France, Russia, Bombs, Scotland, Norway, and Sweden

Archived Dreams from 2015
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France, Russia, Bombs, Scotland, Norway, and Sweden

Post by iluvyahweh »

Something woke me up in my house. I was conscious that my mum (Ellen) and niece (Emily) were staying with me. I got up out of my bed, came out of my bedroom, and I could hear a TV blaring. Everything was dark. I knew it was after mid-night, maybe about 12.20am. I wondered if my mum was up and watching the news, and had fallen asleep in the dark. But she hadn’t. I could hear a TV playing, but my own TV was switched off.

I walked over to the boiler in the corner of the kitchen, and turned it off. Then I could feel a supernatural force pulling me into the centre of the room, kind of like a whirl-wind. It was a dark force.

Next, I was shown a series of images in very quick succession. A black bomb with the French flag on it. Blue, red and white. I knew it was France (obviously) and I gasped. Then I saw a red bomb with the red sickle and hammer on it. I knew it was Russia. The colourings and images were like those that you would see in the First World War. Like sketching shown in an old TV reel.

Then I saw lots of flags on a ball, or in a circle. There were about 20 or 30 flags, one was white and red with horizontal bars. Then I started seeing in very quick succession, maps of countries and they were coloured red. Scotland was shown - it was coloured red from Edinburgh and Glasgow upwards from the central belt. Norway and possibly Sweden were shown and coloured red too. There were other countries shown to me, but I missed them as it all happened very quickly. I was looking down on the maps like from above them in the heavens. I knew that America was absent in this.

Any godly insight appreciated.

Dream end.

(I live in Scotland btw.)
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Re: France, Russia, Bombs, Scotland, Norway, and Sweden

Post by bella »

Hi there. Quick question/s. If you were drawn into the room by a dark force, wouldn't that mean that what you were shown was shown to you by the dark force? And if so, would that mean you should throw out these pictures? Have i misunderstood what you explained?
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Re: France, Russia, Bombs, Scotland, Norway, and Sweden

Post by freedinHim »

Your dream describes what is going on in the world right now. The world appear united against ISIS and there is a bombing campaign against the stronghold of ISIS going on now. I am at a loss why America was absent, Because we are on the lead in that campaign. Hollande (The French president) was just here. Though Russia was trying to go it alone, it is now a part of the coalition against ISIS and has recently called for a more coordinated campaign against that organization
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Re: France, Russia, Bombs, Scotland, Norway, and Sweden

Post by BlueDreamer »

You've been shown the plans of the enemy. It's best to pray against them. The red shows a time of war and of which countries.
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Re: France, Russia, Bombs, Scotland, Norway, and Sweden

Post by iluvyahweh »

Thanks all. Yeah, I thought that it was Father showing me the enemy plans. Jesus was "taken" by the Devil, to see his plans for him. Jesus didn't ignore the enemy though. He resisted him with the word of YHWH.

I wasn't sure if the red was to do with war, or to do with communism. I also wondered if the red symbolised anointing, in terms of an anointing to deal with this problem. Scotland and Norway and Sweden are very connected historically, through the connection with the Scandinavian settlements that came after Viking invasion in the 9th and 10th centuries.

I agree Bluedreamer, it is a dream to intercede. I've had a few dreams about war and terrorism in Scotland. Bob Jones came to me in a dream once, back in 2007. He looked me right in the face and said to me: "War has come to Great Britain. But don't worry about it because the government has been prepared and will know what to do about it."

Grace and Peace to you all.

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Re: France, Russia, Bombs, Scotland, Norway, and Sweden

Post by rarara »


Had 2 thoughts on your dream.

First; If you look at the names as purely symbolic, Ellen means torch or corposant, apparently an old word for a heavenly body, so the moon? Emily means rival from the derivation Emil. So although you have the Light that shines in the darkness with you and in you, you also have a rival or an Enemy around too. This is normal, yes?

Secondly; old fashioned bombs are like time bombs. So this is to do with times or timing. Being woken up at a certain time is to do with the night watches.


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Re: France, Russia, Bombs, Scotland, Norway, and Sweden

Post by iluvyahweh »

Thanks for the insight, rarara - much appreciated - there's lots to think about in these symbolic meanings as you've righly said.
