Dream about UFO

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Dream about UFO

Post by Andy »


In a dream, 4 police officers walked up to me, looking exhilarated and stunned. One of them openly said,
"We have talked, and Yeah! This must be a UFO." It was nighttime.
Then, I looked up and saw (through the skylights in the building I was in) a large, oval, dark UFO, and on the underneath of the UFO were many oval lights/windows, forming a circle of lights on the underneath of the UFO. 1 or 2 seconds after the UFO appeared, there were loud bangs, then the entire world shook violently and tilted. The whole world witnessed all the loud noises. Then, I was in a crowded room, and dozens of people were gossiping and speculating with each other, theorizing, trying to understand what this phenomena was. There was a strong sense in my dream that this UFO crash/visitation, in its wake, brought a LOT OF peace and understanding to the world. All the people were quite calm. I then said to someone in the dream, that I had heard from someone 3 days ago, that a UFO would come to earth 3 days later, that day. End.

The dream, if true, means to me that the whole world will someday know about the aliens, and their intentions?? I usually have dreams about earthly things, not many UFO dreams. I remembered the day of this dream, I had read an article a few days before, where NASA had called upon a few dozen spiritual leaders like Christian and Catholic and other religious leaders to prepare the world for an alien visitation.

A recent news headline(before my I had my dream):

"NASA is hiring priests to prepare humans for contact with aliens"
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Re: Dream about UFO

Post by bjcollin »


I was just in the Houston TX area a couple of weekends ago staying at the Holiday Inn Express NASA Space Center. We were there in Friendswood for a women's church conference. Your dream made me remember a conversation I had with my wife. I told her that if I were single I would think about moving and changing jobs to go work at the NSA or NASA. Either would do for a change LOL. Maybe NASA would hire me as a Christian pastor instead of a Computer Scientist to prepare people to meet aliens. I did read one sample article with that title you mentioned recently, it seems to me they are trying to do a study or get a feel for how news of aliens would affect religious people possibly. Many of these agencies fund all kinds of studies that have no purpose whatsoever, they are just what-if scenarios so I am not worried. One of the sample articles:

https://www.wionews.com/science/nasa-is ... ens-440433

Anyway for your dream, usually UFO's in dreams just symbolically point to something that is unknown or something that is an unseen or unknown mystery. Sometimes UFO's or aliens can refer to the enemy secretly at work against us. I see you had the dream Feb-1 and today is Feb-8 so we are well past 3 days noted from your dream. So did anything happen last week or this past weekend that was revealed to you that would fit the dream? Also, as one of the other admins on this board recently reminded me, we as prophetic dreamers will many times have dreams that are reflective of what was are intaking into our reading/viewing. So your reading the article and other things could have sparked the dream out of your own flesh/soul and it does not mean it's a conspiracy that we're being prepared for aliens by our government. Just some thoughts on the dream.

My personal belief is that God created the heavens and the earth, and there are so many millions of worlds and stars and galaxies out there that the God of the universe created. It is very possible and even probable that He created life other places than just on the earth. As a fellow Christian minister, my wife feels the exact opposite... she feels that it was the heavens plural and the earth singular that God created and there is only life here on earth. Just my dos centavos. I am sure the other admins and members have similar feelings one way or the other as well.

in Christ,