed to me being in this room in a building, i OWNED the room i know for sure

there were these women lusting after each other though so i had to close the blinds to prevent them from being seen

i then took one of the girls who looked like an actress named "Kristin Kreuk" who played a character Lana Lang on this tv show Smallville

i simply told her "Lana Lang" and something to the affect that it's supposed to motivate her to STOP lusting because Lana Lang is a character with morals

i don't believe i've ever vouched for purity in a dream when it came to sexual sin in dreams that was interesting...if i have before, i don't remember

the dream then changed to this fancy multilevel rectangular pool that cascaded off a high point in the form of a water fall

my mom was in the dream and told me the pool belonged to us, to which i was happy about
Last edited by Joshua on Sun Jul 13, 2014 7:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Reply to Lana Lang

Post by rarara »

Hi Joshua

I am praying for you.

You know, sometimes we need to look at things differently; it is very easy to become pessimistic and cynical about everything when things have not gone well for us.

I think the fact that you are receiving dreams from the Lord clearly reveals His love for you and His undying interest in you. That you are inquiring as to their meaning shows that you love Him and are interested in Him too.

If He can’t get you when you are awake because you’re listening to the problems you have then He will reach out to you while you sleep! Don’t you think this is awesome? It is also funny. No drama is too big for your Father.

He is waiting for you.

Joshua, as soon as you were born a war began.

If you truly recognise this then you will see your life from an entirely different vantage point. Your purpose in life is to be a son of God and to reveal the Father’s love to everyone you encounter. You have His DNA and your identity is in Him. His seed is incorruptible and so you cannot fail really.

The enemy finds ways to weaken us through wounding in our souls. Ask the Lord to heal these wounds, to show you what they are and receive strategies to overcome.

Man’s validation of your overcoming is not God’s validation because His Kingdom is a topsy turvy Kingdom, thus the workers who came into the field at the last minute were given the same wages as those who had slogged for a long time. And the one who had taken care of the little amount of revelation he was given was blessed. And the Last came First too!

The Father wants you to be free and not bound up in anything that steals you away from Him. He is a jealous God and you could never measure His love. He will never ever give up on you.

The truth is, if nothing changes in your life, if you’re still living with your parents when you are 50 and still have no job and still have the same problems which by then will have become much worse, your Father will still love you.

But during your time here no one will get to see and experience the Joshua that He created. That would be sad because there is only one of you. Your Mom and Dad could tell you that. We think they just say these things but this is a glimpse of His heart that He puts in ordinary everyday Moms and Dads. How big is His heart of love? We would die if we really knew.

Heaven is waiting for you to start running again. The angels can’t wait to cheer you on!

In the words of an old song;
‘Pick yourself up
Dust yourself off
Start all over again.’

Lift up your eyes and look at Him. Ask Him to fill you to overflowing with the Holy Spirit.

And if you want some practical advice that’s completely down to earth then here are some tips;

If your appearance needs improving then do this. Of course it will help you find a job. Moms and sisters can help.

Ask your Dad what he thinks you should do now. Take his advice. Even if you don’t like it.

When you wake up in the morning say Thank you for something and smile in the mirror. You may even start laughing.

Just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Remember, miracles do happen! Suddenly!


Some thoughts.

OK the dream you just had means that you are called to purity, we have been made pure through Jesus’ sacrifice and His precious Blood.

The room ‘you know to be owned by you’. This is a place of transition and you are confronted in this room with the behaviour of the girls and you don’t like it. You want to put it right. This is all about your true identity and your eyes being opened to the Truth who is Jesus and not a set of rules.

Judah means praise, entering His Gates, gates of Heaven with Praise. Jesus is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

Praise Praise Praise. ‘She kept showing up.’ This could be a key for you.

The 3 women or girls may mean ‘you’, different aspects of you. It may mean spirit, soul and body. You.

3 in 1 made in God’s image.

‘Lana’ means gentle and calm and Lang means tall, standing tall in your identity as a son. You.

Kristin is ‘Follower of Christ’. You. ‘Kreuk’ is Dutch for wrinkle, He is Ancient of Days and knows you from eternity to eternity. You will follow Jesus all the days of your life. Psalm 139.

And also lang lang in Chinese, since Kristin Kreuk’s Mom is Chinese, means Loud and Clear. He is roaring like a lion! Can you hear?

You closed the curtains. Love covers. Reveals a motivation and desire for purity.

Smallville; your citizenship is not here.

The multi-level cascading pool that belongs to your family: your citizenship is in heaven, The Father’s extravagant love and healing and restoration and provision for you and your family and those He touches through you. His Kingdom coming on the Earth.

‘Your Mom told you’ Listen to your Mother. God likes this!.

Pool means cleansing and revelation. It is a place to play. Unlimited access as it is your pool. For your spirit, soul and body.

The waterfall is the power of the Holy Spirit, whom we cannot do without. Also His beautiful voice.

Multi level may mean revealing more and more of Jesus to you, more revelation and insight into His thoughts. His ways. As you meditate on His Word, as you worship and pray and press in.

Also I feel that this pool is the place of His Shalom, where all is well and your face can feel the warmth of His face shining on you.

Let us all come forward and draw near with true (honest and sincere) hearts in unqualified assurance and absolute conviction engendered by faith (by that leaning of the entire human personality on God in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness), having our hearts sprinkled and purified from a guilty (evil) conscience and our bodies cleansed with pure water. Hebrews 10; 22

Good Night.

Post by Joshua »

thank you so much rararra

i sent you a Private Message
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Post by discerning »

Just a reminder from our guidelines...
There is wisdom in accountability. Do not interpret dreams and visions via private messages, and do not request private interpretations. Please help us guard the safety of our members by contacting the administrators should you receive a private interp or a request for one. If an interpretation is from the Lord, we should be willing to keep it out in the open and allow others judge it just like a prophecy.

Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety. Proverbs 11:14

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17

Post by Joshua »

i just needed to ask her something unrelated to dreams discerning
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Post by discerning »

ok, can't ask it here, why exactly?

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17

Post by Joshua »

discerning wrote:ok, can't ask it here, why exactly?

i would but i've already exhausted that

i don't like receiving flak for simply asking stuff
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Post by rarara »

You're very welcome Joshua.

Probably best to ask stuff on the open forum.

I signed up for this because I want to learn to discern the voice of the Lord because I want to know Him more. Because I love Him.

So it's more straightforward for me to have an open conversation.

You know it really belongs to the people who set it up and I respect their idea for having this website. It is a really great way to encourage people to hear and see God through dreams and visions.

There was nothing like this available even a few years ago and it is a great freedom and a privilege to take part.

I live in a different time zone too so that's why I didn't have time to quickly answer your private message.

I am open to your questions though, Praying for you,

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Post by rarara »

Hi discerning

I have read and respect and agree with the guidelines you've drawn up for the site.

I will definitely not be involved in private interpretations.

I'm very new to this and hope for only good fruit to come from taking part here.

Thank you for your wisdom and guidance. Thanks for this site.


Post by Joshua »

so my question was simply this:

am i supposed to get Tempted being that i'm as you say CALLED TO PURITY

and is this something my Christian brothers and sisters think should be happening or the LORD Himself thinks should be happening?

because I am being tempted far too often

the urge is strong so much that it hurts

is this what the Lord
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Post by rarara »

Hi Joshua

I'm thinking about a reply. I'll get back to you soon. Very tired.

All I know is that God does not tempt us.

If you think He does then you've had some shonky teaching for sure.

Good Night little brother.

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Post by Grace »

All of us are called to purity. The Bible also tells us we will not be tempted beyond what we can endure. This is because the Holy Spirit is able to give us the power to overcome. It is our choice on how much we allow Him to work in our lives.
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."Deut 31:6
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Post by Hope in Christ »

yes and amen.
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Post by Carterman »

I think it's important too that you realize Joshua the reason impurity becomes a stronghold in a mans lfe is b/c he entertains the temptation b/c he likes it

"Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death."
James 1:15

It's conceived by your own flesh but when a person continues to indulge in because they like the sin it will become a bondage and spirit of lust attached to them.

Post by Joshua »

Carterman wrote:I think it's important too that you realize Joshua the reason impurity becomes a stronghold in a mans lfe is b/c he entertains the temptation b/c he likes it

"Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death."
James 1:15

It's conceived by your own flesh but when a person continues to indulge in because they like the sin it will become a bondage and spirit of lust attached to them.

Yes I agree.

I do like it...even though that sounds messed up. My eyes, mind, something, doesn't want to live without it.

If I'm going to stop it has to be sincere.

I don't want to grieve the Lord anymore than I'd want someone to grieve me.

Is that a good enough reason to quit?