sister married to bad guy

Archived Dreams from 2016
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sister married to bad guy

Post by Joshua116 »

in my dream, my sister was a GOOD person...she was just dating/married to this kid that had the worst vibe about him all throughout the dream...he felt like MORE than 'just a bad kid' though...dark

they stayed at our house at one point in the dream

i sensed they had to leave but i didn't want my sister to to leave with this guy yet i remember reluctantly waking her up like at 2 in the morning telling her such and such was ready to go

however, as i went outside to check to see if his vehicle was still sitting in front of our house, he had already left, leaving my sister

i went down our driveway to see if he maybe had pulled down was not there

interestingly enough, i did however see other unfamiliar vehciles, like 7-8 cars parked in our yard of other people who i sensed were staying with us

i then kept hearing party music up the street

i kept walking up my street, and around to the front of the subdivision where the pool is

there was a pool party going on at 2 in the morning, and not a good one, a raunchy highschool/college kid type

i saw a few young children walking past me whom i knew had been at the party, i thought it was weird and lame they were part of it

i had grass on my feet so i walked into one of the showers and some other weird guy with a video camera followed me in there and watched, perhaps
filmed me while i washed grass off my feet...he seemed like he didn't like a 'righteous' person being at the party

dismiss if nothing
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Re: sister married to bad guy

Post by spiritledd »

ive had a lot of these same types of vision/dreams ...its a call to pray for sister and bad man fer sure