Badminton Match

Archived Dreams from 2014
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Badminton Match

Post by dreamer33 »

I had this dream also last night.

In this dream, i noticed that i had somehow reached the finals of a badminton tournament. This was a international match. I can see my self going to take on an opponent from China. He was also present world number 1 Player. I could see big group of supporters waiting for the match. Literally, he was too good to be beaten by me. But on the other hand i was not afraid to face this player. Furthermore, this game was to be telecast live on Tv channel. I wonder what inside there could be in this dream.

Any insight anyone?
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Re: Badminton Match

Post by firewater »

Did you have this dream before or after the snake attack dream?
How close together were they?

Are you a US citizen or living in the US?
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Re: Badminton Match

Post by dreamer33 »

Greetings and Praise be to God.

Thanks for your query. I am not sure which dream was the first. But i had the both dreams one after another!


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Re: Badminton Match

Post by dreamer33 »

what i mean is I had both dreams on the same day.

Thank you.
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Re: Badminton Match

Post by dreamer33 »

Sorry for too many tags.

I am not from US FYI.
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Re: Badminton Match

Post by firewater »

I am quite private & prefer not to give information that may identify me, so I will understand if you'd prefer not to say.

But in dreams like this where countries are being mentioned it's possible that you symbollise your country or national group (eg EU) or its government/leaders or if you are praying for a particular country, the country you are praying for. Are happy to say what country you are from as it may help with interpreting the dream?

If you are not comfortable to say that's ok. I'd suggest looking at news reports involving your country & China that were in the newspapers or on TV at the time. Especially TV since is was mentioned in the dream.
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Re: Badminton Match

Post by dreamer33 »

Well i am from Malaysia. We are all aware that Malaysia i
was and is in the Headlines now.

How this dream reflects i am not sure.

Maybe you have more insights...:)

God Bless.
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Re: Badminton Match

Post by firewater »

Some dreams I think can be as much about the journey of the investigation & prayer along the way, rather than simply getting to an interpretation. So what I have below in not an interpretation but rather an investigation path & a prayer.


This is a game so it is not a life & death competition or one involving physical contact. Sports results give the winning country pride & the losing country disappointment. Maybe an effect on moral, but that's about all. The timing of the dream is before the game. So it could refer to something in the future where an issue of competition between the two countries will be publicised.

Over the years it seems China has been the dominant country in the sport

It has been some time since Malaysia had players who were Asian champions even ... mpionships

The relative size of the 2 economies (Malaysia & China) was highlighted around the time of your dream when China adjusted its GDP by an amount equivalent to the entire Malaysia GDP ... onomy.html

In the dream you were not afraid to face this "player"
(This article is from over 1 year ago but I found it most interesting) ... a-for-now/:
On 26 March 2013, the People’s Liberation Army Navy conducted a major naval exercise in the South China Sea, close to what China calls Zhengmu Reef. ..... it’s some 80 kilometres away from Malaysia and 1,800 kilometres from the Chinese mainland
While serving as a sign of China’s rising assertiveness, the exercise was also notable for the distinct lack of a visible public reaction from Malaysia. Neither the Malaysian Prime Minister nor the Foreign Ministry has made even the most perfunctory statement on the matter. Never mind that a Malaysian naval offshore patrol vessel, the KD Perak, monitored the exercise and issued orders for the PLA Navy to leave the area.

Another line of investigation is thinking of Badminton as a play on words- Bad-Mitten. Mittens are gloves to cover the hands & individual fingers are not visible. They protect from heat & cold. It's clear that the gloves have not come off yet in the relationship between the two countries. It's quite cordial. From the article above it seems there has been a form of protection of the relationship between the two countries despite areas of competition & showing of military strength. I guess mittens could be likened to quiet diplomacy which the article talks about. If the play on words is significant the "bad" part of it could imply some kind of problem in the relationship which is not currently visible. Having this dream & the snake dream on the same night is likely to mean they are linked. In that dream the snake was initially also not visible (like a hand in a glove) & was hiding near a flower pot. Flowers are something that looks nice but don't necessarily produce anything which can be consumed like fruit or vegetables. In that dream the snake tried to bite your son who could symbolise the coming generation. If there is a "snake (or dragon) in the grass" somewhere in the relationship between these two countries, perhaps it could come to light (on TV) in months or years to come.

Another angle on the competition is perhaps between the native Malay people & Chinese descendents ... nt&id=1215: The total population was 28.3 million of which 91.8 per cent were Malaysian citizens and 8.2 per cent were non-citizens. Malaysian citizens consist of the ethnic groups Bumiputera (67.4%), Chinese (24.6%), Indians (7.3%) and Others (0.7%).

There has been some debate recently about whether ethnic Malays are disadvantaged ... gars-claim

Father we pray that You would have Your hand upon these Malaysia & CHina & their relationship. If there's anything ungodly going on in the relationship we pray that You would expose this & any people involved in things like corruption, fraud, misrepresentation etc. would be exposed & justice would be done. We pray too for harmony between the key ethnic groups in the country that you would keep any competition friendly & there would be no violence or racial hatred. We pray for a growing freedom of the gospel in both countries - that Christ can be preached more freely & people can respond more freely. Draw more people to yourself in these countries I pray & protect & give wisdom to Christian pastors & leaders. And Father we think of all those who lost their lives in the recent floods. Comfort families, help them, & restore infrastructure we pray. Somehow use this for good we pray. In Jesus Name. Amen.