House of Anonyuo

Archived Dreams from 2016
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House of Anonyuo

Post by ValleyAnt »

About three months ago, I had a dream in which I saw my mom who passed in February 2015. 'Anonyuo' is my dad's last name and the name of a very large and apparently powerful Nigerian occult family which has a large number of family/relatives in America, in Nigeria, in the UK, and I don't know where else. As with the vision I shared a few minutes ago, I am also pasting this one here from an email I sent of it to a friend for possible interpretation (I got none). I use 'house' and 'mansion' interchangeably, because 'house' represents 'the Anonyuo house/family' and 'mansion' represents 'the actual size/scope of the house we were in'. Here is the dream:

I was in some kind of special house-- a mansion of some kind. The house was also a sanctuary or temple; it also was supposed to be a safe place of refuge. I had taken shelter in it because I was seeking to hide from enemies who were after me. The house had three levels inside it: the basement was the first level; the second level contained the living areas and kitchen, etc.; and I guess the third floor was where the bedrooms and attic would be. The house also was 'a house' (home) when one was on the inside but 'a mansion' when looking at it from the outside world. (In fact, as I later learned, it was a mansion set in the top of a small mountain when looking at it from the outside.) The house also had two types of windows-- one kind in the walls of the house, looking into other parts or rooms in the house (I'll call these the 'inner windows') and the other kind set where windows naturally go and looking out into the outside world (I'll call these the 'outer windows').

My mom was in the house with me as was one other person who I don't recall (maybe my younger brother? No, actually, it was a friend who was with me, not one of my brothers). She was dressed in something like a flowing white robe with a trian maybe. She looked like a priestess and walked elegantly through the house as if floating underneath the train of her dress. The house was a 'safe house' where the enemy supposedly couldn't reach you. That was what my mom told me anyway. Outside the mansion lurked demonic creatures in the form of black werewolves and black jungle cats (ie. jaguars, panthers, leopards, but all black and demonic/demonized/shape-shifters). They lurked right outside the mansion, strolling back and forth and waiting for a chance to get to me. My mom told me not to worry, that they couldn't get in as I was in a safe place. She said that the house was covered with the blood of Jesus through which the demonic could not enter. I felt better... then as my mom led me up the stairs from the second level to the third level, I looked through the curtains of an inner window on the wall of the stairwell and saw one of the werewolves inside the house.

The inner windows that looked from room to room were covered with sheer, white curtains; these curtains were translucent, allowing you to look into other rooms without lifting or parting the curtains. But the outer windows were covered with heavy, red, velvety curtains which let in no light when closed. At this time, they were slightly parted. I was surprised and dismayed to see a werewolf inside the house; it hadn't even opened a door or window but had moved right through the wall apparently. Then I began to see other werewolves and jungle cats 'appearing' inside the house. I told my mom this in alarm, and she simply told me not to worry. I was surprised as my mom had said that Jesus and Jesus' blood were protecting the mansion and that therefore these creatures couldn't get inside. (The curtains on the outside windows were red as if symbolizing blood covering the entrances.) I ran upstairs and then saw more and more of these demonic creatures (black werewolves and black jungle cats) able to slip right through the walls and come into the house. They didn't attack me though it was apparent that I was their enemy. They didn't like my mom either as I sensed that she was not on their side but that the person whom they served had taken her under his wings and therefore they could not really touch or harm her. (Maybe that was why she told me it was a safe place and that they would not touch me.) It was especially the werewolves that I noticed; they dragged slowly by me (everyone/thing in the house was just walking about, almost aimlessly; they didn't sit or stand but continually walked from room to room). I could sense that they didn't like me but could not harm me and so didn't try to attack me. I could also sense a passive hostility against me that just lay within them, like a boiling but quiet rage, an undertow of malice and extreme ill will.

The mansion had on all levels many windows all around it on its outside walls looking into the outside world; the windows looked like picture windows which went from one's feet about six feet up to the ceiling on each floor/level. White transparent curtains covered the windows inside the mansion (windows looking into other parts or rooms in the mansion such as the one I'd looked out of and saw a werewolf had made it into the living room or first level area of the mansion), red opaque curtains covered the windows that looked into the world or the outside windows. Though the evil creatures weren't attacking me (they sure wanted to), I knew that I was in a hostile environment and had to get out. My mom stayed inside the mansion while I escaped with the friend of mine who was on my right. From the outside, I saw that the mansion was set in the top of a rocky mountain (mountain made of rock, not made of dirt and earth and greenery like probably most mountains). This was like a miniature mountain, and it was set right in the middle of what seemed to be downtown or near downtown in the very center of a busy part of whatever city we were in. The mountain rose up there from the center of the city, surrounded by other normal buildings and high-rises, and the mansion was built into the top of it (maybe chiseled from the mountain). It was very conspicuous, but people bustled busily around, and no one even noticed or saw it. I hid in the lowest floor of another building across the street from the mansion; this building had all kinds of people going into and around it and seemed to be a place where homeless men hung out, and I looked out at the mansion with the friend who was with me (I don't recall who) and who'd apparently aided my escape or escaped with me. We could see that the werewolves and creatures who sought to harm me didn't harm my mom at all. Dressed like some kind of queen (I was seeing through the mansion walls much of which was made up of windows/glass), she moved through the mansion as if gliding on air, from one level to the next, as these brute creatures just ambled past her. We watched her come to the windows facing the outside world. She glanced furtively about, then looked directly at me and begin closing the red curtains so that no one on the outside could see inside but especially so that I, since I had left, would not be able to see back inside anymore. At that point, I realized that she was working with these dark creatures and was hiding something secret from me. The mansion she said that Jesus was protecting was not protected at all.

Note: only as I was pasting and remembering more about this dream did I realize that it has several similarities to the vision I posted before this. I also recalled a dream that a minister here in Washington state recently had about me which also has some similarities to this. I will post that dream with the minister's partial interpretation next.
"The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a delightful inheritance" (Ps. 16:6).