Lady Gaga then people from the past

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Lady Gaga then people from the past

Post by bella »

I dreamt Lady Gaga was at my house. Wearing normal clothes - I think a hoodie on top and maybe tracksuit pants on the bottom. She sat on the lounge watching the tv.

I was walking around the house and singing along to her song from a Star is Born. I don’t know the lyrics so was sort of humming and singing. Then it dawned on me it was her singing, her song. I kept singing so I didn’t look obvious.

She said to me “great song”. In my usually silly sense of humour I said “ah it’s ok”. She looked a bit hurt because she didn’t pick up that I was being droll.

Then I went and sat next to her on the lounge. She was to my left. We watched TV together.

I wondered why she wanted to stay with us like a billet rather than stay in a hotel. It felt like she just wanted a bit of normal life.

Then someone came and sat to my right. Two men. One had a mobile phone and he picked it up and pointed it at us to get a photo. I looked to my left and LG is pulling the hoodie up at the front to cover her face.

I turned to the guys taking the photo and said “give me the phone. Give me the phone.” And I grabbed it off them and deleted the photo.

This was the end of the dream about LG but it then went on to me dreaming about being at a restaurant that had a lovely timber deck.

I was over I a corner looking at and then trying on Doc Marten shoes but they looked strange. Not boots but shoes with strange shapes and patterns in the leather. There were three pairs of shoes and each one was designed to address a particular issue with feet.

I ended up trying on two pairs of them. All the while someone is yelling out to me telling me to hurry up.

I leave the corner of the room and then go to the bar. While I’m away from the corner, staff set up restaurant tables over there. Like maybe it was time to move from the afternoon casual drinks to night time restaurant on the deck.

I’m standing at the bar, when Peter BB comes over and says something to me. Whatever he said or did it had a misogynistic ring to it. I turned to him and started giving him a verbal spray and telling him how his wife and daughter feel about him and something that he had done that they had complained to me about that was offensive to them. He was shocked. And then he went back to his table and immediately started telling everyone there. These people were all the oldies (my parent’s age) that I used to be in cell group with.

Then I tried to order a favourite drink Cointreau and lemonade, but the lemonade was $25 for a single serve bottle. I was horrified. Lisa S was serving me. She was fumbling and dropping whatever the little stirrer thing was that was meant to go in the glass.

I went back to the table (not sure with or without drink) and everyone was looking at me, horrified at what I’d said to Peter.

I have no issue with Peter BB in real life, however he is old school and has been rude and domineering to his wife in the distant past. I don’t think he’s like that with her now. I have no knowledge of how his daughter feels about him. I've never even considered correcting him.

LIsa S is someone I did have conflict with when she was being nasty to me and really insensitive. It’s the moment I first realised how truly narcissistic she is. It was also the time I discovered the girls she used to live with were very aware of this side of her personality. I just didn’t know her well enough for the past almost-30 years to have seen it.
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Re: Lady Gaga then people from the past

Post by bella »

OK seeing as no-one has responded, I'll say what I think this dream means.

I believe it's about knowing when to step in and protect others, when you speak up and defend others, and when you just walk away because the cost is too high.

This dream is about confronting bullies. And protecting those that need to be protected.