DREAM: Zig Ziglar...Motivational Speaker

Archived Dreams from 2016
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DREAM: Zig Ziglar...Motivational Speaker

Post by eyes.enlightened »

Dream: “On Public Bus with Businessmen” -- I am riding on the public transit bus. I am the only woman on the bus that was filled with businessmen.

I'm sitting at the front of the bus and one the passengers spoke against marriage and then he got off the bus.

I stood up and began to share from Genesis what God has stated about marriages. I said, “God has a purpose for marriage and it has not changed. In Genesis, God said…” (don’t remember exactly what I said specifically, but I did quoted from Genesis)

They were all excited about what I said. One of the gentleman said that I should come and speak at a business conference. He said, “You should be a motivational speaker.” (Zig Ziglar came into mind)

He said, “I have a client that I know would want to have you speak, and I can set that up for you.” The man pulled out a calendar and began to mark on it.

Then he got up and came over to show me the calendar. On the calendar, I saw where he had marked with a black sharpie pen dollar amounts in the squares. He said, “You are going to make good money.”

When I looked at the calendar, I saw $100 marked on different squares throughout the calendar. I got to the end of the calendar, I saw $800 at the end of the month. I didn’t recognize any days of the week or actual dates, but in the square boxes were scheduled events and dollar amounts for each seminar date, I think?

I really need confirmation about some things I am praying about, so your insight is highly appreciated.

Shalom & Love +