Repetitious themes

Archived Dreams from 2017
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Repetitious themes

Post by weatherfreak01 »

Okay I haven't posted here in many years but I'm a little stumped. For the last several months I have been having dreams about falling into wealth.

The first dream I had I was in a service station with a lottery ticket. The lottery jackpot was 300 million and I already knew that I had won but pretended as though I didn't know. So I scanned the ticket and I did win the jackpot. I was incredibly elated.

The next dream I had dealt with a man who was giving away a portion of his wealth which happened to be a business. He stated to go to and look for these papers (or money or something like that) and the amount would tell us which one got the business. Upon checking this area (like a locker or something similar) I was indeed the one who was to receive the business and all its wealth.

I do believe the man who dealt with me in the dream was Yeshua himself but he was disguised as any regular old Joe. Now obviously the lord owns the cattle on a thousand hills and all wealth eventually comes from him. I do believe he either is blessing me or going to bless me, I just can't understand if it is supposed to be all spiritual or would there be a possible financial blessing along with the spiritual?

I mean I feel blessed by the lord always, but why am I suddenly receiving dream after dream about so much wealth. I don't know how to prepare for something like that. And if it's all spiritual then maybe I'm missing something because I'm not sure I feel that wealthy other than if it is just salvation in and of itself. I mean we all know about the parable of the hidden treasure.

I just pray that whatever it is that it'd be completely illuminated so that I have no doubt what the fulfillment is.
Last edited by weatherfreak01 on Mon Feb 20, 2017 11:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Repetitions themes

Post by Starfire »

OK....wealth can be many things, but I do not believe it is about salvation in your dream.
Why? Because only in each scene you described, many wanted it, but only ONE could get it.
Salvation is for all who seek and accept the gift being Jesus.

My thoughts are God is telling you that something valuable is coming your way.
It may be physical as in monetary value, or it may be an outpouring into your spirit.
I believe the Lord is saying to prepare yourself spiritually to handle greater responsibilities that come with Kingdom

In one case you win the "lottery" (carnal or tangible) another you "inherit" a business from someone you believe to be Jesus.
Perhaps what you are to have a "chance" at is something very valuable, given to you via your inheritance in the Lord and you will need to sharpen your business acumen to know how the Lord wants you to handle it.
Sorry I cannot be more specific, but if it were me, I'd pray thanking the Lord for considering me and asking for direction as to how you are to prepare to handle the gift in accordance with HIS wisdom and guidance.
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Re: Repetitions themes

Post by weatherfreak01 »

Starfire wrote:OK....wealth can be many things, but I do not believe it is about salvation in your dream.
Why? Because only in each scene you described, many wanted it, but only ONE could get it.
Salvation is for all who seek and accept the gift being Jesus.

My thoughts are God is telling you that something valuable is coming your way.
It may be physical as in monetary value, or it may be an outpouring into your spirit.
I believe the Lord is saying to prepare yourself spiritually to handle greater responsibilities that come with Kingdom

In one case you win the "lottery" (carnal or tangible) another you "inherit" a business from someone you believe to be Jesus.
Perhaps what you are to have a "chance" at is something very valuable, given to you via your inheritance in the Lord and you will need to sharpen your business acumen to know how the Lord wants you to handle it.
Sorry I cannot be more specific, but if it were me, I'd pray thanking the Lord for considering me and asking for direction as to how you are to prepare to handle the gift in accordance with HIS wisdom and guidance.
Well, what you have spoken is true. It falls in line exactly with what I feel to be in the deepest parts of my heart are telling me. I mean the LORD was so "matter of fact" in these dreams, there was no delay or beating around the bush. I am definitely going to be praying word for word what you spoke because I couldn't have said it any better myself. Since you were the only one to respond, would you please specifically pray for my situation?
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Re: Repetitions themes

Post by Starfire »

I pray the Lord gives you the revelation of what He is asking you to prepare for and to lead you in developing whatever is needed each and every step of the way. I pray that your actions will please our Father's plans for your life; that He will "grow you" into knowing just how to handle the immense blessing and responsibility that comes with such. I pray His MOST HOLY SPIRIT will give you the discernment you need to joyously and confidently handle whatever HE (the Lord) breathes into your life and your spirit and to send you constant reminders that you are relying on HIS Strength and HIS skills, not your own-that He is walking with you, like Joshua, do not fear for In the Name above ALL Names, Yeshua! Amen

Joshua 1:9 NIV: Have I not commanded you?
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you ... neither be dismayed: for Yahweh your God is with you wherever you go."

All who read this, kindly pray in agreement with me.
I=WE=The Family of God

I trust in You, Yahweh. My times are in Your Hand.
Deliver me from the hand of my enemies, & from those who persecute me.
Make Your Face to shine on your servant. Save me in Your loving kindness. PS 31:14-16 (WEB)
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Re: Repetitions themes

Post by weatherfreak01 »

Starfire wrote:Absolutely.
I pray the Lord gives you the revelation of what He is asking you to prepare for and to lead you in developing whatever is needed each and every step of the way. I pray that your actions will please our Father's plans for your life; that He will "grow you" into knowing just how to handle the immense blessing and responsibility that comes with such. I pray His MOST HOLY SPIRIT will give you the discernment you need to joyously and confidently handle whatever HE (the Lord) breathes into your life and your spirit and to send you constant reminders that you are relying on HIS Strength and HIS skills, not your own-that He is walking with you, like Joshua, do not fear for In the Name above ALL Names, Yeshua! Amen

Joshua 1:9 NIV: Have I not commanded you?
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you ... neither be dismayed: for Yahweh your God is with you wherever you go."

All who read this, kindly pray in agreement with me.
Blessings and shalom starfire. Btw did you know my name was Joshua? Just curious since that's the book you quoted from.
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Re: Repetitious themes

Post by Starfire »

No, Joshua, I did not know your name.
Guess the Holy Spirit sure did :-)

You know, Joshua is a derivation of JESUS.
Perhaps this is further evidence that your dream is speaking to your kingdom inheritance.
For some reason (not sure where I'm getting this), I feel as though you are to proceed in
life knowing fully WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST JESUS. In other words, like a kid who has
a powerful, loving, wealthy father, you need to remind yourself that you are not limited
by your own strength and resources. This is true for all of us, but it may have a special meaning
for your life. Perhaps you are being reminded of your blessing and inheritance in the Lord because He has some purpose for you that may seem immense when viewing it from your own limited resources.
El Shaddai is the MOST POWERFUL source of blessing and comfort, the One WHO
yearns to nurture much as a lactating mother - yearning to supply nourishment at her child's 1st whimper.
You may not relate to this. I just find that when I am most in need, I review some of the Lord's
many references to Himself via the Names He has shown us in scripture. It helps me center and connect. You can find many sites online that reference the Names God has revealed.

God Bless you Joshua. He surely LOVES you.