Past the Point of Danger?

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Past the Point of Danger?

Post by liveoutloudster »

Ithink this dream may be related to my thesis (because of who's in it and where it takes place), but I don't realy know what it means.

It was a dream I woke up from at roughly 5 AM.

In the dream I was walking with my friend Jenny (the administrator for my department) at some fictional locale within my school's city. It was this beautiful garden and all around me these older ladies were sitting in beautiful wicker chairs drinking tea. However, it was a treacherous path. There was a large drop-off on either side of this garden (so much that I couldn't see the bottom) and one side had no railing. As I walked with Jenny I came rto this one place where the pattern on the tile floor changed and it looked like I was about to fall through the middle, but it had just been a change in the tile--an illusion. In front of the illusion I curled into a little ball (I'm painfully afraid of heights), but once I realized the danger was gone (we were far past the unrailed area and in front of me there really was no danger) I walked with confidence to the end. At the end Jenny asked me if I would walk with her to Lake Innocent some other time (there is no such place), and she explained that it had a waterfall and people could go tubing on it. I said I would like that.

And then my husband showed up and had been talking on his phone to his dad (his dad also happens to be his boss). Apparently he'd taken several days off work because he THOUGHT he had a kidney stone (i.e. severe pain in the abdomen), but once the pain was gone had decided he would pass it on his own. His dad insisted this was a bad idea and he should see a doctor to check if there was really something wrong.

Anyways, not really sure what it all means and I would appreciate anyone's thoughts. I think God gave me this dream to encourage me in my work, but once again no ideas what it actually means.
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Post by liveoutloudster »

Reposting dream.
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Post by liveoutloudster »


Post by talitha »

I don't know about the part with your husband and his dad, but regarding the first part, this really struck me:

"in front of me there really was no danger"

I feel that is the message concerning your work, and your response to this realization - "I walked with confidence to the end" - is what you are to do.

There will be a time for childlike play (tubing at the falls on Lake Innocent), but right now it's time for you to stand up and walk.

I'm sorry I didn't respond before - I really thought you had it.

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Post by liveoutloudster »

Thanks Tal!!

That resonates with me. I feel like everything's going to be okay and that I can continue in confidence with both my teaching and my thesis, and that God is giving me both.


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Post by bjcollin »

You know there is a illusion that goes on in a thesis writing process. The job is really to see how much meaningful stuff you can produce in a short amount of time and put it all together in a collected meaningful and defendeable way. The illusion is that we the writer actually know what we are writing about (at least that was my illusion) 8) vs the professor who is reading it and in the end passing it to grant our degree. Once you have the framework and the topic approved and the desired results, the danger is past and the rest is just filler and then jumping through the hoops in the defense. Not really hard, just a pain and lots of lost sleep for me. Hope this helps.

in Christ,