Grandma's House - Being spied on and Robbery

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Grandma's House - Being spied on and Robbery

Post by bindicat14 »

Last night I had 2 separate dreams, both set at my Grandmother's houses (she passed away a few years ago):

Dream 1: I was in one of the bedrooms at my Grandmother's old farm house (the house we used to visit and stay at when I was growing up). I was in my underwear (maybe getting ready, dressed?). The blinds/shades on the window were only 2/3 of the way down. Next thing I see a man is on the outside of the window peering in at me through the bit of window not covered by the shades. When I investigate I discover that this man had been invited into my Grandmother's home by a woman who was there who was an "invited" guest, she was invited to be there. She however took it upon herself to let this man in who we did not know or invite.

Dream 2: Again I was at my Grandmother's house however this was a different house, the one she lived in after the above house. I was leaving to go out/away for the weekend, in the dream I was in a hurry when I left and wasn't as careful as I usually would be in checking everything was locked. On my retun after my time away (in the dream I returned at midday) I discovered that my Grandmother's home had been broken into via the front door - forced entry. I found my Grandmother's handbag on the street. When I went into the house I found 5 intruders in one of the bedrooms. I didn't have my phone on me to call the police, I tried to detain them but couldn't and they got away. I studied their faces to try and remember what they looked like for the police. There were 4 women and 1 man, 3 of them had blue eyes, 2 had brown eyes. They actually let me look at them closely before they got away. After they left a small group of people arrived to visit (not family but like they were family, knew my Grandmother). I was a bit stressed and was trying to hide the fact the house had just been robbed, I let them in the house, this is where the dream ended.

Not entirely sure what the above 2 dreams mean, any insight/thoughts? Thank you.
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Re: Grandma's House - Being spied on and Robbery

Post by PastorJKG »

I would take it as a warning of the enemies plan to steal something of inheritance from you. Whether spiritual or physical. It seems there is an open door to some degree because of your Grandmothers lack of discernment or perhaps being too trusting of people. Hope this helps, for your prayerful consideration.
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Re: Grandma's House - Being spied on and Robbery

Post by bindicat14 »

Thank you PastorJKG for this insight, I will pray :)
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Re: Grandma's House - Being spied on and Robbery

Post by JayD »

Hi. Just an addition to the above interp.

Appears that the thieves are interested in something more personal in nature. Bedrooms are where we have our own personal space within the family unit. It's a place where we can undress in private, and rest.

The undressing may speak of more personal aspects of yourself, your personality, your dreams and desires, etc.

A woman's handbag is also where they keep personal belongings, such as ID, make up, etc.

You seeing their faces may speak of discerning their intent.

And irl there are some that are well meaning and have good intentions, but not realize the harm they may be causing.

Although it may speak of your biological family, it may also speak of your spiritual family, or church family.

It's important that you know yourself in the sense of dreams and desires in your heart, and even personality traits because others will tell us it is right or wrong and only God and you can really know that.

Right and wrong are found in the condition of the heart as in hatred, bitterness, jealousy, strife, these are not fruits of God's Spirit. Love, joy, long suffering, etc, are fruits of His Spirit.

All other desires and traits are just that and as long as we are in Him we are ok.

Eventually, if we want to continue to grow in our relationship with the Lord, He may look to change certain desires, but let Him speak these things and desires within your heart.
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Re: Grandma's House - Being spied on and Robbery

Post by JayD »

And again, just some additional details that may fit as i personally see the first interp you received as on target.