Me in a hospital bed

Archived Dreams from 2016
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Me in a hospital bed

Post by tgsongbird »

My friend dreamed I was in a hospital on a bed. It was bright and I was wearing a white gown. He was seated at my feet on the bed on my right and my husband was seated at my feet on the left. There were people encircling my head. Older folks from church on my right and younger ones including our age on my left. They were all watching me, like waiting on me. I was periodically looking over the bed to toward the ground on my right side. My friend said that we were elevated and not touching the ground.
My mom has also had a dream where a man voice said they were waiting on me. It was also a bright dream. I sure would like to know what I'm supposed to be doing that everyone is waiting for. Any insight?
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Re: Me in a hospital bed

Post by ispeaktheword »

Hi tgsongbird,

I don't have an interp, just thoughts and questions..

Are you moving in your purpose or using the gifts God blessed you with? Are you involved in ministry at church?

Please forgive me if my thoughts are way off. When I think of people encircling your head, it makes me think of thoughts - you thinking or pondering about something. When I think of feet, I think of walking in purpose.

If you're not using your gifts, maybe the dream is suggesting that you are too comfortable and its time to move in your purpose or calling.

In any case, it seems that the body of Christ is waiting to be blessed by you.

Please disregard if this does not agree with you.

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Re: Me in a hospital bed

Post by tgsongbird »

Thanks for your response. I truly appreciate it. Not sure what my thoughts are. I love the Lord with all of my heart. I desire to fulfill my destiny that He has for me. I believe I have something huge to do for Him and I think of that often. And I am involved in ministry at church. I direct the choir, dance on the drama team, lead weekly prayer meets, and am a part of the Women's Ministry. I am not lying still by any means, but that doesn't mean I am busy doing the things He has called me to do. I seem to be at a loss on that one. I do lend myself to those in need and God has used me many times in the lives of others. I love the body of Christ and America and I long for revival. Not sure why the bed, why it was not touching the ground, or what I was looking for. Thanks very much for your thoughts:)
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Re: Me in a hospital bed

Post by Starfire »

What struck me most was that the old and young are waiting....but you are in a hospital bed, not yet ready.
What you have to share has a broad reach, however you must do it from a position of strength, which means
not by your own strength. Do not allow others thoughts, needs, demands, to dominate your mind.
(you were elevated - all of you, saints of the Lord, but your gaze was downward- earthbound probably showing that
you are caught up in the day to day issues and demands of life) Focus on Jesus. Make pleasing Him your highest priority.
The rest will fall into place and others will benefit. Focus on them and their needs and your own limitations and you won't be ready to bring forth the blessings the Lord intends to use you for.
If this seems off, just toss it. I share what comes to mind and heart.
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Re: Me in a hospital bed

Post by tgsongbird »

Food for thought. Thanks much!