Urgent - Child's Recurring Nightmare

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Urgent - Child's Recurring Nightmare

Post by Kim »

My friend's son Matthew is 10 years old and has been having a recurring nightmare for several years.

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Haunted-House-Hal ... dZViewItem

Above is a link to a mask in the movie Scream so that you will understand what Matthew is seeing.

He has had a recurring dream where this face (similar to the mask in Scream) comes to him and it scares him to the point that he wakens up screaming. In his most recent dream, he was at his friends house when a knock came to the door. He could see the figure through the door and knew it was his mum. When he opened the door, it was his mum except that she had this 'scream' type face. It has freaked Matthew as well as his mum.

When my friend was heavily pregnant with Matthew (who was conceived just prior to their marriage), she was walking through the town when she met a gypsy who was selling charms. Because my friend would not buy or accept a charm from the gypsy, the gypsy put her hand on my friends pregnant tummy and told her that her child would be cursed. My friend said that her child couldn't be cursed because he was covered by the blood of Jesus.

My friend did the ouija board in her youth. She can be walking through the mall and suddenly get a shiver up her spine and knows immediately that the person she is beside has something demonic in their life. This happens to her when she walks into certain houses or areas. Her and her husband also see black shadowy figures in their home. Her husband has seen figures of people in their home that he can describe in detail. My friend also dreams regularly and I have never met anyone who has dreams the way she does. They are more like spiritual visions. She can come out of a dream at will because she has trained herself to do so. Her dreams are usually scary. She often meets a 'man' in her dreams. Apparently this happens about once a month. He has coffee with her, goes clothes shopping etc, but won't tell her his name. He just says she knows who he is.

She's at her wits end with her sons dreams. Even though she and her husband pray over Matthew and his bed/bedroom, he is still having these dreams.

Can anyone adivse or help ?? This is a Christian couple who have been bombarded with demonic attacks throughout their marriage, especially the last several years.
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Post by naveah »

Just some thoughts
Turn on Praise and Worship music in the night,leave on in the day when not home
Bind the Curse placed on the family in the name of Jesus
Plead the blood of Jesus over all the family
Anoint the doors with Oil Have the Father pray the blessing over the home (The Dad is key it is about divine order)
Check the home for anything that is not of God example music, idols, movies, any thing that might be an opening for the enemy
Pray before sleep that God will send him dreams and block those from the enemy.
When they see these dark things rebuke them command them to leave in the name of Jesus.
Pray the word over their family it may be generational and it may need to be bound then God can release blessings

Praying in the Spirit

Praying for them in the Spirit
And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.Isaiah 6:7
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Post by Woahskigner »

I am praying for this. The Lord told me not to say what I wanted to say.

Tell her she is being covered with blessings.

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Post by Kim »

The house, Matthew, his bedroom and bed have all been prayed for and anointed with oil. Matthew is prayed for daily (as are all their kids). They have quote scripture over him and told him what to say in Jesus' name. Matthew is a 10 year old Christian who has led his class mates at school to the Lord. He won't watch demonic things on tv or in movies.

His parents do not know where this is coming from or what to do about it.
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Post by Kim »

my friend rejects deliverance as she does not believe that a Christian needs it. I personally think she is afraid, but she is adamant that once we accept salvation, the devil has no hold on us at all. We become new creations and all those old things are passed away. She is going against what she sees as blatantly obvious.
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Post by Krista »


There was once a time where I was praying very much for someone who was in the occult. One night, I was very angry with someone, and even after they apologized I refused to let it go.

That night I woke up around 5 or so in the morning, feeling like something else was looking out of my eyes. It literally felt like something had hopped into my body.

After that I had dreams once a week about a man who was trying to burn me alive, boil me etc. I do NOT believe I was posessed..but see when I disobeyed God when he told me to forgive and not let the sun go on my anger, I opend up my spirit man to a demon.

I know that demon very well, it was the one that I had been praying againts for sometime..and I've had quite a history with it.

The dreams finally went away after one dream where the guy was chasing me around..I was in a church that I'd been going to with my friend, it was INCREDIBLY peaceful, and everyone was there for Jini. (my friend) It was so so safe feeling. We cuddled up under a blanket that her mother laid over us. And that was the end of the dreams of my getting blown up.

It was cool because at the time I had not found a "Home church". And had only started going to my friends church because God told me too..it's a spiritual covering.

Your friend is no DOUBT a christian, but it sounds like shes got a spirit thats in her innerman. I think God is trying to tell her the importance of getting it out, but it's something she relys on and feels safe with.

She KNOWS it in her conciousness who this man is, (who the demon is) but she has blinded herself to it. So YOU can pray for her, and fast for her that it becomes clear to her...in which case as soon as she tells it to go, and realizes she doesn't want it anymore, it will go away.

She is resisting going to a deliverence because she downdeep does not want it to go away now..but shes learning more and more through her son why its a problem.

Her son is literally sensing the demon in her spiritman, which is why he is dreaming about her face having the mask on it.

In fact, the demon is quite possibly trying to influence, or even attack him through her, which is why hes dreaming about it.

I should say..that ive had dreams about peoples faces distorting into demons, and its always when ive come into contact with an unclean spirit thats on them..which can happen EVEN IF THE PERSON IS A CHRISTIAN. It does NOT mean they're posessed, but it means they have something clogging their filter.

I have to say this..I've also had an unclean spirit attatched to me, and someone also dreamt about my face distorting into a demons.
When we experience fierce jealousy, rage, sexual imorality (such as homosexuality, beastiality, bondage) it's literally an unclean spirit trying, or have already attatched itself to us in someway shape or form.

Once again, if you tell her this..she will not believe you, because she is resisting the truth about herself. Instead pray for her, God will surely reveal it to her when she truely wants it gone. Prayer moves mountains in these cases.
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Post by Kim »

Krista, I'll certainly pass on what you've written. There's a lot of 'meaty' stuff in there !!
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Post by songmiracle »

This reminds me of my children when they were kids (they are in college now). They had very vivid dreams. Good and bad. Through the years they became prophetic in nature. We all had to learn that they needed to understand that it was a gift and to learn how to administer them. As soon as we talked about the dream and try to understand what the child was seeing (it's their language), naturally came the interpretation. Especially my son, now he approaches his dreams with objectivity, understanding that as long he is in God, also his gifts are in God's domain. In school they use to call him "Joseph" because of the revelation he received in his dreams.

I believe your friend's child have the gifts of discernment and knowledge. These dreams are getting his attention to accept what God is giving him. Sometimes the Lord takes approaches that we as adults don't understand (the Bible is full of examples).

Please consider in prayer.
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Post by Krista »

Please let me know how it goes!

Post by Rhema »

Hi kim, what a blessing to help your friend in this matter, The Lord wants you to speak truth to her. It seems hard, be in prayer for God's timing and alignment, the Lord will give you the wisdom and counsel to share for this family. I believe this family has a huge prophetic annointing. the mother and son especialy. the enemy will do everything to destroy them. I feel this is a familiar spirit, that comes to torment them, keeping them in bondage. this causes fear in the little boy, so it can have access to him, just like it dose to the mother. I also feel, there is more in this woman's past, than she has told you. she should have a generational deliverance done. if anyone from our family has been invold heaviley in the occult, these spirits seek out family members to invade their lifes and contaminate their spiritual gifts from God. this will all need to be repented of and renounced, she needs to do this for her family generation line also. she needs to forgive anyone that has practiced witchraft and operated in the occult. many times christians think they are operating under the power of the Holy Spirit, when it is realy a familar spirit that mascardes as Holy Spirit. many times people do not want deliverance from these spirits because of fear or a loss of power and protection they think they have from them. pray her eyes will be open to see the truth and her heart be prepared to hear the truth from the true Holy Spirit. she needs deliverance. she should make sure, she removes all items from her home that have links to the occult. she needs someone to teach her about her giftings and how to pray over her, her son and family. Pray and ask the Lord what has been the root (open door) for this spirit to have leagl rights over this woman and her family. Jesus gave us the authority over the enemy. he teaches our hands to make war. we will always be in a battle against spirits. fast and pray before you share these things with her. God will prepare her. He wants us to set the captives free. God Bless you as you move in the work of the Lord! Rhema
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Post by t_vest »

Hey, I think what has been written here is true. But the only problem is not believing in deliverance. I think all you can do
is educate her and her family, and pray and fast for her.
I will be praying also. I used to have very, very bad nightmares
also and i know how it is. Hang in there and love your friend.

Pray about this first but maybe the child could talk his parents into
getting the house prayed over . We had the same problems in our house growing up, doors slamming , lights being turned on and off , hearing something walk in the house, and generaly seeing things. I feel like you are right she might be too scared to admit it
or is in denial, But keep in mind she may be dealing with this so long that it is normal to her. She also may think that it is all her fault and she has caused her child to suffer, This can be dangerous
becasue of guilt and then usally causing things to be ignored and
not taken care of.
I know how scary it is for a child in this position. I will be praying
for this family.

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Post by Kim »

Thank you sooooo very much for all the responses to my post. I can see a common thread running through them, and it is in line with the things I had been thinking about too. I really appreciate your insight and prayers for this situation. You truly are a great group of people !!