President Bush, the other Presidential candidates,and Isra

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President Bush, the other Presidential candidates,and Isra

Post by hisbeauty4ashes »

Blessing my friend in the Beloved.

I would ask those of you who are sensitive in any of these areas to not interpret this dream because I only want to hear what the Holy spirit is saying and not peoples flesh. I know this is a very sensitive issue and I can not help having a dream that the Lord gave me in regards to this election and Israel and Palestinians, and Bush. So please respond only if the Holy spirit speaks thanks.I need confirmation as I do believe it is pretty straight forward.

Please bear with me as I try and explain this dream.


I was with Jesus and I heard that Bush was going to have a half hour interview with some news caster it was about the truth of his life over the past eight years and some of the issues he dealt with and what he had gone through.It was like he was in the hot seat. I was right there with the Lord in the same room with Bush but he could not see me or the Lord cause we were invisible. So he gets his half hour interview and I could see that Bush was very humble in that interview but then they had the critics come on and speak against him and then we had the others who were speaking for him. The next thing I know the room turned into a Hurricane of words tossed back in forth that confusion filled my head and I turned to the Lord and said," why is there always so much confusion that the truth gets lost in the hurricane of words? I actually saw the words turn into a hurricane with fierce winds.

Then the next scene.

I was with the Lord and we were this time above the presidential candidates looking down but in the same room as they were being interviewed again they could not see us and they were talking to the interviewer then again the critics came on along with those that were for the candidates and again a Hurricane hit the room of words that it caused confusion that the truth was lost in the words being tossed back and forth. I wept before the Lord frustrated and cried out Lord I only want your truth I am tired of the hurricanes of lies and opinions and I am tired of people basing their truth out of confusion and lies. I was undone before the Lord.

Then I was sitting with the Lord I believe it was on a mountain in Israel and I was watching the fighting going on between Israel and the Palestinians and I felt so sad in my heart.The Lord says to me," I love my children so much as he looked over on the side of the Palestinians." I sat there grieved in my heart that there was no peace on either side. Then the Lord said something that was out of the blue and I was left going huh! He said," I promised Abraham I would Bless them as he was looking at the Palestinians." I sat there a little bewildered then he said," They have the right to the inheritance of Israel as they are part Israel as sons of Abraham." I looked at the Lord and I said," well Lord people are concerned because they are terrorist and they serve a God other then you. I was blown away by his response,he said something about people assume because they are Palestinians they are terrorist because they are Muslim that is like throwing the baby out with the bath water. Israel has sin in their nation as well they too are serving other Gods why should Palestinians not be entitled to part of their inheritance?He went on to say, "I told Abraham I would bless all his descendants even Ishmeil, am I not a God of my word?"

Well this was quit an interesting dream as I am so like pressing into the Lord in regards to this.

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Post by dance-in-the-son »

This is not an interp, but what it speaks to me is that the Palestinians are sinners as the USA is also. We all have put God's before Him and we are all guilty of sin yet He still wants to bless us because He loves us all. Maybe we need to pray for all involved in the war including the so called "enemy" and if intercession goes up the Lord will bless the USA. What the Lord is impressing on me is a call to intercession for America, the war and all involved in the war, this is a religion war in part because the Muslims think their God is the only true God and we know that our God is the only true God and the truth will come out at some point. We need to heed to the verse that says, bless those who curse you....I really feel that if we pray for our enemies we will be blessed as a nation. Wow, I feel this is a corporate thing and I am not sure if or how to get the word out...

Mods, please help here. Thanks and bless you! You are hearing from the Lord...

You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.
You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy,
that I might sing praises to you and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!
Psalm 30:11-12


Post by hisbeauty4ashes »


Yes I agree this is what we need to bring before the Lord in intercession. I am undone this morning from these dreams as I feel his heart all over this and took a risk posting such a sensitive issue. My heart is to seek the Lord in His truth and not the things I hear from the world at large.

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Post by Charys »

This is what the Lord has been speaking to my heart:

In Genesis 21 after the second time Abraham had rejected Hagar and sent her into the desert, God said to Abraham, "And the son of the maid I will make a great nation also, because he is your descendant."

God also HEARD the lad Ishmael crying as Hagar begged God not to have to watch her child die in the desert. He sent an angel to tell her, "What is the matter with you Hagar? Do not fear for God has heard the voice of the lad where he is. Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him by the hand; for I will make a great nation out of him." Then God povided a well for them. Verse 20 says, "And GOD WAS WITH the lad."

The children of Ishmael suffer to this day from a sense of abandonment by Abraham. Much of the pain that is still perpetuated comes from Isaac's children who have been saying for centuries, "God loves us and not you."

The children of Ishmael strive to earn Allah's approval. They have an orphan spirit, yet our heavenly Father wants them to know that he has indeed heard them. HE has not abandoned them.

Moslems in general have a very difficult time seeing God as a loving Papa. This is just not an Islamic concept. The Moslem nations as a whole still suffer the effects of rejection. This is what Father God wants them to know. This is what he wants His church to show them -- love, love of the Father. Acceptance, nurturing, caring, healing, blessing. He longs to heal their orphan spirit. Islam will never be conquered with either guns or diplomacy. The conflict between Israel and Palestine can never be settled with bombs and fences. It will only be conquered when our brothers are brought back into the family and know the Father's love.

The last major tribes and nations of the world to be reached with the gospel of peace and reconciliation and restoration of Jesus Christ are the Moslem nations. When we see this it will soon be time for Christ's return.

Now it is their turn. I believe you heard the Father's heart.
...that I might know Him...


Post by hisbeauty4ashes »

Hi Chary,

Yes Amenie to what you have spoken this has been my heart as well. The Lord has called me to the Muslims in the middle East. I am one of those who will go into that nation with his heart and a team to love them and bring the gospel to them.

I hear his heart beat for them as mine has been turned upside down for them and for Israel.

Diana Wetzel

God's promise to Abraham

Post by Diana Wetzel »

God also HEARD the lad Ishmael crying as Hagar begged God not to have to watch her child die in the desert. He sent an angel to tell her, "What is the matter with you Hagar? Do not fear for God has heard the voice of the lad where he is. Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him by the hand; for I will make a great nation out of him." Then God povided a well for them. Verse 20 says, "And GOD WAS WITH the lad."

The children of Ishmael suffer to this day from a sense of abandonment by Abraham. Much of the pain that is still perpetuated comes from Isaac's children who have been saying for centuries, "God loves us and not you."

The children of Ishmael strive to earn Allah's approval. They have an orphan spirit, yet our heavenly Father wants them to know that he has indeed heard them. HE has not abandoned them.

AMEN! This pierced my heart...this is one of the reasons God has instructed me to pray for the children of Ishmael. I have also been impressed to pray for the ones whose mothers have prayed to dedicate them to a future in suicide missions against the West...something they have come to believe is a great honor. In effect, these children have death curses over them, and Yahweh wants them to know Him as the Lord of Life.
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Post by lynnjl83 »


What you said is very true about the Lord loving the decesendants of Ishmael too. He wants them to come to him so badly. We are to pray for the countries in the Middle East.
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Post by Charys »

lynnjl83 wrote:Charys-

What you said is very true about the Lord loving the decesendants of Ishmael too. He wants them to come to him so badly. We are to pray for the countries in the Middle East.
And we need to put legs on those prayers just as Jeanie is doing.

God bless you Jeanie. May you receive more and more of the Father's love so you will have plenty to give.
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Post by Krista »

I have really struggled with this issue for quite sometime.
I have discussed many times some experiences ive had with muslims, some really genuine and good experiences. Sometimes even seeing a good spirit resting on them (although assuredly ive seen many evil spirits on many muslims as well probably more bad than good)

But I really have to challenge your dream, and your claim that muslims have *any* inheritence rights to Israel, as sara said:

Genesis 21:8

8 The child grew and was weaned, and on the day Isaac was weaned Abraham held a great feast. 9 But Sarah saw that the son whom Hagar the Egyptian had borne to Abraham was mocking, 10 and she said to Abraham, "Get rid of that slave woman and her son, for that slave woman's son will never share in the inheritance with my son Isaac."

And this verse is reconfirmed here in galations 4:21

21Tell me, you who want to be under the law, are you not aware of what the law says? 22For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by the slave woman and the other by the free woman. 23His son by the slave woman was born in the ordinary way; but his son by the free woman was born as the result of a promise.

24These things may be taken figuratively, for the women represent two covenants. One covenant is from Mount Sinai and bears children who are to be slaves: This is Hagar. 25Now Hagar stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present city of Jerusalem, because she is in slavery with her children. 26But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother. 27For it is written:
"Be glad, O barren woman,
who bears no children;
break forth and cry aloud,
you who have no labor pains;
because more are the children of the desolate woman
than of her who has a husband."

28Now you, brothers, like Isaac, are children of promise. 29At that time the son born in the ordinary way persecuted the son born by the power of the Spirit. It is the same now. 30But what does the Scripture say? "Get rid of the slave woman and her son, for the slave woman's son will never share in the inheritance with the free woman's son."[c] 31Therefore, brothers, we are not children of the slave woman, but of the free woman.

There is also a place in the New Testament, that i would like to find and post, but I cannot find it. Where it specifically leaves out the children of Ishmael from all promises concerning this thing.

I believe whole heartedly this. Muslims cannot know God, if they do not know Jesus. We only know the Father by looking at the son. In their hearts, they probably understand they were "jipped" kinda sorta, but they do not understand in which way. They are fighting for an earthly kingdom, and us Christians *should* be fighting for a spiritual kingdom. Jews who do not have Jesus, or the children of Israel rather, they don't know Gods plans for Israel either, which is why theirs such a bloody battle.

They are wanting to take over the world. They believe posession over israel will give them this. They missed the point.


Post by hisbeauty4ashes »

In my dream the Lord revealed himself in such a way we do not often understand. When he was talking to me He was revealing something deep within his heart that in the natural it would not make sense.

When we think of inheritance I think many of us think of land, and money. Businesses etc, but these things will not get us into heaven. When the Lord talks of inheritance he is revealing that through receiving him as Lord and savior by the way of the cross to have accesses to the father this is our true inheritance.

The Lord was revealing to me his love for the Palestinians and the inheritance he is speaking of is the one that will give them access to the Father through Jesus.

When he was referring to Israel serving other Gods and sinning he was referring to all men who have fallen short of His glory. Here in the US you look around with open eyes we have murder in our streets, we have adultery going on, we have people serving other Gods. If he can save the prisoners in the US or else where from their sin of murder then he can reach the Muslims.

In Eph 6: 12 for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

In the Muslim religion we often forget that we are not fighting against them but against Principalities, and powers, and rulers of the darkness. I believe the Lord is desiring us intercessors to rise up in love and intercede for those things to be broken off their nations and personal lives.

If we grew up not knowing anything but what we were taught then how would we know any different unless someone came into our lives and loved us into truth. This would heal their land even if we just reached one.

I believe in this dream the Lord was showing me his heart for the Muslim people he died on the cross for. The Love he has for them and the desire to reach them through intercession and even though relationship if he desires to do that. I am more then willing to pay a small price with my life because he made the ultimate price for me and for them.

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Post by souledonHim »

All's I can say is AMEN!
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Post by Jehu »

God bless Ishmael, and Isaac.
"For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee."

Post by talitha »

First, as a moderator, I want to say that I am really pleased with the way you all are handling yourselves on this thread. I do not see an argument forming.....

And I want to say on the "hurricane of words" - what a poignant picture!!! I believe you have the Father's heart on this..... it is so destructive. It reminds me of Elijah's not hearing the Lord in the whirlwind. Not that the Father doesn't use whirlwinds, but to His family He speaks gently and guides us with His eye upon us.....

Jewels sunshine

Post by Jewels sunshine »

Having trouble with my own dreams so i dare not even try to add anything.
Except it was a powerful dream and reminded me of how deeply God loves them. Its true../. God did promise to bless all Ishemeal!I can see the orphen spirit and the sadness of that child so long ago. He didnt understand why he was taken from his home and father and thats probbably where the root of bitterness set in.....The day will come when the Lion and Lamb will lay down in peace.... Palestians and The Sons of israel will be reconsiled, and living in true harmonsy. Can u see Jesus and how happy he will be.. Can u see Abraham and his joy? It wont be with mans ways and weapons,,but it will happen.
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Post by naveah »

Participated this week in a move of God to the Middle east right into Bethlehem by the man that carries the red cross Obadiah Franklin he is planning on carrying it internationally to the Jew first then the Gentile

Been hearing alot about Ishamel and God loving them too... How awesome He loves us all unconditionally
And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.Isaiah 6:7