Healing in the basement

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Healing in the basement

Post by Leah »

Hi! I could use help with interpretation of my dream. I have been praying for several years for a physical healing, and wondering why it never happens. This dream might be an indication of the problem, but I can't make sense of it.

Dream: I was in a house full of people. A tall, thin priest with white hair and a beard led me to the basement. He spoke out loud all the things that were going on in my body. Everything he said was true. Then he wanted something from me. Something ... intimate. He was ... you know, I can't say it here. I was turned off by that and went back upstairs. I walked past all the people who were now sitting at a table in the kitchen, thinking they would notice I was upset, but they didn't notice me at all.
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Re: Healing in the basement

Post by bjcollin »


Welcome to the Tehillah Dreams board. Great first post.

IN GENERAL physical healing sometimes does not manifest for one of many reasons... Sometimes it is an issue of faith or unbelief. Sometimes there are issues in the person's past that need to be dealt with first before the Lord, and these issues give the enemy a foothold or legal ground for remaining in your life which stops the healing from occurring. For example, many times the issue that holds people back is forgiveness. There needs to be forgiveness from the heart of somebody from their past who hurt them or caused them pain. Because they are holding a grudge, the enemy has the legal right to harass them and prevent healing from the Lord from occurring. Sometimes deliverance is needed. Sometimes it is as simple as our tongue and our confession, we speak things into existence and it binds us. For example, quite a few years back, we had a person in our church who was sick with cancer and prior to him coming to us for prayer, he for years would say something like "I would give my left %^& for xyz"... and eventually that is what killed him because he kept confessing that and did not repent. We need to speak and confess and declare God's Word and not what the enemy says about what is attacking our bodies. (I can post Bible verse references backing each of these situations up if needed later)

For your dream... I feel that the symbol of the basement in your dream denotes things that are unseen or hidden deep in your life. The priest in your dream seems to represent an enemy spirit and/or a misconception about God. In the dream I also see that you are agreeing with the symptoms calling them all true. The enemy knows the symptoms and gets you to keep agreeing. There are many people in your life, but they all have their own interests and do not know what is going on deep in your life even though it makes you emotional. I hope this helps get you started on the dream.

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Re: Healing in the basement

Post by Leah »

Thanks for your help Brian. I didn't describe the scene in the basement very well. No words were spoken by the man or I. I just perceived that he could see inside me. He knew exactly what was going on in my body.

I thought this dream meant that God would heal me if I spent more intimate time with Him. But I asked someone about that, and they said God wouldn't put a condition on a healing miracle. So maybe the misconception about God you mentioned was about that? Not sure.

As for the reasons a person doesn't get healed, it's been discouraging the past few years. I started watching a preacher on TV who said we are all healed, it was finished on the cross. To just claim your healing, rebuke the pain, speak healing scriptures over yourself. After doing that for such a long time I grew weary and unbelief crept in. I never got the manifestation of that healing. But I have had times when I told someone my diagnosis, and complained about the pain, so I know I've been double-minded. I don't think I have unforgiveness, but I have asked the Holy Spirit to search my heart and show me if there's unforgiveness that I'm not aware of. I'm sure in time God will reveal whatever is blocking my healing.
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Re: Healing in the basement

Post by keilani »

Shalom Leah. Just some thoughts to add to BJ's offering.

Basement-that which is unseen and yet foundational in terms of building that which is seen-speaking of both a physical house and our body as a house. Said another way, the unseen is that which enables the physical to manifest.

It was speaking "truths"- telling you what exists currently.

You accepted it as correct because it described what you are feeling and experiencing.

Intimacy-speaks to me of being one. Agreeing with something makes you one since you share the same thought and are not divided from it. This agreement is the legal right that enables a thing to continue its existence.

I call this thing an "it" because your description is similar to demonic beings I've encountered. Old, white in color, shoulder-length hair, dirty, haggard, sometimes missing or decaying teeth-they have taken those forms and I understand it's metaphorical for the fallen nature of the angels that followed Satan.

Its "truths" fill this world's systems and they always contradict what God has done for us and promised as our inheritance. One of the things I've learned is that when we choose to believe God's word, we must protect that seed and reject everything that will come to oppose it. It's the Parable of the Seed in Mk 4:1-20. That choice is ours alone but God promises to strengthen the resolve of those whose hearts are committed to Him (2 Chron 16:9).

And a story to encourage you: when my daughter was between 4 mos and 15 mos, she had what the world would call allergic reactions, eczema, and some other rare condition that other nurses and docs came to see when I was afraid of a prolonged fever and chose to hospitalize her when she was 1. She never slept more than 2 hours through at night before waking up screaming and crying. Even then I knew demons had to be involved because it was a weird pattern that only happened at night. As a mom, lack of sleep for that long is enough to make you wanna throw in the towel. I cried out to God nightly and often wondered if healing and normalcy was possible.

One day, I sat down and said to God in my heart, "At least tell me what condition she has so that I can take her to be treated.". I knew He was listening but purposely not answering and that puzzled me.

It was years later, after she was healed, that I realized if God had diagnosed her, healing would've been impossible. Why? Because His Word endures forever. If He told me the name of her condition, she would've had it forever. And healing and wholeness is the only thing He has promised us. He will not contradict His own Words/Promises.

There were many days when I wondered if her healing would ever happen. I felt hopeless and natural remedies could only do so much. But one morning, I had this dream where I saw this demon, wrapped in something, crawling down our hallway as it headed to the front door.

That night she slept through the night for the first time and her body healed itself. Won't tell all the details but that dream showed me where I had disobeyed God's direct command to me a few years prior. In my effort to please others, I disobeyed God, came into agreement with demons, and let them into my home. And where demons are, sickness, disease, and lack always manifest. She's 13 today, healthy, happy, and walks with Him.

In your dream, it sounds like what you've accepted as truths (medical diagnoses) is the root problem. "By His Stripes we are healed" is a truth that doesn't change because of the circumstances we are facing in our body or life. Those circumstances are after the WORD because His Word is the only thing that has the power to subdue the adversary (a.k.a. the one who opposes). Hold on to His Promises and don't let go no matter what comes to talk you out of it. Just answer those thoughts and circumstances with His Truth the same way Jesus did when Satan came to tempt Him in the wilderness.

May Holy Spirit empower you to stand and receive His Promises in your body and life.
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Re: Healing in the basement

Post by keilani »

Forgot to add, the fact that you rejected the priest imo shows you are headed in the right direction. Understanding what is going on encourages us on our journey to seeing healing, all His Promises really, come to pass in our bodies and life.
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Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
and...enlighten everyone about God’s secret plan—a secret that has been hidden for ages in God who has created all things.
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