In Dirty Restaurant

Archived Dreams from 2016
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In Dirty Restaurant

Post by jdarby2007 »

Hello Everyone - God Bless You Today!

Here is another dream I need your help with.

I was in a restaurant with my current boss IRL and the restaurant was dirty, and when we walked in, there were no more tables to be seated. The owner of the restaurant went in the back and got a table and brought it out for me and my boss to sit at, but the table smelled horrible, like a smelly dog had been on the table, it had dog hair all over the table, and I mentioned to the owner that the table smelled and had dog hair on it, and the owner said yes, they use the table for their dog. After that, we got up and left the restaurant.

Any thoughts or interpretation would be great!

Many thanks,
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Re: In Dirty Restaurant

Post by ValleyAnt »

Hey, jdarby2007. I chuckled when I read about the smelly 'dog table' and you and your boss leaving when they admitted to using the table for their dog. (Still chuckling now actually.) I don't know what the dream means, but I will share a few things that may help you with it:

1. In 2000, I had a dream about the church I'd been attending since 1998. In the dream, I went with my dad and younger brother to an all-you-can-eat Chinese restaurant. I ate and ate, and the food was good, but I was never filled or satisfied. I grudgingly left with my dad and brother as they were long finished and were waiting for me. My friend before this had told me that he didn't feel spiritually fed at that church; after this dream, two people at the church separately interpreted it to mean that I wasn't being spiritually fed by the church and that God was calling me to move on (they were right).

2. A restaurant can symbolize a church, wherever it is that you eat or fellowship, or whatever it is that you trust to satisfy you-- the place that you 'get full'.

3. Dogs often symbolize uncleanness or inferiority in the Bible, and the entire restaurant was dirty (and unclean) as was the last remaining hope-- the table from the back-- which was defiled by the very symbol of uncleanness itself. There was no hope in that place.

Now, some questions you may ask yourself to help determine if this dream is from God and what it means:

4. What would your boss mean to you if God showed you with him in a dream (how close are you to him, or what kind of relationship do you have with him)?

If from God, this dream may simply be saying that you and your boss are thinking about (or in the process of) brokering a deal or relationship with a slimy and unchaste fellow or company that you should avoid who may seem trustworthy on the outside but who sees corruption as normal ("the owner said yes, they use the table for their dog" as if there's nothing wrong with that at all). I hope this helps you check out the dream for yourself. A lot of times, the Lord wants to teach us to hear from Him personally. His language is spiritual, so that means that along with seeking help from others, He will want us to learn to interpret dreams and visions ourselves as well.
"The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a delightful inheritance" (Ps. 16:6).