Mom's voice

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Mom's voice

Post by sarahugo »

I'm in my bedroom packing my suitcase and humming Christian hymns.i open the door and I could see a huge wooden door and I noticed that the foyer had these white tiles. I looked up and seen these two women that were walking side by side as if they were marching. I decided I would follow them and ended up going through the house.i don't know what happened to the two women. As I am going back into the room I hear my mom's voice saying I have something to tell you.
Scene changes: I am at a former work place setting up for the shift. I go to the cafeteria to get something to eat and the cafeteria lady says there is not enough food for staff and residents. So, I go finish setting up and I look up to see my natural sister. She is talking on the phone and by her answers the question was yes and no. A sister from a former church we attended went into the room with her. My sister looks up and sees me and she repeats the same thing my mom said Carolyn, I have something to tell you.
Note: I asked my sister but she said she had nothing to tell me
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Re: Mom's voice

Post by PastorJKG »

I sense the dream is speaking of kingdom/church issues. Packing the suitcase seems to suggest a journey. Preparing to go somewhere. The white tiles seem to indicate the way of righteousness. The two women walking as if marching seem to speak of the unity of the bride of Christ, the strength of the church is in unity because it is there the Lord pours out the anointing. Mother often speaks of the church which is our spiritual mother. The church, by way of the Holy Ghost has something to tell you. Your sister= other believers may not be aware of the word that is coming to you. The lack of food could speak of a deficiency in the word. Some get it but others don't. Have you been prophetic in the past? Often we receive words that are not automatically received by others. We must let love rule in our hearts because even thou it may not initially be received, they will eventually see that it was of the Lord. Some will very strongly resist and even accuse you of being a false prophet. This is the hardest thing about prophecy is the process between the word and the manifestation. For your prayerful consideration.
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Re: Mom's voice

Post by bjcollin »


Welcome to the Tehillah Dreams board. Great first post dream.

in Christ,
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Re: Mom's voice

Post by sarahugo »

Thank you