In a Meeting

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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In a Meeting

Post by jdarby2007 »

Hello Everyone,

My apologies for constantly asking for help, I pray and ask God to show me, but my understanding and/or revelation has not come yet for my dreams.

Here's a dream I need help with :

I was meeting with a group of black women and I believe I already had several meetings. I couldn't hear what we were talking about, but I noticed every time I would try and say something, I would get shut out or someone would over talk me. In the last meeting, it happened again, so I "went off", I let everyone in the meeting know that I know what was happening, how they were running off at the mouth, and yakking, and one of the women tried to grab me and it was like I had super strength because I nicely put her to the ground and grabbed her face and I told her "I used much restraint for a while not to hurt you." EOD.

IRL I would never do something like that because I am a diplomatic and reasonable person. So, not understanding this dream. Any help would be appreciated!

God bless you much!
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Re: In a Meeting

Post by PastorJKG »

This isn't an interp, simply something to think about. Many times we get involved in what the occult world calls an egregore, which is a thought form, or in my understanding, a group of people who embody a certain form of thought and it is spiritually empowered by demonic sources. We must be careful because we can sometimes get caught up in emotion and the excitement of a moment and actually channel that same spirit causing us to act completely out of character. It is how Mob rule works. It is the spirit that drives gang activity. It is the spirit that causes riots and great episodes of civil unrest. Right now that spirit is really trying to resurrect strongholds of racism and hate that we though were long gone and being pretty successful at it. Unfortunately the church is so racially divided we can't have much of a voice of reconciliation like we need to.

Any way I hope this may help you understand a little better.
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Re: In a Meeting

Post by jdarby2007 »

Hi Pastor JKG,

I have been very busy and not able to get on the board.

Thank you so much for responding to my dream. I think I understand what you mean. I need to ponder this! I do agree with you about the strongholds of racism and hate that has divided the church for a very long time.

God bless you much!