hugged obama

Archived Dreams from 2017
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hugged obama

Post by spiritledd »

saw Obama i hugged him and told him thank you for being my president that even though im republican i am proud of him because i know what a hard job it is ...IRL i dont think this ...i felt genuine though in the vision ...i felt love for him
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Re: hugged obama

Post by Joshua116 »


could be a call to be less critical of Obama around your republican friends

to help them be less hateful

there's so much hate/dramatic "hate" going on in this country over "Politics"

it's pathetic

people LIKE the fighting, LIKE the drama

i see it all over Facebook, Yahoo, etc...

it's fleshy
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Re: hugged obama

Post by spiritledd »

yes i see your point thanks Joshua116
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Re: hugged obama

Post by Starfire »

Why the assumption that his friends are "hateful"?
Just because someone hates a policy or approach does not mean they hate the person.
Just as we are to hate the sin and not the sinner.
Rather presumptuous I'd say.
Now checking your own heart to ensure that the criticism is appropriate is a good practice
for any christian.
You could have simply been hugging Obama because you are loving the sinner and not the sin,
(or loving the politician and not the politics) recognizing that we ALL fall short.
Jesus forgave the roman soldiers as they drove the last nail into his flesh, thinking they
were doing right.
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Re: hugged obama

Post by spiritledd »

Starfire...what assumption? ...what hate? ...what criticism? confused, i have no idea where you are coming from
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Re: hugged obama

Post by Starfire »

Referring to Joshua's reply. I agree fully with him that there is so much hatred and animosity surrounding politics (and frankly priorities & values) in this country, but I didn't see any of that in your dream about Obama. All I saw was you looking at the man sans his political views (or yours).
It was one child of God embracing another. It was looking beyond the politics to the person. That was all I meant. Sorry if I confused you.
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Re: hugged obama

Post by Joshua116 »

@ Starfire

i don't know whether spiritled has friends that 'hate' Obama or not, it was just a possibility i had to explore
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Re: hugged obama

Post by Starfire »

That's what we're here give different perspectives.
Not judging you or your intentions; just offering my view on the dream.
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Re: hugged obama

Post by spiritledd »

oh ok Starfire i understand :)