Boss continually in my dreams

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Boss continually in my dreams

Post by bigbee »

recently I have had numerous dreams where I see a previous boss at my previous place of work. IRL this boss did not like me and actually tried to have me removed.

In one dream I was given a lot of work that i wasn't able to complete so i decided to come early before everyone was there so I could finish. When I arrived early, the boss was already there looking for the work I hadn't completed yet. I saw a folder on a his desk that he left out and inside was a document on performance reviews. In the dream I was a little worried about the situation.

The other dreams are somewhat vague, but I distinctly know that this boss is them. I need to know what it means when you have repeated dreams that have a common individual. I know the Lord is represented many times by authority figures in dreams, but in this one the boss was not friendly but more of a judging aspect.

Please help!

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Post by keilani »

Are there authority figures currently in your place of employment (or somewhere in your life) that you feel are unjust or want to see you fail? (Just a thought...)[/i]
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Post by bigbee »

Not at work currently, but you bring up a good point about it representing an authority figure who may want to see me fail. I think that you may be on to something ;)
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Post by InsideTheFire »

this Boss constantly harassing/accusing you about what you did or didn't do sounds ALOT like Satan The Accuser.
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Post by bigbee »

Yes that could be it, If so what does the dream mean? I mean I know biblically that he is the accuser of the brethren, but how does this apply in the dream?

Post by talitha »

Hmm, reading over the dream again, I feel that your boss represents some sort of condemnation stronghold that is following you around. It could have been there for a long time, even since childhood - or it could be a defilement that came because of this boss. Either way, I believe that through prayer you can get rid of this.

I'm presently learning how to walk people through this kind of thing in prayer counseling. Basically the steps are
  • Recognition of the fruit of something amiss - usually what is really amiss is the way we have responded to situations and people in our lives, even when we were children.
  • Repentance - "1-John-1:9-it"
  • Confession and forgiveness - confess the truth and forgive others (often mom/dad) for what they did or didn't do
  • Crucify 'structures' (that's John Sandford's terminology - you could also possibly say "pull down strongholds"
  • Resurrection Prayers - the other side of the cross - bringing back to life God's way - For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. (Gal. 6:8 )
hope this helps...... definitely seeing that somewhere along the way you started taking in condemnation and judgment on yourself, and that is not what God wants to give you!!

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Post by bigbee »

Thank You Tal, I've been through a period of not being able to find work, so maybe this is related somehow.