Planting an American Flag

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Planting an American Flag

Post by grace_full1 »

Before bed last night I had 2 visions...

I saw a new subdivision and it looked like they were doing a dedication (or the opening of it) there was a woman in a business skirt and blouse and men in dress pants and dress shirts wearing new construction hard hats. They had a spot cleared away and the ground loosened and it looked like they were going to plant a tree but instead all three of them grabbed onto a flag pole with and American flag on it and planted that.

The next scene was I was standing on a small highway about 10 minutes from my house (it's a little two lane road) and I was standing facing traffic (well the direction traffic would normally be coming at me) as I was standing there a horse and cart came up behind me and drove straight through me. It was like I wasn't even there. I saw the horses go to either side of me and then I saw the cart come around me and then I was looking at it leaving.

I remember more than thinking it was weird it went through me was that it was driving on the wrong side of the road and that it was a "old fashioned horse and cart" on a modern highway.
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Your first vision made me think of the words "staking claims to the ground"....Claiming the Land for America...or the ground.

Could be that this was land that another was going to take...(tree) but in the end the land was given to the US....hmm...Also made me think of the crisis in Isreal where they are trying to get them to give up part of their land...Maybe this is showing us that America is going to take a stand and not let them take the land!....

The second vision: I know that the horse and cart are old time vehicles and vehicles can represent ministries...

Wondering if this is speaking of an older ministry that is going in the wrong direction??

Just a few thoughts...If none of them help you discard them.
Lots of Love to you.
Isaiah 40:31
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Post by Blessings »

I thought of the Horse and cart- Amish Mennonite. I also questioned the claim for America. Is it really theirs to claim?? Just a thought. What does America stand for here? I guess I have more questions than answers.
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Post by WaitingforHim »

I just seen this part of a prophetic word given by Kim Clement and it caught my eye....

thought I would give it to you...
lots of love.
But there shall be a sign in May of next year, and God said, "Tempestuous things will take place. You say, 'These things already take place.' No, I'm speaking about in the elements, in the earth, where there shall be signs that the Lord God, 'YAHWEH-Jehovah,' has yet to do something in the streets of Jerusalem; has yet to do something in the streets of Jerusalem. And even though you have come to Zion, the City of God, there is yet a special place in My heart for a piece of soil that was once set aside for Yeshua to come into this world, born in a stable."

For God said, "Now, you will see how, once again, I will shake Jerusalem, I will shake Mount Carmel, I will shake in Megiddo, I will shake, but it will not be the judgment that they have spoken of in the Book of Revelation as they have predicted it." God said, "A shaking that shall say the name 'Yeshua' and they shall name 'Messiah is coming, Messiah has light.'" And God said, "Rejoice from this Nation, you have stood and I will reward you," says the Lord God. "I will truly reward you. They will say the name 'Yeshua', they will say the name Yeshua in the streets of Jerusalem!"
I realize that this may have nothing to do with your dream but when I seen the part about the ground/soil it brought back your dream to my mind and I thought I would share this with you....Because I do believe Kim was speaking of the elements in the American soil that were to be a sign of what will take place in Jerusalem in May...

Love to you.
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.