Need help with interpretations

Archived Dreams from 2016
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Need help with interpretations

Post by Melshepp »

I recently had a vision that I was at my grandmas home (she has been dead for close to 20 years and she moved out of the house a couple of years before her death.) In the vision I was standing in front of her front door and it was closed to me. The room was dimly lit, there's quite a bit of natural light in this room. I noticed the door was really tall and narrow. In an instant, I found myself standing IN the doorway, it had been opened for me but I did not see it happen. I saw a man out on the porch, standing off to the side of the door, it was like he was standing against the side of her house. His right arm was raised high and outstretched, in his hand I saw a business check that was folded in 1/2 and was light green in color. He did not move but he held his arm high with this check in his hand in front of me. It was very obvious that I was not to focus on him, but what was in his hand. The underneath side of the porch roof was brown in color ( it's a white metal roof )  I could see part of the scenic view behind him. The mans hair was salt and pepper and his shirt was a black and white flannel. His face was out of focus to me. I did not have the opportunity to take the check from the mans hand. I came out of the vision like someone had shaken me by my shoulders, I came out of it shaken and startled. This was my first vision and I knew what I had experienced and I began thanking the Lord and praising him and I then claimed what he was giving me in my vision. It was really obvious to me that the man was an angel and he was sent to give me the answer that I have been praying for. I had not heard the man knock. I have tried to figure out why I was in my grandmothers home, my uncle has lived in the house since she moved out of it. I used to spend a week every summer with her when I was a child.
Three days later, I had a dream and in the dream I was outside of a church building. I could hear what was going on inside. The enemy had came in from a door at the right front corner of the Sanctuary. I heard them announce that they had come to behead the pastor, they asked his family if they would like to witness his death. I walked thru the front door to the church, I said in an authoritative voice "the Blood of Jesus is against you Satan!" As I came thru the door I saw the backs of the enemy as they led the pastor outside to behead him. I didn't not intercede, I said nothing else. I came to the middle of the sanctuary and stood and looked around me. The pastors family was seated with their backs to me and sobbing, the rest of the congregation sat in their seats with their heads down. No one ever looked at me! I knew in my spirit that the enemy was there to destroy the pastor ( the head of the church) I knew that if the enemy removed the head of the church the body would die. The last thing I remember is that I had prayed for dreams and more visions that night before I fell asleep and the Lord had answered my prayer with this dream. When I woke up that morning I couldn't recall this dream, all I could remember was that I had had some sort of a biblical dream. I did however, recall the dream later that morning when I began praying for the persecuted church, that's when it all came to my remembrance. I did not know any of the congregation or the pastor, I didn't see any faces. I've never been to this church before either.
A few days after this dream, I had another dream. At first, I overlooked this dream and didn't write this dream down like I had with the dream and vision. This time it was about my son who was the actual age that he is now, he's soon to be 21.  He was sitting on the floor beside me, I was sitting in my recliner. My parents were there as well. My son was pulling his teeth, he was not in pain or crying. He was pulling only his jaw teeth and was using blue pliers to pull them. I asked him why he was pulling his teeth and he said that my parents had told him to do so. They never spoke to me but they had convinced him to pull his teeth because they said that I had a dog in the bathroom and it was a mess because of the dog. I don't even have a dog.
I have prayed and asked the Lord for revelation concerning these dreams and vision. I'm new to this and I don't know of anyone who can interpret them.
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Re: Need help with interpretations

Post by bjcollin »

Howdy Melshepp,

Welcome to the TehillahDreams board! Interesting set of 1 vision and 2 dreams you have posted.

The comment I have on the vision is more of a question to you to help you work this out for yourself... how did you feel when the man that you felt was possibly an angel was holding up the check? When I read that I got the feeling that it was being held up (i.e. being delayed) or that it was out of reach for you at this time. I also have mixed feelings on the description you gave, although the blurred face could point to an angel, it is out of character for them to be wearing combinations of black/white, at least in my dreams anyway, of course each of us is different on how the Lord speaks to us. For example b/w can also represent the prophetic or prophets who see things very much in a b/w manner in life. What have you been praying to the Lord for or what do you feel that this is the answer to? Grandmothers homes can often point to spiritual inheritances in our life.

The comment I have on the first dream you posted is that the persecuted church is a lot closer to home that you think it is. I have noticed that we sometimes get caught up in praying for the persecuted church in other countries where we can see physical persecution going on. We often fail to recognize that this same persecution is happening every day here in our own country to our own pastors who are being attacked spiritually and being forced to quit and to close churches due to dwindling congregations. We seem to be moving toward these huge entertainment based churches here in America lately which are growing leaps and bounds, while the more traditional churches with lead pastors working directly with the people on their spiritual journey with Jesus is starting to be eroded away little by little.

I am not sure on the third dream, but it seems to be a message about what your son is going through spiritually. Maybe depression or something similar. Hope this starts to give you a help. Remember, only the Lord can give you the full interpretation of your dreams/visions as you work it out with Him in prayer... Ask, seek, and knock. We are just here as an online family of fellow Christian dreamers to help train you to listen more closely to what the Lord is telling you and help you with what we have learned over our years. Again, welcome to the Tehillah Dreams board.

in Christ,