
Insights & revelation from members' dreams
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Post by discerning »

ANIMALS See also reptiles/fish & sea creatures

buffalo in a spirutual warfare dream

Indian spirit


Elephants can symbolize intercession, among other things. I think of them as "burden-bearers" - that's why I think of intercession.

I also think an elephant can be a subject no one wants to talk about - or perhaps face - but is very obvious - the expression is that no one is talking about the "elephant in the room".....


According to JPJackson, elephants can also represent wisdom and strength

~Pearls of Wisdom

i've been impressed that elephants can symbolise a major move of God in the earth.


Giraffes have long necks, so maybe you have to stick your neck out for this assignment. Maybe you have sight above the others in and aroud you.


mouse (here is what I have found useful when dreaming about mice)

•cute but pest none the less (what the Lord revealed)
*can be harmful pests, damaging and eating crops and spreading diseases through their parasites and feces.
*They breed quickly, grow quickly
*Entertaining and affectionate
•Socially self-sufficient (when in a group of other mice)
•quite intelligent given their size

~Gods Diamond

with that information - what comes to mind is secret sin...... it may never be discovered - but the damage is more and more evident......

Mice enter homes through small gaps or dig in, creating holes where they come and go as they please.....


A rhinoceros has thick skin. Maybe the person needs to be more sensitive.


A few more thoughts about rhino's. They have a horn, which is a symbol of tremendous strength and power, conquest and defense, and authority.

Their horns are an extension of their noses, symbolizing discernment, but also interferring through meddling, strife, nosy--ie. "sticking your nose into other people's business."

Their horns are deadly! I've seen a video of a rhino goring someone with its horn -- it was terrifying!

~Lily Rose Song
Last edited by discerning on Sat Aug 04, 2007 1:56 am, edited 2 times in total.

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by discerning »


Dove = Holy Spirit

Also: Innocence, loyalty, gentleness & guileless nature

Dove's Eyes = Speak of singleness of mind that is focused on HIM.

~Pearls of Wisdom


Of course the general interpretive symbol can be of the prophetic. Eagles are known for excellent vision and hunting prey and often enormous wing span. In the US it is a symbol of justice, fairness and noble qualities.



hawks, falcons etc, many times means predator



I have been on exciting journey with the Lord concerning swans these past 8 months.

Trumpeter Swans have moved into the area near our home and are now staying on the St Croix River, which means Holy Cross.
There are many kinds of swans.. trumpeter, or mute are two that come to mind.

I believe they speak of mature intercessors, a royal order of governmental intercession. They have black feet and a black bill.
Black can mean in Hebrew "deeply affected by LOVE", So they are white in head and body, dressed in bridal garments, and speak with their Lover intimatley, and release as He speaks.

The Trumpeter swan we had nesting in our land was very private and protective with her young. Being reclusive.. in the wilderness.
Who is that coming out of the wilderness leaning on her beloved.
They receive words from the Lord, and release them freely.

When swans swim together closely, they sometimes will trumpet out a single blast, with precision, and then silence will follow. Amazing to watch. They are twice the size of canadian geese.

Their young are called cygnets... word play... signet ring.. as in authority.

They are protected by our Government. (God's Kingdom)

It seems they have few predators. (Swans know who they are and WHOSE they are, they know they are protected)
Schwans logo on their semi trucks in oru area have a large swan on them with the statement "One Source- A World of Solutions"
Gloria Vanderbilt uses a swan on her logo for clothing.
Queen Elizabeth I was called Gloriana, and was known for the Gilded in Gold Elizabethan age.
Just purchased some Hydrogenperoxide, and the logo was a silver swan. go figure. That stuff is for cleansing, and also bleaches.

I believe swans are creatures that state the message of being filled with grace and truth. The white speaking of spotless, without wrinkle. Perfected, sancitified, full of grace and truth. Free.

I believe they have the largest wingspan of north american birds.

I saw four fly over my car, and they were in a "BlueAngel" or "Thunderbird" a unified in purpose formation. Very Cool.

Last edited by discerning on Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by discerning »


Bees represent gossip or people who have the potential to gossip and/or slander people of God.

~Gods Diamond

bees work together like ants, so they are group and task oriented

It can mean busy as a bee.


I woke up this morning with a vision of flies surrounding a friend of mine. The impression I got was that if time was spent trying to swat every fly, precious seconds would be lost.

Felt like the flies were distractions... and that this was a word to focus on what lie ahead and trust Him.

[also] Ba‘al Zebûb might mean 'Lord of Zebûb', referring to an unknown place called Zebûb, or 'Lord of things that fly' (zebûb being a Hebrew collective noun for 'fly', thus the common lay translation 'Lord of the Flies').


I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17