Searching for Treasure

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Searching for Treasure

Post by bjcollin »

In this dream it started out in the great southwest part of the United States. It was a very rugged place like Arizona or New Mexico in a rocky desert area, with a lot of caves. I was a third party watching 3 native American Indian men, one older man and two younger men, and they were talking about searching for a treasure hidden in the caves. I somehow understood that the treasure was a great big pearl. They went deep into these caves and they started exploring them. Time passes in the dream, and eventually I am a fourth native American Indian who is also searching through these deep caves and looking for the great pearl treasure. I start to get lost, so either hear a voice or I get the idea that I need to draw directional marks in the cave so that I can know where I have come from in the cave and to not get lost. Eventually I get to this one bigger room at the bottom of the caves and I run into the older man Indian who is still there. He seem sad and lost, and he tells me that the two younger men who were with him left him to go up this one tunnel and they did not come back because he thought that they had found the treasured pearls. I asked him why he did not go up the tunnel to get the treasure with them as he already knew that was the way out? He said that he was uncertain that was the way out and the men might have died going up that tunnel. I said to him let's draw a picture on the cave wall next to the tunnel to show other people that this is the way to the treasure. I then woke up from the dream as I was leading him to the tunnel. The verses in Matthew about the pearl of great price came to mind.
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Re: Searching for Treasure

Post by bella »

Are you or are you planning on ministering to American indigenous?
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Re: Searching for Treasure

Post by bjcollin »

not in particular. I think that part might be a play on symbology for the word "tribe" or the word "native" in other words I need to find where the Lord want's me to fit into ministering to His people at. Shortly after this dream I got a call to preach this Sunday as our senior pastor is sick in the hospital with an infection in his knee. I am preaching on the pearl of great price in Matthew 13 of course following after this dream.
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Re: Searching for Treasure

Post by bella »

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Re: Searching for Treasure

Post by HisBlood »

Haha BJ,
How many times have you been studying for a sermon and had a dream about it, with
directions and confirmation! This is awesome! The Godhead is in it with you 3 :wink:

Bless ya

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Re: Searching for Treasure

Post by Chambers »

Hello again Brian.

This dream may speak of a time you may find yourself in a dry, and possibly rough, place. At first you are on the outside looking in.

With time your position has changed. You are now one of those looking for that great big pearl in the caves. Could the caves speak of a hiding place and shelter? Maybe you feel you are losing your sense of direction in this place and concerned about getting lost?

The next part may speak of the older generation feeling like the younger generation has left them behind and have forgotten about them.

You are wondering why he didn't just follow. He's unsure that is the way to go and he may meet with his death. You take time to help him.

I think that's great. I'm curious though if he willingly went or you met with resistance considering his fears. Maybe your help and reassurance was what he needed to get going.

Simply put, you may find yourself in a place where life may not be flourishing. There are those looking for that great, treasured pearl. At first you are on the outside looking in. With time you gain new insights due to being in a more intimate position and going deeper in. And, as usual, you are willing to lend a helping hand.

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Re: Searching for Treasure

Post by Chambers »

Some additional thoughts . .

The tribe part may speak of differences in beliefs, preferences, and customs.

These things can be a major source of contention between people, unless one is willing to put it aside for more important and relevant points.

Maybe the tribes are looking for something deeper, something more precious and valuable. Something worth selling all to attain.
