Cash Cow

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Cash Cow

Post by ispeaktheword »

Hello all,

"Liz from my old job came to me to talk about her business. She was thinking of closing it. It had something to do with her mother or grandmother, and I think the business wasn’t really making a lot of money.

When I went to see the business, I saw great potential! There was a lottery ticket section in the middle of the store and I said, "This is a Cash Cow!" I felt if the store was updated, and more contemporary it could do very well.

I sat down at a table by myself. There were huge windows to my left. It was day time. As I looked out of the window, it looked like I was in downtown Boston (irl I live in a town outside of Boston). There was a long hallway in front of me with different rooms on each side. There was the main area that I was sitting in that had the lottery ticket desk or kiosk - and there was another area off to the right with chairs or sofa's for people to come and enjoy the vibe. Gospel music was playing throughout the store. I thought to myself this will need a little work but it will be worth it." EOD

Liz is usually a symbol in my dream for some type of oath or promise. I would appreciate any thoughts to help me understand what the Lord may be saying in this dream.

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Re: Cash Cow

Post by JayD »

It may speak of dwindling faith and discouragement in the promises of God.

You are able to see the potential, and how with just some updating things can turn around and make a nice profit, or spiritual wealth.

The lottery machine may speak of taking chances, yet as believers we can step out in faith; in who He is (love, faithful, loyal, etc), and his promises.

It may also speak of priorities changing, especially in the face of what's going on. You see things promising on one end.

If this is more about a business, there are risks, but if you have the backing for that and it's in your, or her heart, then you can proceed forward if you'd like with your eyes open, not blindly.

Have some more thoughts, but no time now. The rest is just a bit of details that can wait.
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Re: Cash Cow

Post by JayD »

Just some other thoughts on things within the dream.

It may just be a coincidence, but the window part reminded me of what I was thinking yesterday morning. The area I live in has grown so much. I was thinking how nice it would be to have a retreat in all this as I can't get away right now. I was thinking how I'm so over looking at so many buildings and cars and manmade stuff. I've become obsessed with the nature channel and not interested in any movies unless it takes place in nature.

That's what the store in the city reminded me of and may speak of a haven amongst all the hustle and bustle we can find ourselves in, in life.

The windows being huge may speak of larger vision. Don't know if this has to do with an actual store, but thinking it is symbolic. I tend to often say we need to seek the Lord for ourselves and listen to him before we buy into something as the truth, or that it is for us. Maybe the store is a place believers can gather, take a step of faith, and share in the spiritual riches the Lord has given them.

Anyway, as I tend to see lots of details in things, let me summarize again so we don't lose the larger picture. Overall, it may speak of being able to see the potential in others' vision, and may also be a call to encourage them not to lose faith in the promises of God.

Hebrews 10

23Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. 24Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. 25And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.

The whole book of Hebrews may be worth reviewing again as it speaks of the old and new. You may find something there in the updating.

I believe that's all I have. Maybe another will have more.
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Re: Cash Cow

Post by ispeaktheword »

Hi JayD!

I truly appreciate you taking the time to respond to my dream. I’m still not sure what the Lord is saying lol! But you’ve given me some things to ponder and pray about. 🙏🏽

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Re: Cash Cow

Post by JayD »

Thank you. I'm sure there will be more clarity in the future. Either way, looks like a very promising dream.
Thanks again.