Hans Solo

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Hans Solo

Post by WingsofHealing »

i had this dream over the weekend and have gotten some feedback for it. BUT need confirmation and one always can get more information out of a dream. Thank you in advance.

ok I (nicole) was watching hans solo (from star wars) and he was holding onto the edge of a ship, or flying something that was in the air, not space just several hundred or thousand feet in the air. But see i was watching kinda like in a theatre setting. Hard to explain. Next scene........... was with my husband (charlie) and i said to him i needed to go back to house (my aunts house from the 60's) and had to make sure the door was locked. So i did, and upon getting there i checked and sure enough the door was unlocked, SHUT but unlocked. I opened the door and locked it, and then shut it. I came down the steps and as i passed the hedge (the dream was ever so like the real house, landscape and neighbors houses), well i passed the hedge and noticed somthing move in the shadows of a house aaboaut 3 up the hill/street. (yep hill is really there in real life)
i looked again and this was something that was in pursuit of me.
I walked faster and this (thing) was gaining ground. ( this was kinda like a scarecrow, had a hat and long sleeved shirt, gloves and sunglasses, hadnt a mouth or nose, just a sock or material over the head and sunglasses), well he had a dog on a leash and i started to touch the dog as it got closer, but as i started to, (not touching the animal and yet my finger did touch i fraction of an inch of its hair) I immediatly told myself NO.......... and continued to escape from this ????
next scene
i was now in a church and noticed several people i know. though i didnt see husband........woke up.

Now let me explain i was at up in the mountains this last weekend and it was intense. i had a fair to sell my pictures at those of you who know my photography. Well i knew this dream was of the Lord, but i had several more that night that were NOT, lots of fearful dreams, tools being stolen and in real life we cant find a tool now upon getting home. dreampt i got lost and never found the fair, etc etc. I usually dont go into detail like this, but GOD Is doing a major shift in my life as well as hubbies. THANK you again for ANY input.
May we ALL FIND the healing in the Lords wings and be still to absorb all we can.

Post by Joy2dream »


From http://www.behindthename.com/name/john

Gender: Masculine

Usage: German, Dutch, Scandinavian

Pronounced: HAHNS (German, Dutch) [key]

German, Dutch and Scandinavian short form of JOHANNES. Two famous bearers were Hans Holbein, a Renaissance portrait painter from Germany, and Hans Christian Andersen, a Danish writer of fairy tales.

Gender: Masculine

Usage: German, Dutch, Scandinavian, Finnish, Estonian, Late Roman

Pronounced: yo-HAH-nes (German), yo-HAHN-nus (Dutch) [key]

Ancient Latin form of Ioannes (see JOHN). The astronomer Johannes Kepler and the composer Johannes Brahms are famous bearers of this name.

Gender: Masculine

Usage: English, Biblical

Pronounced: JAHN [key]

English form of Iohannes, which was the Latin form of the Greek name Ιωαννης (Ioannes), itself derived from the Hebrew name יוֹחָנָן (Yochanan) meaning "YAHWEH is gracious". This name owes its consistent popularity to two New Testament characters, both highly revered as saints. The first was John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus Christ and a victim of beheading by Herod Antipas. The second was the apostle John, also supposedly the author of the fourth Gospel and Revelation.
The name has been borne by 21 popes and eight Byzantine emperors, as well as kings of England, France, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Portugal and Hungary. It was also borne by the poet John Milton and the philosopher John Locke.

So with all that in mind do you think this is what your dream is pointing to - that YAHWEH is gracious alone. And that He is the one at the head of your ship?

Next I wonder what the aunt meant to you and if there is something there that you need to lock up and give the key to the Lord. The scarecrow seems to be a demonic spirit.

Ditch anything that doesn't help.


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Post by WingsofHealing »

FIrst JOY, thank you so much for responding. So often my dreams dont get much attention, and yes i am pretty much not whining about it anymore. I will share what i believe my dream is saying and if anyone get something different PLEASE share. pwease?

Hans solo, to me at first i thought was my husband, and then i realized ( well i believe i realized) that it was me. See hans was holding on with almost knuckles white. I believe it is time for me to let go. Let go of what i have no idea. i kept seeing hands solo. I should not have solo hands. I need to let go and let husband be the head of the house. I have done most of the administration in our house, for hubby quit years ago, and now since he is back with the Lord, i am getting STRONGLY from the Lord, to let go.
Yes my aunts house (she is now dead and no longer lives there), is within 20 miles and i am tenatively planning to go there with a sister in the Lord and see what happens. I do know i was blamed for many things as a child that i never did. I am adopted and because i am and was adopted, in the extended family, (aunts uncles cousins etc) i was blamed for so much, that i never did do.

MORE INFO.... another entirely different situation, that fits in perfectly with the dream is this: this same sister and i went down to the mouth of san diego river and KNEW we were to do something prophetic and confusion was rampant today and we still did do things........ she dove into the river, (Cold, brrr) and i kept hearing, time to cross over. But the tide had come in and i just couldnt cross this river.....too freaky. but i finally did and after swimming 10-15 feet, i FREAKED, scared to death nearly. I then turned around and swam back and then realized i could stand. I immediatly thought of ezkeil and the river in chapter 47 i think.
what i finally gleaned and understand is this: i had to get to the point of not being able to ford the river, not touching the bottom, and returning. Tying this to the dream, i gleaned, Nicole. let go, Nicole release it to ME, its time to go........
again, i dont know what this is, is it the prophetic dance, is it giving over of the household finances to my husband (which i did this week)........... so i sure hope i havent shared to much. I could go on and on what the Lord has shown me and yet i seem to remain clueless in some areas. Oh it was so cool over the weekend when charlie (husband) and i were selling my photography, i saw a flock of turkeys with a male tom with so many hens. I got a feather, and just love it. I hold it so often and just love this precious feather.
again thank you for you post, i will continue to read it and absorb all i can .... :mrgreen:
May we ALL FIND the healing in the Lords wings and be still to absorb all we can.
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Post by sheep »

Hi Wingsofhealing,
I feel the scarecrow with the dog are spirits of fear. You touching the dog was the beginning of allowing fear to overtake you. You telling yourself NO and continuing may be the Lord showing you that you have the faith to overcome your fears and press forward.

Philippians 3:13-14 - ...Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Discard if it doesn't witness.

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Post by WingsofHealing »

cool thank you.... that hits me. I have had fear, yep FEAR hit me big time today, nothing like this in years. Blessings and thank you
May we ALL FIND the healing in the Lords wings and be still to absorb all we can.