The House

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The House

Post by Evangelist_Myrick »

I was at a house of a man that had aids that had a caregiver (young white woman) that kept his house spotless. I never saw his face or anything but I knew where I was. I paid attention to the floors because although there were a lot of kids running all over the place it was extremely clean. I remember the floors were cherry oak. I was hestitate about allowing the kids to enter the home, there was a table full of all sorts of food. I remember standing in line with the caregiver and saw a child that was clinging to her. I had told my daughter that she could go up stairs after the caregiver reassured me that everything would be okay and that I didn't have anything to worry about. She was suppose to go to the girls room only. When I went to look for her she was not where I had told her to be but instead she was in the boys room under the cover. But there were no boys in it.
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Post by new creature »

Forgive me for making this brief, but it is the direct symbols I understand, but may not be able to bring it all together at this time.

_House is the church, or the spiritual condition of the church rather.
_Caregiver represents the Holy Spirit keeping the house clean (I believe this means the leadership is hearing and obeying the instruction of the Spirit).
_Cherry Oak (blood of Jesus and the work of obedience) floors represent the foundation of the church itself. The heritage of the church that has remained stable and solid.
_Food represents rich provision of the word through teaching/and possibly instruction (since you were so mindful of the appropriateness of the children's behavior [careful not to focus more on the actions of the children than thier hearts]).
_The girl being "under cover" makes me think she was under the covering of the Holy Spirit's authority even though not under mans. I cannot interpret this aspect of the dream. I do get the strong impression she was NOT doing anything wrong, but maybe obeying the Lord. I just don't know for sure.
_The man with Aids represents the human condition which is corrupt and dying, but the Spirit seems to be tending to things he cannot (in our flesh dwelleth no good thing, and the law of sin and death dwells in our mortal body).

I'm getting a sense that there is some wrong ACTIONS or possibly traditions in this church (works of the flesh), but it is okay because the Holy Spirit is moving and they are listening. He will clean things up. Because the foundation is right, the hearts are is just the form that is wrong.

Please consider this interp prayerfully. I'm not trying to say I heard a voice from the Lord. It is just what I see in my minds eye. I know you know that.

God Bless.
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Post by Evangelist_Myrick »

Amen and God Bless
Let every decision made this season be a God decision!!!

Post by talitha »

Great job, sister n c!
As I read the following part, I think I got something:
_The girl being "under cover" makes me think she was under the covering of the Holy Spirit's authority even though not under mans. I cannot interpret this aspect of the dream. I do get the strong impression she was NOT doing anything wrong, but maybe obeying the Lord. I just don't know for sure.
I believe your daughter represents your ministry which is "under cover" - I have seen in a dream someone under cover in a bedroom as representing sort of an office of intercession, if you will, and I believe that the Lord has you in that place at this time. It may be that in this church there is an expectation that only men have certain ministries, but it seems to me that the Lord is allowing you to be in such a position spiritually. The boys were not there - men have abdicated their responsibility in this area, perhaps?

Also, the nature of the disease this man had is of a lack of resistance to diseases (enemies of the Body, demonic forces). Has there been a lack of training in terms of resisting the devil and overcoming sin, spiritual warfare, etc?

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Post by Evangelist_Myrick »

When you mean a lack of spiritual training do you mean on my part or the men in the church? I am an intercessor for my church. To God be all the glory. As for as only the men having a ministry that is not the case we are mostly women with a few men. We have very strong roles in the church. They need to step up!!!

Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you
Let every decision made this season be a God decision!!!

Post by talitha »

i meant the men not having the training, and I see, yes, they are not stepping up, so that is why God is putting your ministry in that place, or that's what I think I'm seeing here....

bless you
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Post by Evangelist_Myrick »

Amen and thanks sis.
Let every decision made this season be a God decision!!!