Mt. Rushmore and Thomas Jefferson

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Mt. Rushmore and Thomas Jefferson

Post by Tehillah77 »

Last night I dreamed I was looking at Mt. Rushmore. The 4 presidents faces looked as they do on the Mountain. I was drawn to look at T. Jefferson. He began to weep and cry. Some of his tears were made of blood. I woke up.

As I lay there I prayed, asking God what was he saying. This morning I rose to hear that a leading democrate was rushed to the hospital and is in critical condition. I'm going to research Jefferson. I know he was there to help write and sign the constitution as well as later president. I believe he was a democrate, but nothing like the democrates today.

Would love to hear your thoughts.

In Him, Susan

Post by Joy2dream »

Hi Susan,
These are only some thoughts for your prayerful consideration.

William Jefferson Clinton

Also thought of the Jefferson Bible. Jefferson cut the parts out he approved of.

Also thought of carved in stone.

I feel like it may represent repentance somehow for the sins of our Nation.

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Post by Yolanda »

I believe he was the MAIN writer for the Declaration. I initially thought of the fact that the United States was founded upon values which revolved around God and Godly living and maybe it was a representation of His grief that we have veered from that??? Maybe the tears of blood represented the blood Jesus shed because of His love and its power to cleanse our nation???

I keep thinking, washing with the Word (water) and cleansing with the Blood.

Just a few thoughts to be prayerfully considered... love you!

Yolanda 8)
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Post by sigmon2 »

The man who was hurt is not a godly man and supports ungodly lifestyles...sooooo.....maybe Jefferson was not crying for him....maybe, since our constitution is under attack by lots of people who want to control us and want to herd us like sheep to be sheared or slaughtered maybe he was crying for the changes about to happen.....both presidential racers are dangerous, both must face the power behind the curtain once in office, both must face a ever growing indifference by the American people as to the truth of what is really going on around the world, both must face a youth/young adult group that has become more willing to be part of a one world united people - indifferent to the warnings of the Bible. (But how could they know because preachers do not preach it or people say its depends on who is interpreting it.) We are living in times where more and more we are willing to give up our freedoms in everyday living and in religious belief/practice to let the government take care of us - medical, Social Security, Welfare, Security, Hate Crimes, Definition of Marriage, Who actually owns the church proprety after a church break up......and we stand by and say OK.........So by your dream I wonder if in the direction we are going if it is not a foregone conclusion that our constitution is about to become exstinct. Remember, there is already Law that says at the next major catastrophe if by terroist or natural we can as a nation be under martial law, and thanks to Clinton, who continued the Presdential order of Carter.....If we come under martial law it opens the door for UN troops to come in and administer in place of our government. Now of course it depends how bad, but there goes our gun rights and our freedoms, but we all know once government takes control over something it does not give it up....history shows it takes a revolution for the government to release power over something. Once martial laws go into force, blood thirsty groups will prey on the weak for supplies, crime will soar, and I believe war will come because UN troop are not our friendly friends from England...they are the folks from the third world who we here reports about all the time - rapes, stealing, killing,spread of dieases, etc..... Our problems will only compound because so many of us cannot care for ourselves without the local Safeway or wallmart. We cannot do without our chocolate, booze, tobacco, or car driving to no where. We are not ready for a hard life and would not know how to live. We do not know how to trust and care for our neighbors or church family or even members of our own family. the church I attend would end because 95% of the people drive LONG distance just to attend. We are a service nation, so if we do not sell hamburgers to each other (for example) there is no work. If I do not drive kids to school there is no work. I was homeless once and I hated it....but many of us have never been homeless and it will be tough.
I am sorry....when I read some of the dreams and my own....when I read in the news......When I see the what our churches are doing and saying I want to run up and down the nation warning people to be smarter because even the Bible does not paint that rosey of a picture except to say- when we think and say we have peace and safety and not a care in the world except a worldly one--then destruction comes on us. the Bibles says everything was being normal and then pow it was not.......
Ok off the soap box I come.....
see ya
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry

Post by talitha »

Susan, WOW, so good to see your handle on here......

The first thing that comes to my mind is the GROSS misunderstanding of Jefferson's notion of separation of church and state........

blessings, gotta run......

Post by Tehillah77 »

Yes, very significant. As I have been reading responses - I do believe that Jefferson was weeping repentance because he was a great believer of "government by the people." Of course we are seeing a twisted and perverted action of this in the 21st century. We are so legislated and ruled over we hardly have to think about our own decisions.

Just more thoughts.

I've enjoyed everything everyone has shared.

On the board, Joy shared:

William Jefferson Clinton.......

In a message dated 5/19/08 4:45:36 PM, writes:

my first impression of this dream is that it is of national signifigance.. that the blood, sweat and tears that our forefathers shed.. for our freedom is about to be taken away.. that the enemy would like to accelerate the tribulation time frame by this election season and that if the Believers don't get on their face and seek the Lord and pray.. that it will happen and our forefathers.. some of whom I am sure are in that great cloud of witnesses watching us run the race..will be disappointed in us..
I am concerned that so many are apathetic right now.. and not praying.. so many going through so much.. so much heavy big time trials.. that they are forgetting to pray for our nation's election. the parties are not what they used to be for sure..
I will keep praying.. I believe it is a VERY significant dream..

----- Original Message -----
To: ;
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2008 7:50 PM
Subject: dream

Last night I dreamed I was looking at Mt. Rushmore. The 4 presidents faces looked as they do on the Mountain. I was drawn to look at T. Jefferson. He began to weep and cry. Some of his tears were made of blood. I woke up.

As I lay there I prayed, asking God what was he saying. This morning I rose to hear that a leading democrate was rushed to the hospital and is in critical condition. I'm going to research Jefferson. I know he was there to help write and sign the constitution as well as later president. I believe he was a democrate, but nothing like the democrates today.

Would love to hear your thoughts.

In Him, Susan

In His grace, Susan Riddle

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Post by Pearls of Wisdom »

When Jesus was in deep intercession in the Garden of Gethsemane, he shed tears of blood...

time for the people of this nation and church to be in deep intercession for this country as Jen said...

Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding.

Post by Joy2dream »

Pearls - My son and I were just talking about that very scene.

Here is my son's offering on your dream. Jefferson is representing the church. Where that the Word of God was carved in stone the Church as a whole has picked and chose what they want to believe. It is time for the Church as a whole to come to repentance over this.

Me talking - Wouldn't hurt to throw in (repent) for what we are doing and have done to Israel either. Did you hear Wendy Alec's prophecy spoken in Israel this weekend? Very strong.


Post by Jeff »


I haven't really read the above interpretations, so if I repeat...that would be why.

Here is what I'm sensing here; it is a national dream. Thomas Jefferson was used to write a lot of the Constitution, and a letter of
his is used widely out of context (a wall of seperation) to justify in courtrooms across America to push away and disclaim the Christian foundations of this land. This letter was to a clergyman of his day asking for clarification to ensure that America was not going to become a "state-religion" country like they had just revolted against.

I believe that what you are seeing is the reality that we Americans have so far departed from the founding fathers intentions...and that the reason TJ is the one weeping is that it is his writings that are construed in such a way to facilitate this departure.

A call to intercession for the U.S.A., I am sure.

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Post by WaitingforHim »

Jeff wrote:
I believe that what you are seeing is the reality that we Americans have so far departed from the founding fathers intentions...and that the reason TJ is the one weeping is that it is his writings that are construed in such a way to facilitate this departure.

A call to intercession for the U.S.A., I am sure.
I received the same revelation on this dream. I just felt that it was also a call to intercession for the Body of Christ to acknowledge the tears and blood that were shed from our founding fathers and how much the covenant meant to them and how far we have swayed from that even in the body of Christ...I feel that its a call to awaken...

Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Why would Jeffereson cry?......

Post by Tehillah77 »

WaitingforHim wrote:
Jeff wrote:
I believe that what you are seeing is the reality that we Americans have so far departed from the founding fathers intentions...and that the reason TJ is the one weeping is that it is his writings that are construed in such a way to facilitate this departure.

A call to intercession for the U.S.A., I am sure.
I received the same revelation on this dream. I just felt that it was also a call to intercession for the Body of Christ to acknowledge the tears and blood that were shed from our founding fathers and how much the covenant meant to them and how far we have swayed from that even in the body of Christ...I feel that its a call to awaken...

WaitingforHim wrote:
Jeff wrote:
I believe that what you are seeing is the reality that we Americans have so far departed from the founding fathers intentions...and that the reason TJ is the one weeping is that it is his writings that are construed in such a way to facilitate this departure.

A call to intercession for the U.S.A., I am sure.
I received the same revelation on this dream. I just felt that it was also a call to intercession for the Body of Christ to acknowledge the tears and blood that were shed from our founding fathers and how much the covenant meant to them and how far we have swayed from that even in the body of Christ...I feel that its a call to awaken...

I believe this is true. What he meant for good, turned out to be used by the liberals to twist and be used for evil. A lot of what I have read in the last few days gives me an "in-between-the-lines-impression, that Jefferson had been hurt by legalism. Only, what he wrote gave too much room for cutting out the Holy Spirit which would not agree with a doctrine with full of legalism.
This short but packed dream really leaves a lot to think and pray about. Thanks for all of your comments and prayers.

In Him, Susan
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Susan wrote:
This short but packed dream really leaves a lot to think and pray about. Thanks for all of your comments and prayers.
It sure does to pray about indeed..
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by Alabaster »

Wow, this is the most awesome dream! I don't interpret much, but when I first read it, what came to my mind was the word "suffering". Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independance, but he wasn't a true Christian I believe. I feel like what he represents is what this nation is now and that we as a nation are going to suffer some (some blood tears) and the regular tears represent sorrow. And I agree with what the others have said that we need to pray for our nation and repent. God bless!