too much heaven

Archived Dreams from 2015
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too much heaven

Post by spiritledd »

teacher said to pray i closed my eyes then found myself laying hands on a blackman sitting in his desk and so was a gal i had been trying stay clear of because she is fickle ...she was writing on chalkboard ...i said hi, she either did not hear me or ignored me i said hi louder she smiled but did not say hi ...then next class she was sitting next to me and said... you smell good ...i said... thanks, i thought you were not talking to me talking ...then i was looking through my old records from when i was in late teens ...i took out Ace Frehley, and Ace Frehley and 2 Bee Gee records were in there ...IRL i did not own any Bee Gees ...the records were warped on the edge all the way around was warped kinda like a plate, bent upwards, but just on the start before 1st song on the very edge ...heard song... "Too Much Heaven" ...also heard The Lord say... "dissolution" and "absenteeism"
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Re: too much heaven

Post by bjcollin »

Just some observations... Teacher, something you need to learn. black is lack in this context, no disrespect meant. Fickleness causes the message to be mis-communicated and not understood. Both of those bands are from the 70s. One was rock and roll and the other disco/pop and both were wildly popular in their own way. But for purposes of this dream... They seem to represent the past, or the re-playing of old records.. Sometimes to me this indicates the records that we replay to ourselves due to our programming (strongholds, set ways of thinking) in this context they are old and warped and need to go. Ace Frehley was from KISS.

Now here is a blast from the past... The Bee Gees song Too Much Heaven
Lyrics: Nobody gets too much heaven no more
It's much harder to come by
I'm waiting in line
Nobody gets too much love anymore
It's as high as a mountain
And harder to climb

The program being played seems to be one of pity and a perceived lack of love.

The word dissolution means 1. the act or process of resolving or dissolving into parts or elements. 2. the resulting state. 3. the undoing or breaking of a bond, tie, union, partnership, etc. 4. the breaking up of an assembly or organization; dismissal; dispersal. 5.Government. an order issued by the head of a state terminating a parliament and necessitating a new election. 6. death; decease. 7. a bringing or coming to an end; disintegration; decay; termination. The word absenteeism means frequent or habitual absence from work, school, etc.

The Bible says in Matthew 24 that in the last days the love of many will grow cold, and in the last days Laodicea church in Revelation 3 we are shown to be lukewarm which causes absenteeism from life. Hope this helps some...
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Re: too much heaven

Post by spiritledd »

really good stuff!!!! ...thanks Brian :)
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Re: too much heaven

Post by PastorJKG »

I like BJCollins interp. I agree with the records idea and have dreamt of records before myself. I see them as cyclic in nature because they go round and round so can represent cycles of bondage as well. Old cycles try to creep back in from years past at times and revive the things that are crucified with Christ. As Christians we deal with so much rejection from the present evil age, we often struggle with wanting to fit in and be accepted just a little. This causes us to contemplate compromise. It's good to be relevant to the people we minister too but we must be peculiar enough in the Spirit so they can clearly see the difference. I think this is a message to the entire Church in these last days.
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Re: too much heaven

Post by spiritledd »

and totally agree also Pastor JKG most of the relevant stuff fails miserably ...but i also believe strongly in evangelism in the form of seeding and watering in secular media realms such as movies and music ...for instance, me living in every way according to scripture not partaking of the world, totally set apart, yet playing heavy metal music on same platform as the ungody singing words of God's truth ...most religious folk balk at this notion, but i know it to be a powerful weapon in God's hands ...but it is not ok for just any Christian to do must be a command by God, or it will fail in that, either you will be sucked into to sin, or it will have no anointing therefore pointless ...the Church is mainly interested in harvest, so if there is no alter call, to get head count from, it seems fruitless to religious folk ...but truth is, God seeds and waters many hearts in this way