Me and Benny Hinn

Archived Dreams from 2014
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Me and Benny Hinn

Post by bjcollin »

Dream 9/7/14

My wife and I were at an outdoor Benny Hinn crusade of some kind. The area looked like the Texas hill country, but I wasn't sure where it was. I was praying for this unknown lady in the crowd with a skin disorder and she got healed. I was invited to go up on stage with Benny Hinn. When I got up on stage it was a big elevated covered platform and this person with a headset told me where to sit in the back left corner of the stage almost off stage, so I went and sat down where she told me to. Pastor Benny was in the middle of the stage still talking to the audience. Everything seemed so calm I could not hear the crowds at all which I thought was strange. The girl with the headset approached me again and requested that I wear a certain T-shirt over top of the button up shirt and T-shirt that I already had on making it 3 shirts. She helped me put on the extra tshirt. I remember trying to tuck it all in to look neat, but it was bunching up the tails of the 3 shirts in my pants and it was uncomfortable, but I let it be. It was then time for me to pray for another lady with a skin disorder. I remembered that God had me buy a particular lotion earlier that day for some reason and I had the lotion in a little light blue suitcase/handbag, so I told the lady with the headset to go get the bag with the lotion from my wife. I then told my wife somehow even though she wasn't there "see I told you God told me to buy the lotion and you didn't believe me earlier". When I got the lotion bottle from the headset lady I put some on my hands and then I gave the rest of the bottle to the other lady and I prayed for her. I don't remember if she got healed or not but I remember her going back off backstage back to the audience crowd as I was still in the back left corner of the stage almost off stage as this was all happening. I don't think the audience was watching me as I think Pastor Benny was still in the middle front preaching the whole time all this was going on. Then something was happening on stage and lots of people like other pastors and other famous church people from TV (nobody I knew by name) were sitting in other chairs in a semi circle on the stage and pastor Benny was sitting in the middle, it seemed like a family time. Some time passed and I think the crusade was over and as I was getting ready to go back downstairs off stage when pastor Benny approached me. Benny Hinn thanked me for joining them on stage and then he asked me how pastor Clark Ortiz was doing. I told Benny Hinn that pastor Clark was doing great and that I would say hi to him for you. We then hugged each other deeply and then I left the stage back to my wife. My wife then helped me straighten out the shirts because by this time they were all rolled up and very uncomfortable in my pants in the sloppy way that I had tucked them in. We headed to our car in the parking lot and left and was driving on some country two lane farm road when I remembered that I forgot my blue handbag back at the crusade. Some time passed and we were still driving and we came upon the busses from the people who were at the crusade and I saw my handbag on the dashboard of one of the busses. I flagged down that bus and they stopped and gave my handbag back. *end of dream*
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Post by bjcollin »

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Post by Dreamer3315 »

Do you currently operate in a healing ministry? Could it be God taking you to another level in this gifting (the lady adding another shirt)?
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Post by HisBlood »

My thought was a mantle being passed to you (deep hug - a transferral)
Katherine Kulhman came to mind ;)

I couldn't help but laugh thinking of you and Benny with each other.
I have seen how not tall he is, maybe 5'1 or 2 and you being 6'5"

3 shirts, you are definitely covered, the trinity and rolled up
uncomfortable, stepping out of your comfort zone and totally
trusting and relying on HIM.

Going back for your bag, bringing the past training/preparation with
you to do what needs to be done in this next season ;) Where your
treasure is, there your heart is also!

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Post by Realisticdreamz »

Hi BJ,

The dream reminds me of being blessed with opportunities to resolve surface issues / situations in others’ lives that deliver and free others without getting caught up in it (or in the drama - back stage, not center stage). Like a counseling ministry.

Skin conditions may be symbolic for issues that may be on the surface, outward, “skin deep.” The lotion that the Lord told you to invest in that use protects you and someone else who is in need of it, and the layers of shirts can also be symbolic for skin (extra layers of shirts that protect you and/or your skin). Some situations that you are uncomfortable with but are protected from becoming caught up in. Maybe even counseling, which the semi circle reminds me of, a counseling group in a family (Christian) type situation.

Maybe the bag represents preparations and equipping, going back to get something you needed for ministry before and will need again. The bus was a ministry carrying people who were in need of healing – where your bag was/is. Blue colors can also be symbolic for emotions, sensitivity, and/or using spiritual gifts and in the case possibly, to deal with surface and life issues.

I hope this helps, but please disregard what does not witness to you. May the Lord reveal the dream in clarity to you. 
With love in Christ,

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
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Post by bjcollin »

Thank you for all the replies! Much to think and pray about here. I do not currently operate in healing gifting that I know of and I say that only because I have prayed for many people but never seen instant type miraculous healing manifest. I have seen small things healed like stomachs and headaches and muscle aches. I have seen myself operating in healing many times in dreams over the years, but it has never come to fruition as of yet. Also as I have moved to San Antonio this past spring time for work purposes I have felt dryer spiritually than ever before, maybe I do need to regain that which I feel I have lost in the move. Thanks again.

in Christ,
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Re: Me and Benny Hinn

Post by charlie »

bjcollin wrote:Dream 9/7/14

My wife and I were at an outdoor Benny Hinn crusade of some kind. The area looked like the Texas hill country, but I wasn't sure where it was.
I don't know what the association of Texas might mean to you but clearly from the very little I know of Benny Hinn...this dream is staged around the concept of supernatural giftings/miracles/revival ministry.

bjcollin wrote: I was praying for this unknown lady in the crowd with a skin disorder and she got healed.
As a 'nobody' in the crowd you were operating in gifts of healing. I'm not sure what skin healing would symbolise but maybe others might may of course be literal...the most likely metaphor I can think of is the cleansing of the end time church/bride of Christ:

Ephesians 5:25-32
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26to make her holy, cleansingb her by the washing with water through the word, 27and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— 30for we are members of his body. 31“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”c 32This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church.

Paul speaks powerfully of the need for the Church to be presented 'without spot or wrinkle, which he associates with the cleansing power of the word. Your woman in the crowd may represent the church whose skin is blemished and your healing gift may be quite simply the faithful preaching of the Word of Life. We are captivated by the flesh miracle but often overlook the deeper more profound, long lasting miracles of restoration to which the Word of God points, which bring us back into alignment with faithfulness, justice, righteousness which produces peace and well-being...and cleanses us. In this dream it appears you are going about your Father's the crowd...effectively.

bjcollin wrote: I was invited to go up on stage with Benny Hinn. When I got up on stage it was a big elevated covered platform and this person with a headset told me where to sit in the back left corner of the stage almost off stage, so I went and sat down where she told me to.
You may well disagree, but I see this as distraction and diversion. You are removed from a place of effectiveness and sidelined on the edge of someone elses ministry.

bjcollin wrote:Pastor Benny was in the middle of the stage still talking to the audience. Everything seemed so calm I could not hear the crowds at all which I thought was strange. The girl with the headset approached me again and requested that I wear a certain T-shirt over top of the button up shirt and T-shirt that I already had on making it 3 shirts. She helped me put on the extra tshirt. I remember trying to tuck it all in to look neat, but it was bunching up the tails of the 3 shirts in my pants and it was uncomfortable, but I let it be.
The T-shirt speaks of identity: you were having to 'wear the logo' of another calling/ministry. You already had your own and you felt uncomfortable and awkward...a bit like David having to wear Saul's armour which didn't suit his style...

bjcollin wrote:It was then time for me to pray for another lady with a skin disorder. I remembered that God had me buy a particular lotion earlier that day for some reason and I had the lotion in a little light blue suitcase/handbag, so I told the lady with the headset to go get the bag with the lotion from my wife. I then told my wife somehow even though she wasn't there "see I told you God told me to buy the lotion and you didn't believe me earlier". When I got the lotion bottle from the headset lady I put some on my hands and then I gave the rest of the bottle to the other lady and I prayed for her. I don't remember if she got healed or not but I remember her going back off backstage back to the audience crowd as I was still in the back left corner of the stage almost off stage as this was all happening. are praying for healing for a skin disorder...(as above) only this time you need made me think of the message to the lukewarm church in revelation 3:

To the angel of the church in Laodicea write:

These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. 15I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 17You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.

19Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. 20Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.

You don't know if the woman is healed this time...I wonder if that reflects an uncertainty about the effectiveness of this mode for your own ministry/calling...?

bjcollin wrote:I don't think the audience was watching me as I think Pastor Benny was still in the middle front preaching the whole time all this was going on. Then something was happening on stage and lots of people like other pastors and other famous church people from TV (nobody I knew by name) were sitting in other chairs in a semi circle on the stage and pastor Benny was sitting in the middle, it seemed like a family time. Some time passed and I think the crusade was over and as I was getting ready to go back downstairs off stage when pastor Benny approached me. Benny Hinn thanked me for joining them on stage and then he asked me how pastor Clark Ortiz was doing. I told Benny Hinn that pastor Clark was doing great and that I would say hi to him for you. We then hugged each other deeply and then I left the stage back to my wife. My wife then helped me straighten out the shirts because by this time they were all rolled up and very uncomfortable in my pants in the sloppy way that I had tucked them in. We headed to our car in the parking lot and left and was driving on some country two lane farm road when I remembered that I forgot my blue handbag back at the crusade. Some time passed and we were still driving and we came upon the busses from the people who were at the crusade and I saw my handbag on the dashboard of one of the busses. I flagged down that bus and they stopped and gave my handbag back. *end of dream*
You are not in the inner circle of the 'mainstage' ministry set but you are nonetheless affirmed and 'seen'. Your wife/helper/Spirit is with you as you travel. The blue bag may signal something you have lost (your sense of your annointing)which you find again.

I hope there is something there to help you move forward in understanding...

Shalom to you BJ...many of us are dry and panting for the water...we must trust the streams in the wilderness mountains and not rest by the drying wells of Egypt...

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3