I still keep seeing the number 116

Archived Dreams from 2017
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Re: I still keep seeing the number 116

Post by Joshua116 »

Saw it again tonight...playing another game...I was first place out of 16...1/16
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Re: I still keep seeing the number 116

Post by Joshua116 »

just saw 116 in a movie called 'The Game' with the actor Michael Douglas...seen the movie hundreds of times but never noticed the number before
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Re: I still keep seeing the number 116

Post by loulou »

It's not God try to tell you something. It's a natural phenomena that you experience when you become aware of something and then start to focus on it, you start to see that thing more and more.

It's like when many years ago, I wanted to buy a car. Someone knew of a good car for sale, and I hadn't heard of the brand. But then once I started asking people did they know about it and was it a good car, all of a sudden, I started noticing them on the road. Everywhere. And then once I'd bought it, I would notice other people driving them every time I went somewhere.

Same thing with my current car.

Others talk about this phenomenon. It's a brain process where your brain develops a system for containing that information and then because it's got a place in your brain, the recognition of that thing moves from your sub-conscience to your conscience.

It's not a spiritual message. If you don't give it credence, it will stop happening.

And I believe God is not pleased with this behaviour. He gives us a sound mind. We have to honour that and not wilfully practise obsessiveness. We have to practise self-control.

There is a strange form of mysticism that's invaded some parts of the church, and it's quite dangerous. It's very important not to get drawn into that.
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Re: I still keep seeing the number 116

Post by loulou »

I feel to add this. MENTAL HEALTH IS NOT A JOKE.
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Re: I still keep seeing the number 116

Post by Joshua116 »

I'm sorry lou, I don't understand.

"Mental Health"? "Mysticism"? That doesn't register at all.

You'd have to explain where you're going with that.

This is a DREAM INTERPRETATION forum...it's Biblical...we wouldn't be here if it wasn't.

I dreamt about this number years ago.

That's the only reason I bring it up.

I've read stuff Joshua 1:16, Psalm 116, Hebrews 11:6, still keep seeing it.
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Re: I still keep seeing the number 116

Post by loulou »

Joshua116 wrote:I'm sorry lou, I don't understand.

"Mental Health"? "Mysticism"? That doesn't register at all.

You'd have to explain where you're going with that.

This is a DREAM INTERPRETATION forum...it's Biblical...we wouldn't be here if it wasn't.

I dreamt about this number years ago.

That's the only reason I bring it up.

I've read stuff Joshua 1:16, Psalm 116, Hebrews 11:6, still keep seeing it.
I've just explained to you a natural phenomenon and you're still trying to make it a mystic experience.

There is a direct correlation between people who take mysticism to a level that it's not and mental health issues. I've seen it happen over and over. There is a difference between dream interpretation and taking things to a whole other level. If you have not seen that, then you've not been looking.

Dream interpretation isn't meant to be used as an alternative to communing with God. The way many people do it, it takes the place of relationship and revelation from God and moves into witchcraft and essentially becomes the same as psychic interpretation.

Control and manipulation are forms of witchcraft. Divination is witchcraft. When involved in dream interpretation ALL of us have to watch that we don't get drawn into divination and using dream interpretation to control and manipulate people.

I've seen people respond to you and you ignore them because you don't get whatever it is you're looking for. If the dreams were from God, what is likely to happen is that if you didn't keep asking other people for an interpretation, God Himself would tell you what you need to hear. Dreams are not the only way God speaks to us.

And oftentimes, dreams are from the psyche, or because of some chemical activity in the body. Not all dreams are God trying to give you a message.

If I were to obsess over something during the day, I am very likely to dream about it at night. Dreaming is the way the mind processes what it's been through in the day.

Again, I reiterate. Constantly seeing the same number over and over is a function of the brain, not a message.

I also see that Brian asked you to stop playing with Gematria. Did you acknowledge that.

Discerning asked you a question which you ignored. The answer is "insanity" by the way. Hmm did I say something about being responsible for good mental health?

Buddy, I know you need attention, but it's not fair on other people, what you do. Perhaps if you took some steps to manage your day-to-day, some of this stuff would fall away.
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Re: I still keep seeing the number 116

Post by Carterman »

i'd like to just say Joshua that i've seen you on a lot of dream forums. i suppose what I dont understand is why u post the same dreams in every single forum and people answer and give u interpretations but you never seem to get a spiritual confirmation to what they mean. i've seen u get accurate interpretations but its like u keep looking for another answer. i see the same thing happening with ur 116. God isnt going to slap u in the face with a fresh salmon. or maybe he will i dont know. you need to build a relationship with him for yourself and learn to hear what he says to u. its kind of like ur wasting people's time posting dreams or asking questions since u dont listen to any of the answers. i sense a big spiritual blocker on you. maybe something happened when you were a child that keeps u from growing up.
Im pretty stumped.
thats all i've got to say. i just wish u all the best in life and hope u manage to find your way somehow.
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Re: I still keep seeing the number 116

Post by Joshua116 »

hi, without trying to be nasty i want to say:

1.) i'm NOT "Mentally Ill"...i might have problems yes, but that is not one of them.
I just made all B's in my latest School Semester, so no, not Mentally Ill.

2.) I really HAVE seen/heard this number many times in many ways SINCE that dream

Whether it means something or not, I don't know...I'm just curious about it.
Curiosity, not Mental Illness.

God DID mean something in the DREAM...that's all I know.

I only checked Gematria once.

I haven't bothered with it since.

My parents both just lost their jobs so I could use some prayer.
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Re: I still keep seeing the number 116

Post by loulou »

Joshua116 wrote:hi, without trying to be nasty i want to say:

1.) i'm NOT "Mentally Ill"...i might have problems yes, but that is not one of them.
I just made all B's in my latest School Semester, so no, not Mentally Ill.

2.) I really HAVE seen/heard this number many times in many ways SINCE that dream

Whether it means something or not, I don't know...I'm just curious about it.
Curiosity, not Mental Illness.

God DID mean something in the DREAM...that's all I know.

I only checked Gematria once.

I haven't bothered with it since.

My parents both just lost their jobs so I could use some prayer.
I don't recall saying anywhere that you were "mentally ill". I was talking about having good mental health practises. Don't try to twist my words. Don't try to create drama to take the focus off people's responses to you.

You've asked questions. People have answered. You ignore everything people say to you.

As Carterman said, he's seen you on VARIOUS boards asking the SAME questions for years, over and over and over. So have I. I just gave you good, practical advice there and again you've ignored it. Again.

Unsubscribing from this post. Won't be reading any responses.
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Re: I still keep seeing the number 116

Post by rarara »

I have delayed posting this.

I had a few thoughts and here is what I found.
All you have so far is a number. And the way in which the number is coming to you.
The ancient Hebrew number for grace (chen) is 58.

Going by the law of first mention we first see grace in Genesis 6 v 8 “But Noah found grace in the eyes of God.”
Chen (grace) is also an anagram of Noach/ Noah. So the double portion appears in the Scripture the first time it is mentioned.

2 x 58 = 116

Double grace, the double portion. Which He gave to His Son and gives to His sons.
And in the New Testament John 1 v 16 is;

16 We have all received from his fullness,
yes, grace upon grace.

So maybe this number is coming to you as

a word to you from a number

that He is pouring grace upon grace on to your life. It keeps happening. You keep seeing the number again and again.

If it does mean Grace then you will be adding forever.

Maybe He wants you to ‘do the math’ and so understand His message.

Noah means Rest and His Rest is the key to receiving His grace.

And 116 is the mouth of the Lord in Hebrew as is found in Revelation 1 v 16.

16 In his right hand he held seven stars, out of his mouth went a sharp double-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength.

So you have the double portion of grace, He speaks grace to you and over you with His mouth and His word is like a double edged sword. The key to receiving His grace is to be like Noah who was at rest.

In other words he had childlike trust in God.

You will note that the number is from a study of gematria.

I do realise as you do that gematria in itself is open to error and should not be misused but the truth as I know it is that Hebrew is an alphanumeric language and there are mysteries and keys found in it that reveal who God is. In the letters the pictures and the numbers. I think if these things come across your path and if it points you to God the Father and His purposes and the Holy Spirit witnesses it within you then it is revelatory.

I submit that the source of the definition of this number to a Hebrew word is The Bible Wheel.

My first thought when I considered your post was a question. Is this about grace?

And, no worries if this is not significant to you. 

Shalom and God bless,

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Re: I still keep seeing the number 116

Post by Joshua116 »

thank you rarara

i saw the number this past week...on the back of a marta bus and the back of a different truck...two days apart from each other

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Re: I still keep seeing the number 116

Post by rarara »

You're welcome, Joshua. :D
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Re: I still keep seeing the number 116

Post by Joshua116 »

i wanted to update this in light of something

i STILL am seeing this number, without trying to

especially since i've met a Jewish girl recently in light of a prophecy given to me in 2012

any thoughts?
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Re: I still keep seeing the number 116

Post by discerning »

i STILL am seeing this number
and you're STILL disregarding all the offerings here

not just on this thread but previous ones as well

I notice on your latest prayer request, you said...

i WANT the Lord to make this go away!
what do you suppose HE wants, Josh?

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Re: I still keep seeing the number 116

Post by Joshua116 »

God bless you discerning

nice to see you

i know i've wronged the Lord

since this head injury/meeting this girl...i haven't wanted to sin