super intense alien dream

Archived Dreams from 2015
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super intense alien dream

Post by spiritledd »

I was at ranch talking to a white bird with bluish belly in the air named "white flight" ...something about being connected to my mom who died ...then Jeff came over and I summoned white flight again to show him he would believe ...then it was all about UFO's, and my childhood friend Jeff and I ...we were on train tracks on a car that had no side or roof just open and no mechanical propulsion ...but it was moving along ...then we were above looking down at ranch from his mom and dads ...and we saw UFO's and were really scared ...saw Jeff's Mom and Dad Eva and Neil ...then I decided not to hide or be afraid, and went out to talk to the aliens ...I asked what is you name and a very small long blonde haired man in a white gown said my name is Luken ...when I went to shake his hand he disappeared ...also I remembered that when ships got near there was a pulsing like bass from music that was very scary that was like scanning us was like... wop! wop! wop! wop! wop! wop! shook everything ...we were hiding under a wooden picnic table I knew the aliens were searching for me, that is why I went out to them ...I wanted to face up to my fear because I was tired of hiding when I did not even know what was going happen to me ...thought maybe they are not going to hurt me, and took the risk