Meaning of basket, shofar, and snake?

Archived Dreams from 2017
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Meaning of basket, shofar, and snake?

Post by Determined2Grow »

Praise Him :D ,

I had a dream that I found a shofar that was in a basket and I brought it home. I was so excited to have found this shofar! The shofar was very old, its huge, has a lot of curves and twist, and the shofar has not been used in a very long time. The shofar was laying on top of grass in a huge basket. I take the shofar out of the basket and begin to blow it several times and several different ways ...but no sound came out and there was a lot of dust and debris on the shofar. I keep trying to blow it but no sound and then I notice the grass in the basket is moving up and down.

I look inside the basket and I part the grass and see a huge gigantic body of a snake that is asleep in the basket. I immediate pick up the basket and race to the front door to throw the basket and snake out. As I throw out them both the snake is fully awake and unraveling as I throw the basket down the stairs and the basket lands at the bottom of my stairs and I see the snake coming for me. I run back into my house and close the door but my front door has a crack in it at the bottom right corner. I see the snake coming through the crack and I run to the refrigerator. I open the refrigerator looking for something to kill the snake with and I see a bottle of bleach. I take the bleach and through it on the head of the snake. I pour all of the bleach out on the snake head and its burning the snake. I know the bleach has wounded him but I need to kill him. The snake recoils from the bleach and then it starts violently shaking and it retracts completely back through the cracked door and it's gone. I open the door to try and find where did it go because I know I need to kill it to prevent it from returning. To my surprise I see my husband holding half of the dead snake in his hand and a sword in his other hand. My husband killed the snake and he cut it in half. There was blood on the sword from the snake. No one expected my husband to be on the other side of the door. I was shocked and relieved when I open the door to see my husband had killed the snake.

Anyone knows what Shofar, basket and snake means? :?:
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Re: Meaning of basket, shofar, and snake?

Post by PastorJKG »

The Shofar is a symbol of your voice of victory. In Hebrew culture it was believed that when they blew the shofar, the devil didn't know if it was a trumpet or the very voice of God. The basket could speak of a place of spiritual inactivity. (Luke 11:33). The snake speaks of the spirit of python that likes to constrict and squeeze the life out of us a little at the time so that we have no wind with which to blow the trumpet of praise and victory. The same thing that allowed the serpent to remain is the same thing that created the crack under the door. (Not a slam, we can all have cracks at times) You tried to use a natural, carnal product of man to kill it. I don't believe your Husband represented your physical husband at all but rather your spiritual Husband Jesus Christ who killed the serpent with the sword which is the word of God to your surprise. You didn't have an expectation that He would but He did just the same. Turn to Jesus for your deliverance from every limitation. He is your source.

James 4:7-8
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. [8] Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.

Hope this helps
Pastor JKG
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Re: Meaning of basket, shofar, and snake?

Post by Determined2Grow »

Hi PastorJKG,

:idea: Thank you for shedding light on the meaning of the basket, shofar, and snake and thank you for taking the time to post! God bless you! :D
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Re: Meaning of basket, shofar, and snake?

Post by Starfire »

Hope I remember correctly but I believe a Rabbi friend of mine told me that the LONG shofars, as you describe,
are used as a "call to arms" (war ...defense of borders,etc) The snake and the shofar, both coiled, evil trying to hide
and represent itself as something Godly. The dust,debris and lack of sound tells me that you need to become more active in
spiritual warfare esp. for the purpose of alerting others to put on their spiritual armor in preparation. down to the nitty gritty....beware- you may think you are bringing something sacred into your home (and you likely are) but with it will come enemy attacks. You still need to do it, but do it wisely. Clean it up (prepare yourself for battle), then you will be aware of the evil and leave IT outside your door to begin with. A snake in the grass is a common term for something dangerous hiding in the everyday environment to catch you unsuspecting. The basket (to me) is a container,
a vessel of sorts that is housing both good (the shofar) and evil (the snake).
Pray against enemy invasion and surprise attacks.
You try to sound the shofar and can't, yet the one with the sword (and I also see it as a likely form of Christ, our spiritual husband) STILL heard it and came to your rescue. I like that as soon as you recognize the snake (evil) for what it is, you get it OUT of your house; you go on the attack (bleach) and then prepare to be SURE it DIES and is not just wounded as you know evil must not be injured, but eradicated. AND You go after it the 2nd time, however, without a weapon (bleach is poured out) would then be vulnerable to an angry injured snake were it not for your husband killing it. Notice HE has killed it on the doorstep to your home, not allowing it the chance to come INSIDE.
To me, the basket represents "housing", for the shofar, for the snake and that which you bring into your HOME.

Refresh yourself in preparation for spiritual battle (Ephesians 6) ...putting on the whole armor of God.
Pray for discernment and bless your home (marriage, home itself, it's inhabitants), pronouncing
the protection of the Blood of Jesus upon it.

On a practical level (all questions are rhetorical)
Are you leaving your home (security, marriage) unprotected....focusing on good, but being oblivious to the snake in the grass that will try to invade with the good.? No worries, just call on the Name of Jesus (blow the shofar) and recognize
the evil when it does present itself. If you keep your focus on the Lord, He will hear you and protect you, which is what you were shown in the dream. You have the right approach, just need to take the extra steps of sharpening your discernment and preparation for battle.

Interesting concept about the bleach being the use of a tangible weapon on spiritual evil - will not kill it. Also puzzled why you'd keep a bottle of bleach in the fridge or why you'd LOOK there for something to kill it with. Be sure you have nothing in your fridge that is "beyond date" or potentially harmful.

Sorry this wasn't especially insightful, just sharing what came to mind as I read this interesting dream.
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Re: Meaning of basket, shofar, and snake?

Post by Determined2Grow »

Thank you so much for responding and sharing. :D
"Lord lead me to that secret place where I am encircled by the abundance of Your love and manifested presence.....A place where I thirst to go and never want to leave"