opposite dimensions

Archived Dreams from 2016
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opposite dimensions

Post by spiritledd »

saw J Hetfield (singer for metal band Metallica) working out ...he had leather pants and no shirt on ...he was in love with gal ...other man was in love with gal too ...he was stuffing a box with money for poor people ...there was another dimension that the man went into where he was opposite like picture negative ...in 1st dimension he was older with top hat and tux and skeleton face ...reminded me of phantom of the opera ...when he crossed the plane of the dimension he was younger ...in 1st dimension gal did not love him, in 2nd dimension, she did ...he walked right up to her and kissed her in front of J Hetfield ...nothing J Hetfield could do ...saw mice infestation and an old cat chased a mouse and caught it ...then saw kids on fence at coral by side of barn playing with mice ...there was a rat that had antlers that was battery powered but alive ...they gave it to German shepard and it ate it ...heard Holy Spirit say... "ash" "hole" and "antithesis"
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Re: opposite dimensions

Post by Joshua116 »


how do you know about Metallica?

i recently tried watching some random live Metallica concert

i know they are supposedly "bad" but the very first song he played was utterly filthy

just bad content in the song, can't see how anyone liked it

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Re: opposite dimensions

Post by spiritledd »

used to listen to them before i was born again ...being he was much more buffed than he is in reality, i think it could represent "strongman principality" perhaps ...maybe "idolatry/covetousness" being he was in leather pants? ...covetousness of stardom, vanity, attention, popularity through music success?
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Re: opposite dimensions

Post by ValleyAnt »

Hi, Spiritledd. I just mentioned this in another post as a comment: not all dreams are from God. I dream every single night. And not just at nights; I dream if I sleep for up to five minutes no matter what time of day. But I used to think that all my dreams were from God because I was a Christian. I found out later, however, that most of my dreams were not of God. But in that period of time when I had lots of dreams come up from my soul and mind as well as from the enemy posing as God (time between 1998 - 2003), I had one dream-- a night vision actually-- which popped up among those dreams. It was so different from my usual dreams that I thought it wasn't from God. But my older brother Plato who is prophetic told me to write it down. I'd religiously written down all the dreams I'd had before (most of them not from God) and was so used to dreams not coming from God that when I did have one from Him, I thought it wasn't from Him. I posted this night vision on this forum some hours ago.

I've had dreams and visions (and real life experiences) regarding 'strongmen' and 'principalities' ('princes') before. Some of the dreams/experiences were simply from the enemy; others were God allowing me to see or showing me something about the enemy. But in each case, the strongman or prince appeared as himself and was not masked as someone else (though one of them did try to mask his authentic identity, but he didn't appear as a TV star or media idol of some kind). Have you ever asked God to give you discernment about your dreams?
"The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a delightful inheritance" (Ps. 16:6).