My house had partly burned

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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My house had partly burned

Post by roses »

I recently moved into a new home. In my dream, I was away from my home. When I came back, there had been a fire in the neighborhood. A house two lots down from me had burned. I looked at my house and saw some damage on the outside. I thought I will need to call the insurance company.
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Re: My house had partly burned

Post by PastorJKG »

It seems to be metaphoric because it shouldn't damage your house from so far away. It would seem something may be going on at that house or another house nearby that is effecting your house. Perhaps through your children if you have any, or perhaps through some illegal activity. But maybe just the effect of witchcraft being worked toward you. You need to seek compensation for your loses.
Proverbs 6:30-31
Men do not despise a thief, if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is hungry; [31] But if he be found, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house.

Hope this helps
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Re: My house had partly burned

Post by roses »

Pastor JKG,
Thank you for your response.
I can identify with your saying to seek compensation or my losses. My brother (now deceased) and sister in law have taken money from my parents. I have recovered some of the money they took, but not all of it. My sister in law lives in the same city as I do, but she is farther away than the two lots I saw in my dream. I know that she does not like me because I have recovered some of the money she and my brother took. I have been thinking of going through an attorney to recover the rest of the the ill gotten gain which my sister in law still has.