I Was The First Lady

Archived Dreams from 2016
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I Was The First Lady

Post by ispeaktheword »

Hello Everyone!

In this dream, my husband and I had a church (irl, we don't have a church and are not contemplating starting one - also my husband was not in the dream). We had a good amount of loyal followers. I was the First Lady and felt I had a great responsibility. People were coming to me for help on different things. I remember helping two young men who were riding bicycles. I was kind of instructing them on something.

The church / ministry was held in a unfamiliar basement. The basement was not dark or scary. Instead of pews people were sitting at round tables eating and enjoying themselves. I was sitting in the front and turned around to see all of the people. I thought to myself, "Wow, this is alot of people, more than some other new churches.

People would voluntarily give offerings. The offerings were kept in a paper gift bag. It would be filled with envelopes. The envelopes looked like envelopes you would give someone for a birthday or anniversary, you know white or blue.. Even if I forgot to take an offering there would be envelopes in the bag. I was amazed. One women decided to leave the church. She took a "printed cloth material she had given out of the gift bag. We hugged and she left.

I have thoughts but I find I can be very narrow minded when it comes to interpreting my own dreams. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
