Selling an old, but super clean house with a flooded.....

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Selling an old, but super clean house with a flooded.....

Post by new creature »

I had this dream about someone selling a house. A guy from our church was showing it, and I was kind of along to help. The people looking at the house were people neither of us knew. I don't even recall thier faces. BUT HIS presence was very clear to me.

Anyway, the house was older, and very small with lovely hardwood floors. It was super clean and tidy. It was also empty and ready to move in.

He was showing the house, and once we walked into the dining room he lifted up the floor (like the whole room's floor came up in one movement) by the push of a button. Underneath was a very clean concrete basement (like a swimming pool in that it had no top at all) filled with rain water (but the water was clear). He said, "it has a leak", and then pushed a button and it all drained out. I interjected, as I knew it was not a leak, but a system designed for disposing of rainwater. I told the prospective buyers that is was designed that way, and that it was not a leak.

A couple more things...the floor was not straight. It had a "lean". As with lots of older homes, it may have needed to be leveled. Also, the house was a very good deal for the price. It was around the $50K mark. And it was ready to move in.

Interesting things to add. Our church just celebrated 50 years last weekend.

The man in the dream is a very good man. He is very active in the church, and if our church had elders, he'd definately be one. I believe he is a deacon. Very much a servent, full of the Love of God!

Thanks in advance for all your consideration.

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Post by hisway »

I believe God choose to send you with the man from church to observe. I believe the house represents someone who was thick in the Lord. Their house was in good order, but as they got older they where not in perfect shape. I thought it was interesting you knew the cistern was for rain water. Your friend choose to see things his on way. The money that is asking price would inply the people had spiritual wealth, but lived in the means. I believe God wants you to no he sees greatness in you. You see what some can not see, because you choose to no Gods way. The man you like is in no way bad, but you have been choose to take the knowledge of days gone by, and know they have great worth. This generation could be on the wrong track if they think what has gone before them is not for today. Disgard if you feel this is wrong. I see you being a teacher, and a go between so that God recieves the honour do him..Blessings Hisway
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Post by new creature »

Thank you, Hisway. There are some very interesting elements in what you said. I too think it is important that we embrace our church history, and the foundations that our forefather's laid for us to build on.

I shared this dream with my pastor and we discussed it briefly. One thing that got my attention is that our church just celebrated it's 50th year. And the price of the house was 50K. Another thing I find intriguing---my pastor said he was in the process of appointing elders, and the man in the dream would be one.

There are many interesting elements to the dream. You had mentioned that you believed I was an observer. Well, we've just been at this church and in this denomination for 2 years. We have to move around due to my husband's job, and I've definately had a big part to play here during a very difficult transitional period.

Thanks so much for your time and observations. Many things you said are "on key", definately.

Thanks again,
New Creature