VISION--HEARD:...getting married?

Archived Dreams from 2014
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VISION--HEARD:...getting married?

Post by eyes.enlightened »

I was lying in bed quiet, but awake. I heard my cousin Sybil talking to someone. I didn’t see her, just heard her say, “Why didn’t you kids tell me that you were getting married?” I heard it plain and clear. I knew that I was hearing in the Spirit at the time. I know it was Sybil's voice, but I didn’t see her, nor the person that she was talking to. It happened about 2:45 p.m.

What in the world is this all about? Could that have been an angel that I heard talking, but it sounded like Sybil?

I really need your input!

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Post by kbasmommy »

Hi there!

Personally I feel it was a vision. I don't know what it means but that has happened to me. I saw my son sit up in the bed and share scriptures with me then lie back down. My son and husband said that never happened, but I saw it! I feel "sometimes" (not all the time)the point is to develop the gift also an opportunity to seek The Lord. Dreams have occurred that have helped to increase my faith and seek The Lord rather than depend upon my own understanding. Also, I have less doubt. The small seemingly insignificant dreams/visions have prepared me for the big things. They have helped me to recognize when it is from The Lord. They have caused me to seek our Father constantly. Now the interpretation isn't always revealed right away or in some cases not at all, but I still sought The Lord. Sometimes it comes months or years later, but I feel during the times I wasn't sure whether or not The Lord was speaking was an opportunity to grow in faith and of course seek His face. Should the interpretation/meaning come while I have doubts it is even from The Lord? I'm speaking for me and my experiences with the hope it will help you. I would encourage you to write it down in a dream journal etc. That has helped me because dreams/visions have come to pass later that Ive forgotten about and insight comes as well as I grow in my gift.

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Post by eyes.enlightened »

Personally I feel it was a vision.
Yes, I agree, it was a vision. Thank you for confirmation. I guess for me, I am wondering, "does it apply to me or someone else"? I have been standing in faith since December 2013, that this year "2014" would be the year to receive the promise. I've had peace, although we are half way through this year. I'm still standing in faith that God will bring it about.

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