
Archived Dreams from 2015
Diamond Member
Posts: 1913
Joined: Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:53 pm


Post by spiritledd »

I was in school bus going pretty fast up a steep hill and bus was really leaning over and their were rocks and it was grass ...seemed dangerous was ethnic woman bus driver to place where driver put sunglasses on and she said she had never seen it like this before ...and then road leveled out and I was relieved ...then I was at a resort type place my dad owned ...he had heard of elk ...he was keeping them in with a rope under water with big hooks like fishing but huge ...I was in the water and the elk were going to swim away I took up slack in line I was on a rock that was under water ...goat got caught on hooks and drowned ...saw bull elk leader of heard no horns ...then I saw another one I thought there was only supposed to be one ...then everyone got in water like they trying to help but there was nothing anyone could do ...I had to let go of line because it was too dangerous ...I swam to shore and told my dad sorry and he said that it was not my fault, and I saw his eyes were beautiful and I was mesmerized to the point I could not understand what else he was saying ...we were standing at a door almost ready to go in