4wd dream

Archived Dreams from 2015
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4wd dream

Post by loulou »

Barb11, this is the dream I said I would post. It's really just the part with the 4wd and the children that's stuck with me for a while in terms of not really understanding it. Would appreciate it if you can give any assistance in understanding.


I dreamed I was at church. But it didn't look anything like my church, and wasn't in the same location. But seemed to recognise people.

There were blue carpet tiles on the floor and it seemed to be more like a one big room, so big that I only really saw one wall, because we were near it.

There was a ceremony about to happen. We had to line up for a processional, and they were going to to bring a roll of carpet in, walking it through the two lines of people.

My sister and I were at the end of the line which faced the outside of the building. I was pretty much on the end of the line but some people were milling to my right.

I could see Leisl, who used to go to that church and has stayed connected to the church family. She was going to lead this carpet in as others carried it.

She walked up to a spot and stopped. Almost like a preparation thing. She put something on the floor as a marker. I think it was an esky (cooler), blue and white (as they pretty much are here IRL). People yelled out 'no' you have to stop where the thumb tack marker is in the floor (eyes zoom in on the thumb tack in the floor).

I heard Leisl say something like 'I hate being in church'. I turned to her mother who was standing near me and said I have to tell you something about Leisl. But we got interrupted because the actual ceremony started.

What I was going to tell Leisl's mother was that at the moment she said that, I got a word of knowledge that the reason she felt that way was because someone cursed her when she was a little girl.

The ceremony begins, way up the other end of the line which wasn't a straight line, wound around to my left and behind, so we couldn't see what was happening.

My sister made a joke, and the person who had just come and stood next to her got offended. I lent forward and said, no she wasn't serious, she was just joking, then we kept mucking around and included this third lady, who I think may have been a nun or a woman pastor, wearing a white cassock (is that the word - anyway ... a formal religious garment).

Then I looked outside and saw a 4WD come driving down the lawn outside. It was going too fast for the environment. The doors were open and I could see all these kids legs hanging out. As if they were just having fun. But too fast.

A bit further on, when driving past some temporary buildings, the car crashed and all these kids were thrown out.

I bolted out the door (missing the ceremony) and ran to help. By the time I got there, there were just two kids on the ground who hadn't been attended to yet.

I approached the girl first and checked if she was OK. I asked her some questions. She said she was 17, and her brother nearby was 15. All the other children, now moved away from the scene, had been their younger brothers and sisters.

Instead of leaving them there, I was told by emergency to drive them to the hospital myself.

I got them in the car, and they (was focussed on the girl) were sitting in the front holding their injuries. But I was in another nearby city, and I had NO idea where the hospital was. So then had to waste time trying to work out where the hospital was. Holding mobile phone in hand wondering whether to phone someone or just try to find it on maps.

Now the car was on the road out the front of the property, and I could see back to where the church was, and could see that it was inside a fenced property (chain link fence and recall seeing a lock somewhere) and that there were other buildings and businesses on the property.


What really stood out most in the whole dream was that the girl said she was 17 and her brother was 15.

~ Spiritual order, incomplete, immature, undeveloped, childish, victory - DL REF.
~ Victory; The next number, 17, is a marvelous number, and the way it works throughout the Bible is amazing. Romans 8:35-39 lists 17 tests and trials we are faced with. God gives us the victory to conquer these - KISTLER REF.
~ Elect of God - JPJ REF.

~ Symbol of the grace of the Godhead (3x5=15). 2Ki 20:6; Isa 38:5; Gal 1 :18; Lk 3:1-6. - CONNOR REF.
~ Rest; Fifteen is the number for the rest of the believer. When we obtain salvation from sin we rest in Christ. Israel had three rest days in the 15th of the month. Leviticus 23:34-35 - TAOG REF.
~ Reprieve or mercy - JPJ REF.

Leisl means: my God is a Vow.
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Re: 4wd dream

Post by Barb11 »

Hey loulou,

Thanks for the vote of confidence. I’ll give it my best shot, -- take it or toss it!

So, the basic dream is about the state of the church within the walls, and the lost youth outside the walls.
Inside has the potential for revelation and wonderful things, but there is so much religion, ways of man, ceremony, walking in a certain path (carpet) rolled out by men – people pleasing, maintaining the status quo – offenses. People are devoted to God, but the energy is in formality – getting freaked out an hung up on the thumb tack marker, for example.
Outside, you see the 4WD driving down the lawn. You didn’t say who was driving, but the point is that it is someone’s ministry to the young people. They think they have anti-slip protection in the 4WD, but because of immaturity or newness and lack of experience, they are just pushing the limits. All the kids are endangered because of it.
1Co 10:12
Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

The responsibility for these children is now on your shoulders! You are told to drive them for healing. This speaks to me of your personal involvement in the ministry towards these kids and their recovery. You feel it is beyond your experience, but you are on to it when you have the mobile phone – which speaks to me of prayer in the Spirit (airwaves) - looking for direction. The maps are the written Word, and the phone is prayer. This is how we get direction from the Lord - prayer and the Word.
The church doesn’t seem very promising in its present state, as far as bringing healing, instruction, and life to these kids. Do you have a call to youth? I would really seek the Lord on that because of this dream. The focus of the church is missing the point – but you see what is going on, and often when we recognize a problem, we are the ones that can be used to solve it!

So, those are my thoughts – hope it helps some!
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Re: 4wd dream

Post by loulou »

Thanks Barb11. Really appreciate your interp there. As I was re-reading my dream, it was funny because I got some more understanding too.

The 4WD didn't have a driver. It's funny how you see something in a dream, but don't really actualise it. All you could see was kids. No driver. I wondered if it represented the government and their child protective services (called Child Safety) here. They are not doing well. They wanter foster parents but then don't look after the people who are helping. They're out of control.

I was told many years ago through prophetic words that I'm called to look after children. I struggle with the idea tho. I did Sunday School teaching for a while and can't say I enjoyed it. Could have been their age I suppose. I'm definitely more at ease with older kids. I'd love to be a foster parent and wanted to adopt overseas orphans long before Angelina Jolie turned up on the scene. I'm waiting to get my own home before I do it. And I'd prefer to be married first but will do it single if I have to.

As far as the state of the church, when I had that dream, I was attending church. But I don't attend now. I just can't do it anymore. I have ZERO tolerance for the rubbish now. I can only cope with genuine and I'm not willing to waste any more time on that stuff. It did make me wonder whether the Leisl character represented me, but maybe not.

Thanks again. REALLY appreciate your help.
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Re: 4wd dream

Post by Barb11 »

loulou wrote:Thanks Barb11. Really appreciate your interp there. As I was re-reading my dream, it was funny because I got some more understanding too.

The 4WD didn't have a driver. It's funny how you see something in a dream, but don't really actualise it. All you could see was kids. No driver. I wondered if it represented the government and their child protective services (called Child Safety) here. They are not doing well. They wanter foster parents but then don't look after the people who are helping. They're out of control.

I was told many years ago through prophetic words that I'm called to look after children. I struggle with the idea tho. I did Sunday School teaching for a while and can't say I enjoyed it. Could have been their age I suppose. I'm definitely more at ease with older kids. I'd love to be a foster parent and wanted to adopt overseas orphans long before Angelina Jolie turned up on the scene. I'm waiting to get my own home before I do it. And I'd prefer to be married first but will do it single if I have to.

As far as the state of the church, when I had that dream, I was attending church. But I don't attend now. I just can't do it anymore. I have ZERO tolerance for the rubbish now. I can only cope with genuine and I'm not willing to waste any more time on that stuff. It did make me wonder whether the Leisl character represented me, but maybe not.

Thanks again. REALLY appreciate your help.
Hey loulou,
Wow, now that you say there was no driver, that just strengthens that part where you were asked to drive. Interesting! My God continue to lead you forward!

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Re: 4wd dream

Post by Carterman »

how would that interpretation build around all the other symbols in the dream?