Condoleezza Rice ate dinner with me

Archived Dreams from 2014
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Condoleezza Rice ate dinner with me

Post by allforHim »

my husband and I went to a church dinner. almost looked like a VFW hall. it was an open buffet. some of my family was there too, fellow christians who do not want anything to do with and have very negative opinions of me and my husband (even in real life). i already had my plate of food and sat at a table, left corner. my husband was still getting food. Then entered Condoleezza Rice with suited men/entourage. Everyone started making a big deal out of her being there. Some even tried to get her autograph. There was a big crowd around her. I took a bite of my food, looked to my left and there she was. sitting at the left end of the table next to me. She was more plain, no makeup. She had a pleasant smile on her face. She was at peace. She ate her plate of food. We did not speak. Everyone was whispering among themselves about her choice to sit by me. end of dream.