WWII plane

Archived Dreams from 2015
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WWII plane

Post by spiritledd »

it was WWII I was to deliver plane to east coast, the captain briefed me ...he told me how important it was ...I flew off of carrier in ocean ...or did I start in water ...or both, not sure? ...the windows of cockpit were to fogged up to see ...I had to wipe them ...took off landed at a base ...then then woman was to fly it ...it was her maiden flight ...I was to help her ...before she showed up they put 2 bags of mail in plane ...there was light purple lavender letter from captain to his girlfriend ...even though it was captain ordered, I said take them out, because it was against the rules ...woman showed up ...we started driving up the Potlatch creek grade (my childhood home grade) ..I guess we were in jeep ...kept seeing water on road ...we were singing praise to The Lord ...then there was a narrators voice telling of how we were prepared to be married to each other our whole lives ...then all the sudden a lot of things made sense that I had not understood before, of why they happened ...then step dad kept getting in the way of us leaving ...he was blocking with a truck ...went around him ...and a black dog started sniffing the ground wanting our food ...it irritated me ...step dad also kept wanting to eat our food as we packed ...I was irritated because he was acting like this was some kind of picnic, when it was serious war matter ...found spot that would work to take off ...it was edge of cliff and step dad and woman were standing at edge ...I said I don't think this will work because of power lines ...woman slipped and fell down bank ...she froze up with fear and crying ...and the movement from her lungs as she cried made her slip further and further down to where I could not reach to save her ...I was irritated that she was being so weak ...heard... "repent" ...then heard... "Waiting Here For You" by Martin Smith and "Jesus I surrender" Jeff Deo ...woke up kinda grumpy