!!HELP!! Remarriage Written in Orange

Archived Dreams from 2016
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!!HELP!! Remarriage Written in Orange

Post by winterjade »

Hello everyone

I keep having recurring dreams of a friend of mine and in these dreams he is usually missing me or looking for me and finds me. We have not been in contact for a while. These dreams have been confusing for me because I don't know whether to take it as a significant sign or not.

In this particular dream he had moved back to our hometown and came to see me. He was in good spirits and was eager to show me some drawings he had drawn on a big note pad. These drawings were messages he wanted to express to me. I don't remember what the drawings looked like but I remember he drew with an orange crayon. He told me to look at the pictures and asked me what I think of it but I could not figure out what they meant. However, I knew that he was trying to confess his feelings but he was cautious and wanted to know how I feel first. He flipped back the pages of the note pad one by one and on the last page I saw REMARRIAGE written in big letters in orange.

The scene changed and we were swimming in a lake and I was observing. There was another woman with 2 babies and they were all playing in the lake. I was not sure of his relation to this woman but he was watching the kids as if they were his own and I thought to myself that maybe he wouldn't mind raising 2 children that are not his own. This is because I have 2 children of my own.

In the next scene he wanted to show me his new apartment that he was going to move into. He gave me a tour of the new place and showed me the rooms. He was excited to move in and start a new life it seemed. He also took pictures of the rooms and sent them to me asking what I think of it. The walls were freshly painted and renovated. I sensed a feeling of security. It seemed as though he was showing me the apartment to see if I like it because he also had me in mind and wanted to have a home together. He was eager about it all, showing me this and showing me that but I was a bit hesitant and overwhelmed. I was afraid to give an answer but I did say I like the apartment and then I woke up.

The notepad with the word "Remarriage" written in orange really stuck out to me. I would appreciate any insight or interpretation. Thank you very much.
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Re: !!HELP!! Remarriage Written in Orange

Post by winterjade »

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Re: !!HELP!! Remarriage Written in Orange

Post by bella »

Hi winterjade,

God is not the author of confusion. Wherever there is confusion involved, there is likely some form of witchcraft involved.

And I don't believe dreams are meant to be used as signs. They really need to be discerned in and of themselves. There have been some dreams that I've woken from and I just know without a doubt what it means and it brings clarity to a situation. Other dreams need to be looked at carefully. Some just straight out need to be tossed. Some are because I'm discerning something and just need to pray, but they're definitely not a guide.

When I've had dreams about guys they're usually (1) about Jesus, (2) need to be tossed, (3) about my emotions or (4) because the guy is doing some sort of witchcraft.

The fourth one is the hardest because they can be so detailed and seem so real, but usually just bring confusion.

In relation to the actual guy you dreamed about, have you seen anything happening in real life that is reflected in the dream? If it's that this guy is literally on the scene or going to come back onto the scene in future, then you need to be approach the situation as it arises.

If he does show up on the scene and does want a relationship, then I recommend having some people who's judgement you trust, and who you know have your best interests at heart to give you some feedback on whether he would be right for you. The marriages I've seen work are the ones where people were really practical and sensible about the whole thing.

Hope that helps.
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Re: !!HELP!! Remarriage Written in Orange

Post by rarara »


Just a few thoughts. I agree with Bella's comment that confusion is not from God. Dreams are very rarely literal and if this was I would think that you would have a strong witness in your spirit. So just reading your dream makes me think that Jesus is the guy and wants to have more intimacy in His relationship with you. Remarriage could be a call to return to your first love. Orange can symbolise Glory and does He not want to reveal His Glory to you?

That he is missing you and looking for you also makes me think of this.

Being in a lake swimming is being immersed in the Holy Spirit and fresh revelation and kids are a symbol of family and reproduction or fruit in your life. Fishers of men comes to mind too.

I just think that maybe Jesus is calling out to you for increased intimacy and as you hear and respond to this, other things will fall into place.

But hey I could be completely wrong. And by the way I don't mean in any way that you are lacking in loving God. I need this for me too. We all do.

Have you ever thought of yourself as an evangelist in any way? Even in the past?


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Re: !!HELP!! Remarriage Written in Orange

Post by winterjade »

rarara wrote:Hi

Just a few thoughts. I agree with Bella's comment that confusion is not from God. Dreams are very rarely literal and if this was I would think that you would have a strong witness in your spirit. So just reading your dream makes me think that Jesus is the guy and wants to have more intimacy in His relationship with you. Remarriage could be a call to return to your first love. Orange can symbolise Glory and does He not want to reveal His Glory to you?

That he is missing you and looking for you also makes me think of this.

Being in a lake swimming is being immersed in the Holy Spirit and fresh revelation and kids are a symbol of family and reproduction or fruit in your life. Fishers of men comes to mind too.

I just think that maybe Jesus is calling out to you for increased intimacy and as you hear and respond to this, other things will fall into place.

But hey I could be completely wrong. And by the way I don't mean in any way that you are lacking in loving God. I need this for me too. We all do.

Have you ever thought of yourself as an evangelist in any way? Even in the past?


Hello rarara thank you for your response! I know in my heart that I'm called to do ministry and God has confirmed this but I am not sure how. I never saw myself as an evangelist on the streets but I have envisioned myself speaking in front of people.
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Re: !!HELP!! Remarriage Written in Orange

Post by winterjade »

bella wrote:Hi winterjade,

God is not the author of confusion. Wherever there is confusion involved, there is likely some form of witchcraft involved.

And I don't believe dreams are meant to be used as signs. They really need to be discerned in and of themselves. There have been some dreams that I've woken from and I just know without a doubt what it means and it brings clarity to a situation. Other dreams need to be looked at carefully. Some just straight out need to be tossed. Some are because I'm discerning something and just need to pray, but they're definitely not a guide.

When I've had dreams about guys they're usually (1) about Jesus, (2) need to be tossed, (3) about my emotions or (4) because the guy is doing some sort of witchcraft.

The fourth one is the hardest because they can be so detailed and seem so real, but usually just bring confusion.

In relation to the actual guy you dreamed about, have you seen anything happening in real life that is reflected in the dream? If it's that this guy is literally on the scene or going to come back onto the scene in future, then you need to be approach the situation as it arises.

If he does show up on the scene and does want a relationship, then I recommend having some people who's judgement you trust, and who you know have your best interests at heart to give you some feedback on whether he would be right for you. The marriages I've seen work are the ones where people were really practical and sensible about the whole thing.

Hope that helps.
Hello bella thank you for your insight. You are right, confusion does not come from God so I am keeping that in mind. I'm trying to use my discernment to distinguish which dreams are significant and which ones are not. Can people do witch craft unintentionally without realizing?
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Re: !!HELP!! Remarriage Written in Orange

Post by bella »

Hi winterjade, yes I could tell from the first time you posted you were very discerning :-) But sometimes confusion takes over, in my experience.
Can people do witch craft unintentionally without realizing?
My opinion on that is, yes absolutely.

I think some people learn manipulation from an early age because of growing up in dysfunctional environments, but they have no idea that that's what they're doing. Also, sometimes people think they're being polite by being indirect, and it's very easy to slip from there into manipulation.

I've just been called away, so hopefully will get back to you soon.