dreamed about my grandmother

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dreamed about my grandmother

Post by Alabaster »

Hi, I had this dream short dream last night and it has me puzzled.

I dreamed that I was with my mother. We were in a dimly lit room. Next I looked and there my grandmother was lying in a bed. I remember looking at her feet. She was barefooted and I just kept staring at her feet. It made me happy to see her feet for some reason and I was drawn to them and just kept staring at them. My mom had been thinking about my grandmother and was happy because she believed and was going on like she was. Then I remember thinking that I wonder why my mom thinks she's alive now because she passed away about 20 years ago. Next I looked up to her face to see if she just might be alive, and she was but she was just sleeping with a smile on her face. I smiled at her and got happy inside and she looked just like I remembered her as a child and I was thinking that too. She had on a lacy white gown and it made me feel good to look at her. Then I looked back at her feet and it's like I was drawn to the way they looked for some reason. They weren't ugly or dirty or anything, they just looked like her normal feet, they looked soft. Then I woke up.

My grandmother really did pass away about 20 years ago and my mother and I both miss her in a good way. I just don't understand why I would dream about her now. I haven't dreamt about her for many years! And I wasn't trying to communicate with her or anything in the dream because I knew that she had passed away. Could someone please help with insight on this because this was a very short to the point dream and it was mostly about me staring at her feet. Thanks in advance for any help and God bless!
Mama table
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I could be wrong

Post by Mama table »

In these last days there will be no unused members in the body of Christ.
There is a verse in that says Blessed are the feet of those who bring good news..
Who spread the Gospel..
Maybe your Grandmother was a witnesser
I mean spread the Gospel.
I believe mantels can be passed on...
I do not know where you are with God but He has plans for those who let Him...
Much Love in Christ
I could be wrong
Maybe God wants you to witness
I love the Lord

Post by Joy2dream »

I'm thinking on the same lines as mama.
What kind of life did your grandmother live for the Lord?

I am also seeing that you are amazed at the way her feet look. Could this be because she had a hard walk in life or a diseased foot and the Lord want you to see how they look now?

Just some thoughts.
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Post by Alabaster »

Hi Mama and Joy2dream, thank you both for your insight!

My grandmother was very grounded in the Lord, and my mom once told me a long time ago that she was tenderhearted, so much so that it would hurt her (my mom) sometimes the way people would take advantange of my grandma's kindness. My grandma knew this but she still would help however she could. I guess I'm bringing this up because when I read your insight it reminded me of that time.

I'm going through a trying time now (maybe that's why the light was dim in the dream) with a co-worker and if my grandmother were here I know that she would say to love and forgive because that is what Jesus expects. And my mom always tells me that 'you remind me of mama'.

........." I do not know where you are with God but He has plans for those who let Him... " Thank you for those words! I believe you are right, and I do want to be part of His plans, to be a witness. And I will let Him by letting go and letting God! God bless you both so much and thank you for your words of encouragement! Love, Alabaster
Mama table
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you willl walk in

Post by Mama table »

An alabaster box is something you give with your whole heart.
I believe you have given this to the Lord and you are open to his plans.I believe you are open to him . I believe the dream is a vision of what he will bring to you.
an annointing you will walk in.
like your Grandmother....
I love the Lord
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Post by Mama table »

so much so that it would hurt her (my mom) sometimes the way people would take advantange of my grandma's kindness. My grandma knew this but she still would help however she could.
This is a sign of spiritual maturity....strength not weakness....

It takes spirtual maturity to love when you know fair and clear that you are being taken advantage of..

I guess I'm bringing this up because when I read your insight it reminded me of that time.

Much Love to you
Mama table
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desiring of the Lord

Post by Mama table »

Maybe this tenderheartedness is something you have been desiring from the Lord and He wants to give it to you.
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Post by Bananna »

I just get the impression that the fruits of her labor may be coming to maturity now perhaps in you or your mom.

The Tongue, The Pen, and the sword have two things in common
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Post by Alabaster »

Thanks Mama table, yes, I really have been desiring to love at a deeper level; and thank you too Bananna, and your response just reminded me of when my mother about 6 or 7 years ago told me that she asked God to help her to have a more forgiving heart for almost the same situation that I am facing now, and He answered her prayer back then!!! (and now I see why she was happy in the dream - wow)! And that is what I've been asking the Lord over the past several weeks to do, and I feel Him working on the inside of me after I read the earlier responses about "letting Him". WOW, everyones insight has been sooooo awesome and eye opening! Thank you, thank you, thank you! It makes sense and it bares witness in my spirit! I need to follow her example. God bless you and thanks again everyone for your help.

Post by Joy2dream »

Remeber the Lord Jesus washing the disciples' feet? When they had to walk during those time they were walking on the same paths as the animals and the roads were somethings nasty and yucky. This foot washing was a way of the Lord showing love and servant hood to the disciples. So I think in this dream the Lord may be wanting you to see that for all your beloved grandmother walked thought He, Himself has washed her feet and she is clean from all of the muck and mire she went through. Also thinking how lovely are the feet of those who spread the Gospel. This is a way of showing you are a child of the King.

Blessings to you,
John 13:13-15 (New King James Version)
13 You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. 14 If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. 15 For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.

Romans 10:14-16 (New King James Version)

Israel Rejects the Gospel

14 How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written:

“ How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace,[a]
Who bring glad tidings of good things!”

16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, “LORD, who has believed our report?”[c]
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Post by naveah »

Generational mercy being passed down from your grandmother's mantle. How awesome is that? just had to celebrate with you.
Blessings to you as you walk out your calling in the name of Jesus
And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.Isaiah 6:7
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Post by Alabaster »

Hi Joy2dream, Thanks again for some more wonderful insight! The gospel of peace..YES! Naveah, God bless you too!