Sudden House Damage - PLEASE HELP!

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Sudden House Damage - PLEASE HELP!

Post by songmiracle »

Hello to all!

I had this weird dream last night.

I was attending a convention with my husband and when it all ended my husband went ahead to carry the luggage and check out of the hotel. I was in the convention room trying to leave but children clung to me. They were crying because they didn’t want me to leave, but I HAD TO GO. I had this urgency of leaving. My Pastor’s wife actually had to struggle with them to take them away. All this happened while the parent’s of the children were carelessly around and didn’t bother with their children.

Once I left, I arrived home before my husband. I found the house in total destruction. It looked like a house that wasn’t taken care of for a lot of years. Signs of water damage, spider webs, bugs, peeling paint and bursting mortar all over the place (due to rusted pipes). The entire house was unlivable. I was astonished of the sudden damage! I called my husband to tell him what happened to our home while we were out and he didn’t believe me. We were out for only a couple of days, but the damage was as lot of years of negligence. I told him that this had to be going on for a long time and we didn’t see it because this kind of damage didn’t happen overnight. He still didn’t believe me. He thought I was over reacting, that it couldn’t be that bad. End of dream.

Please consider in prayer.

In Christ,

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Post by songmiracle »

Any comments???
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Post by Godschild »

Hi Song Miracle,

I stepping out in faith on this one. But I think based on what I know a house dream usually relates to matters of the heart.. so I feel that this may be a personal dream. It could be about you family realtionships or the relationship between yourself and your husband.

Possible God may be trying to tell/ warn you to focus on that there are issues going on at home or in your family relationship which have not been dealt and have been left to fester, maybe things that you or your husband are not even aware off. (If you are in ministry), maybe God is saying you may need to focus more at home to sort out this problem even though there is a need for you at church. Maybe there is an area in your personal of family life that has been neglected unknowingly but if left for too long there could be sudden problems..

Please discard this if it does not bear witness with you.
God bls.
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Post by songmiracle »


Thank you very much. You hit the target. I really need God's wisdom for deciding what to do. I'll appreciate your prayers.

In Christ,
