tearing down the house and rebuilding

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tearing down the house and rebuilding

Post by grace_full1 »

Ok so my family is living is a house that really needs a lot of repair and my husband made the decision that instead of repairing it that we would tear it down and start from scratch.

We tore the entire house down and rebuilt it with decorating and furniture in 2 days.

I was showing some people around it and it was nice... very roomy high ceilings there was a big open staircase to the 2nd floor.

the people I was showing the house to were amazed that we did it all that quickly....I remember thinking that it looked really nice and that some would worry that the construction was poor because it went to quick...but we didn't need to worry about that.
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Post by Luke145Woman »

These two scriptures came to mind when I read your dream:

2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.


Luke 1:37 For with God nothing shall be impossible.
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Post by grace_full1 »

That is too wild...... Both those scriptures struck a HUGE chord in me....

There is a "joke" between me and the Lord about the first scripture! One day I was praying (actually I was praying to recieve the gift of tongues...I had been having prophetic words and dreams and visions for awhile but for some reason just couldn't pray in the spirit....I was given a word that I was to pray in the Holy Spirit...now....when I got home I was praying "how long Lord" (till I got the gift of tongues) and the Spirit spoke to my heart and said "soon"...I said "But Lord you are eternal to you all things are soon!" and in my spirit I heard the Lord laugh....so he tells me "soon" with that scriputure. It's our joke....it always makes me laugh and always reminds me that he IS taking care of things on HIS schedule...(about 2 weeks later on the way to a bridal shower I was finally able to pray in the spirit!)

The second is just God building my faith.....Our "house" is REALLY needing repair. Both on a physical and a relational level. My husband is a truck driver gone 6 out of 7 days a week. We talk every day but we dont' see him which is hard on the family on a relational basis and a just needing to get things DONE around the house ( main issue being a support beam at the font of the house not to mention, putting siding on to cover over the tyvec, cement in the garage and building an addition so all the kids have room...not to mention covering the open studs in the kitchen with drywall, fixing the sink, the slanted floor, the spongy wall in the bathroom....etc. I get overwhelmed with how much work we need to do in the house and hubby really hasn't wanted me to do any "decorating" because things will just get messed up "when we start doing the repair work" if I paint the walls they will just have to be redone when we finally put the support beam in....we can't do the addition till we do the cement in the barn can't do the cement in the barn until it's cleared out.....and he is working so much he doesn't have time home to do it when he is home he is so physically exhaused he basically reads the paper and sleeps.

I look around and get very overwhelmed! Due to the fact the job situation around here is difficult there hasn't been any "hope" for a new one. (and his current job is not paying our insurance even though they deduct money from hubby check each month but he hasn't been able to find another job so this one w.o insurance is better than no job period) ...I finally surrendered to acceptance of the situation....and stopped really praying for things to be different because there seems no way for things to change...and it was really making me misreable....wanting him home...wanting the house to not be perfect...just not in a state of disrepair.....

And now I have the Lord telling me "with him all things are possible"......

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
~ Romans 15:13

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Post by WaitingforHim »

This sounds so uplifting!! Wondering if the Lord is really putting something in the works for your family to rebuild right where you are...and though 2 days seems impossible his days aren't ours like the scripture quotes...so two days could be 2 months or 2 yrs....but what is neat is that it seems the Lord is going to make something that seems impossible to some very much happen!!

I am wondering if you guys won't find a great deal on reconstruction or some type of loan to finish the house and put new furnishings in it at once????

Sounds hopeful!! I am standing in agreements with you that your whole house spiritually, physically, and naturally will be repaired as if it were brand new!!!!

Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by grace_full1 »

AMEN....so be it Lord.....

I know the Lord is dealing with hubby about everything (and me too) and the house is a big concern....I have been wanting to move...but we both like the area...I have also thought that Extremem Home Makeover should just come in and do something!!!!!!! (I don't have a "good enough" story though...LOL)

but God's gonna do something!!!!! Yeah!
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
~ Romans 15:13

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Post by WaitingforHim »

Who says your story isn't good enough????

I would consider writing it out and asking the Lord if your story is good enough.......

Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.