Spiders making chains

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Spiders making chains

Post by noemi818 »

Hi everyone...I am new to this site. I get on once in a while to check out the symbols.

The other night I had a very weird dream and I was wondering if anyone could help me to interpurt.

It started with me being in a salon and I was sitting there figuring out what I should get done, my hair or a massage.
Well there were others people there but can't remember who they were.
Well I got up and didn't get anything done. I walked out into what looked like a patio and my mother and someone else was there. I don't remember this person but know it was a female.
As I was walking by and there was a banana tree with bananas on it but sitting on the bananas were these big spiders with fangs. It looked like the spiders were feeding off the bananas.
Everytime I would pass by they would hiss at me. I remember asking what kind of spiders they were and someone said Banana Spiders. They were black with yellow on them and had very big fangs.
As I walked passed it to get to my mom 2 of them jump on my back. I felt them on my back but in my dream it wasn't bothering me they were there. I finally asked my mom to take them off of me and she did. When she took them off of me they died but they were making a web on my back in the shape of chains. It was as if each spiders was at the end of my waist and in the middle of both of them was this web in the shape of a chain, like they were working together..united to make this chain.
But once my mom took them off of me they died. And another thing was my mom wasn't scared to take them off.
I don't remember what I said or did after that...end of dream.

Also the night before I had a dream that there were 2 witchlike females in my house putting spells on me...the dream is blury and only remember that.

Thanks for your time.
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Post by keilani »

the dreams are the same

the two spiders are another form of the two witches

does your mother consult "spiritual" people for advice?

The only One with power to set people free is Jesus Christ.

I'm guessing you live in the islands where black magic and Christianity is commonly mixed?
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Post by Anointed10 »

Well this is what I think of your dream....

The spiders can represent curses (a family curse or generational curses)

The curse would fall on you but your mother broke that curse (that is why the spiders was forming a chain)

Is your mother saved and look down your family line do you notice a generational curse?
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Post by noemi818 »

Thanks you for your replies!

To answer your questions:
No, my mother does not consult "spiritual" people.
My mother is saved and has been for over 30 years. I was raised in the church, my father was a pastor for 18 or so years.

No, I do not live in the islands. I live in a small town which I have heard that some people around here do practice witchcraft.

Curses...well I can't really say.

Thanks, God Bless!
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Post by keilani »

My apologies sister! It so reminded me of the things I've seen and experienced growing up that those things came to mind. I pray the Lord will give you the discernment you need to wage effective warfare! God bless and keep you all!
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Post by For Him Only »

I started laughing when I read your responses to interps. So often we fall short with good hearts and prayerful attempts. As I say this, I absolutely include myself. God is so good to let us grow in all this. So, having said that with a light heart and chuckle, here is what I prayerfully think. Maybe we will get a laugh out of my interp. as well, who knows. Either way, I pray your are encouraged.

Seeing how you said you live in an area where people practice the occult, I think that the witches and spiders are the same like someone else already said. I think they represent the occult and what is going on in your area.
Trees (in Daniel) represented leaders, so the banana trees are leaders in your area who are producing a type of fruit that is somehow feeding the occult. Now, when I say that, I am not saying they are intentionally doing this... on an on. But your dream is speaking about trees that produce fruit that those spiders are feeding off of. Like those spiders are attracted to that type of fruit.

The banana's are ( I am assuming) yellow in color and that would represent pride, intellectualism and fear (in the negative, since they are attracting these spiders). So in some form or fashion, some type of leadership in your area (may be completely outside the spiritual arena, and more in the governmental arena, either way, your dream does not specify) that is producing this type of fruit and is somehow empowering the occult activity. One thing I do know, fear gives power to the enemy, as well as pride and so on.

Then they jump on your back as you walk past, but it doesn't bother you. Made me think "get off my back" that old adage. Like this thing wants to ride on your back and weave chains of deception... Anyhow, you respond rightly. You don't let it bother you, and you don't freak out. Your mom (who I would think reps the Holy Spirit) takes care of this problem for you. This doesn't sound like something you need to necessarily get intimately involved in. God takes care of it and you move on.

I think the other dream just correlates with the occultic activity. I was reminded of the verse "a curse without cause cannot alight" I believe is in proverbs.

So for what it is worth, that is what I think.
One more thing, just to show God's sense of humor, I am in the middle of baking banana bread muffins. Funny, huh!

Be blessed, God has your back!
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Post by Anointed10 »

noemi818 wrote:Thanks you for your replies!

To answer your questions:
No, my mother does not consult "spiritual" people.
My mother is saved and has been for over 30 years. I was raised in the church, my father was a pastor for 18 or so years.

No, I do not live in the islands. I live in a small town which I have heard that some people around here do practice witchcraft.

Curses...well I can't really say.

Thanks, God Bless!
was I close? about your mother breaking a possible generational curse? :roll:
Heb 1:9 You have loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even your God, has ANOINTED you with the oil of gladness above your fellows. 10> Signifies the perfection of Divine order
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Post by RebMel »

here's my unorthodox view. . . lol:

Bananas: people acting irrationally, nuts.

Banana Spiders: evil feeding off these irrational nuts.

Spider Chains: evil trying to chain you up, turn you into a banana, make you go nuts. They are 'bugging' you.

Instead of letting the Spiders bug you, you ask for them to be removed, which they are removed.

My final thought, some people may drive you a bit crazy with some minor irritants that actually have an evil source, but don't let them bug you.

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Post by discerning »

For your prayerful consideration..

This appears to be a warning/reminder to test the spirits. The fruit is apparent, but is it the real thing or an imitation? The enemy is adept at counterfeiting the things of God. However, what stands out to me here is that the spiders are feasting on the flesh of the banana.


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Post by keilani »

One more thing, just to show God's sense of humor, I am in the middle of baking banana bread muffins. Funny, huh!
Now that IS funny :lol:

God is so good and I am grateful that He and the brethren on this board are gracious! It does make it easier to grow and practice His Voice in a safe place:)

Bless you all!
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Post by naveah »

"Latin Kings" is a gang that uses yellow and black as colors....

Have you been interceeding about children or
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Post by galena »

well this was an interesting dream, with equally interesting interpretations! I enjoy reading so much of what is shared here. The only thing that came to my mind is that while growing up, during the Autumn when the weeds and over grown areas were dry (harvest/dry season) large spiders would spin large webs to catch prey. We often ran through these unawares while playing (yuck!) and of course ended up with black and yellow (just as you describe) spiders on our backs. We called them bananna spiders. Why were they called this? not sure, except for the yellow color. Could it be your mind is using this name for a common spider to work out something the Holy Spirit is trying to communicate to you?

I am greatly influenced by scripture the Holy Spirit Rhema's to someone about something... in which case I found the verse the person above mentioned:
Prov 26:2
2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.

I think this is the verse they were quoting.
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Post by noemi818 »

Thank you all for your replies!!
It has been a great help and I have been praying about what God could be revealing to me.

Only For Him: First I want to thank you for taking the time out to send a responce. After reading your message I could see that the Holy Spirit lead you in everything you wrote. I makes sense now...there is just so much happening in our church right now and how you intep. the dream just hit home.
I am a leader in our church and well we have our own area in which me and another leader have been feeling that something is just not right. I have been praying that God help me get through this because I don't like the way I am feeling right now. I know that there are people in leadership position that are not really following Christ with all their heart.

I started praying that God give me the gift to interp. dreams...I know that He speaks to us through them and would love to know what they meant a lot of the times. God Bless!

Reb Mel: Funny...Ha..Ha...the banana representing people who are nuts...could be. Sometimes I feel just that way!

Anonited10: Yep..you could be right...I believe when my father gave his life to Christ the curse was broken!

Discering: You know...that could be right...feeding on the flesh...maybe it could be they are feeding the flesh for these people to be walking in the flesh.

Will write back....God Bless!!!
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Post by Sherri »

It was as if each spiders was at the end of my waist and in the middle of both of them was this web in the shape of a chain, like they were working together..united to make this chain.
This part of the dream is what stood out to me. Unless I'm misunderstanding the way you described it, this sounds like a belt to me. The Belt of Truth is what we're suppose to be wearing, and so I think the opposite would be deception.