spirit of guilt

Archived Dreams from 2016
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spirit of guilt

Post by Victorious »

I dreamed I was back at my childhood home. (We lived next door to my grandparents, in a home that previously belonged to my great-grandparents.) I looked in the window of the front door and saw what appeared to be my older brother in a rocking chair, with his back towards me. I said his name twice. When he didn't respond, I knew it was actually a demon. (My great-grandfather died of a heart attack in a rocking chair in that home, and when I was 7 or 8, I saw his "ghost" - a demon - sitting in the same chair.) So, I commanded the demon to leave in Jesus' Name. I said it twice and it left, but said it two more times just to be sure. I then understood it to be a spirit of guilt, because I felt free of guilt.
Then I walked to my grandparents home and walked in, and just in case anything was lurking, I commanded any spirits there to leave (I've had dreams of their home in the past that felt "dark".) I didn't sense anything evil there and felt relieved. I went outside and found my grandma. I saw the backyard was all cleaned up of junk and there were a bunch of palm trees all the way in back, and it was absolutely beautiful. My grandma was talking about what she was going to do with the property now that my grandpa had died and she was getting so old. (Irl, they sold the property about 25 years ago.) I told her I always loved the property and would love to inherit it, but then I remembered I already own a house but my siblings don't, so maybe they should inherit it. Then there was a big clean up project to clean the inside of her home, and people marked their names on a calendar to indicate when they would clean. A girl with my daughter's name marked several days, and then I marked the rest of the calendar so I would be the last person to clean and leave.
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Re: spirit of guilt

Post by bella »

What a fabulous dream!

The parts that spoke to me were:

The past (grandma's back yard) have been cleaned of all it's junk. This speaks of past family stuff in that family line. There is peace (palm trees) there now.

The same spirit that affected your great-grandfather could be trying to affect your brother but you pray.

You seem to also be organising to clean yourself up (the house) and specifically to get ready for YOUR inheritance. You gather others to assist in the prayer.
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Re: spirit of guilt

Post by Victorious »

Thank you bella.

I had what I think was a followup dream last night. I was in my grandparents' house with my 4-year old, and I heard some noise outside. We looked out the side window to the house that had been my family's house and my great-grandparents' house before that. This time I saw my great-grandma, still alive and more youthful than I had EVER seen her - and she was dressed modern and youthful in a cute fitted top and skirt set. My grandma was also there along with one other person (I don't remember who, or if I even saw their face), and they said she (my great-grandma) just looked in the window of her/my old home and saw that the spirit was no longer there, and she was giddy with excitement and laughing hysterically. She was SO overjoyed.
Then I was at the front window and I noticed neighbors to the side, and neighbors across the street, with cars pulling up to their driveways, people coming to visit them. I felt like my family was lonely and needed a visitor. I kept watching the road for a car, including my husband's car, wondering when he would be home.